WHO Pushes Mass Vaccinations Due to ‘Climate Change-Related Diseases’

The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on global governments to introduce mass vaccination programs to cope with an influx of diseases that the United Nations health agency claims are caused by mosquitoes migrating because of “climate change.”

Mass vaccinations will soon be required to deal with the effects of climate change including the threat of diseases spread by mosquitoes migrating to new regions, according to the WHO.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, made the disturbing comments at a recent press conference while sitting next to WHO chief Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus.

“A lot of this is also about other uses of tools that exist in instances where we have interventions like medical interventions, therapeutics, or vaccines depending on the pathogen,” she said.

“We need to be able to prepare for that.”

Van Kerkhove further said that countries need to “look at how the changes in climate change and the dynamics of spillover and amplification are changing — and prepare for that.”

As for Ghebreyesus, he said that COVID-19 is no longer an emergency but its risk is still high.

He also complained that many countries are no longer reporting their COVID data to the WHO.

In the past month, only 25% of countries and territories have reported COVID-19 deaths to the WHO, according to Ghebreyesus.

“And only 11% have reported hospitalizations and ICU admissions,” he said.

“This doesn’t mean other countries don’t have deaths or hospitalizations — it means they’re not reporting them to WHO.”

Ghebreyesus asked for countries to start reporting data to his organization again.

“The virus continues to circulate in all countries, continues to kill, and it continues to change,” he warned.

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In June, the WHO partnered with the European Union to create a globalized digital vaccine passport system for future pandemics.

At the time, Ghebreyesus said climate change, deforestation, and urbanization would worsen future pandemics unless countries take “concerted and coordinated action as one global community.”

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Is megalomania a ‘Climate Change-Related Disease?

1 year ago

the world is coming to an end! Mosquitoes are everywhere – killing, maiming, oh the horror! We have no food, transportation, jobs, religion, schools, no families, just jabs – oh wait ~ I was dreaming…

or was I?

1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

No PK, you are Not dreaming as these ego maniacs want to Control the Whole World with their ‘Hoax, Climate change(aka, Global Warming crap that has BEEN disproved, so changing the name to CC, they Think will go down better. They want the Corrupt U.N. to be in charge of America’s Health, for Citizens to be FORCED to take MORE “Suicide Shots” as like Gates, this dope believes in “DEPOPULATION”…..(they need to Kill Off MORE than they did last time-)

1 year ago

Vaccinations for mosquitoes?! WOW! Vaccinations are jabs that last 10 years to indefinitely …..Shots are jabs that last a few months….
I am surprised WHO chose vaccinations over shots. More money for Pharm companies to use shots over vaccinations.

1 year ago

ANYONE who listens to the WHO is beyond “recovery”. They’re doing nothing but harm and linked to the DEW used on Maui. Timne to expose and stop these monsters.

1 year ago

Thanks, joe, for bringing all this disease and pestilence to the US.

1 year ago

Before you a-holes continue telling us what harm climate change is responsible for, prove climate change even exists as a detriment and how exactly it’s doing such damage giving you fodder for your felonious destruction of the world as we knew it. Blaming people for living as the cause – how about instead you take a close look at all the contributing factors that have been documented over the decades? Start with acknowledging capitalistic countries contribute most to the destruction of the planet and go from there.

1 year ago

Sorry, but the Communist Director of WHO, ‘that Lied for Xi’ and the DELIBERATE CCP Virus, “ONCE AGAIN, IS GOING TO THE WELL, WITH THIS LATEST ‘HOAX, HE IS PUSHING???’ Someone please tell this Dope, that “You tried this bull chite, ONCE before and NO ONE is BUYING YOUR LIES SO QUIT ‘PUSHING THE WEF/NWO AGENDA OF EGO MANIACS!

1 year ago

They just can’t help themselves but to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

1 year ago

Because THEY know that WE know,THEY are FREAKING OUT!!

1 year ago

Defund The WHO This is mass murder. These are Bill Gates GMO mosquitoes spreading disease. The vaccinations are to finish you off.

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