WHO Demands Meat Consumption Ban to ‘Prevent Next Pandemic’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned global governments that the “next pandemic” will be caused by public meat consumption.

The WHO is demanding that the public be banned from consuming animal products in order to “prevent the next pandemic.”

According to the WHO, the meat supply must be regulated to price animal products out of reach for ordinary people, with blanket bans on many products.

This disturbing new globalist narrative comes amid an escalating war against agriculture and livestock farming over claims that producing meat and dairy products contributes to the so-called “climate crisis.”

Now the WHO, which receives the majority of its funding from Bill Gates, is targeting the meat industry with the latest proven fear tactic – the alleged risk of another freedom-robbing pandemic.

This new fearmongering idea is now being pushed like never before under One Health.

One Health is a global agenda that gives sweeping powers to unelected bureaucrats at the WHO.

The plan will allow the WHO to centralize power and make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations, healthcare, and much more, for the entire world, overriding the rights of citizens and the laws of sovereign nations.

To that end, a report from the Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School and the Center for Environmental & Animal Protection at New York University now predicts that the next pandemic is likely to emerge from the U.S. meat supply.

Additionally, they warn that the fur trade, petting zoos, and pets all create similar risks.

It basically reviews all the different areas of life and commerce that involve animal and human contact, however brief or rare, and the subsequent hypothetical zoonotic transmission chains.

Unsurprisingly, One Health documents are repeatedly referenced in this report.

Overall, the One Health agenda essentially demonizes the meat and dairy industry and the consumption of food products from animals.

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The plan calls for minimizing or eliminating certain animal-human contact, sterilizing areas where animals are kept or butchered, and/or increasing the use of antibiotics and vaccines in animals across the board. It also calls for massively increased biosurveillance and testing.

The One Health agenda effectively suggests that contact with animals and meat products creates a high risk.

In contrast, the report in question primarily focuses on legislative and regulatory actions to curtail zoonotic disease.

The suggestions include the potential banning of certain animal practices that “present great risk but relatively little value, economic or otherwise.”

The warnings in the report read like they were prepared to be used to justify the transition to synthetic lab-grown “meat” promoted by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

In recent years, the lab-grown “meat” industry has been pushing the narrative that their cell-based lab-concoctions are the answer to today’s environmental woes, and that includes the threat of zoonotic disease transmission, as lab-grown “meat” is grown in supposedly highly hygienic and sterile conditions.

The main marketing pitch for the emerging lab-grown meat industry is that it helps “fight climate change” by reducing the emissions from traditional farming.

However, a recent study found that lab-grown meat is actually 25 times worse for the environment than traditional beef production.

By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

I’m vegan, and that’s my choice, but I strongly resent this nutty crew that have taken over trying to dictate what people eat, do and think. All this made up climate change scam, messing with what people eat, is just a step toward controlling everyone. Everyone should be free to eat the way they choose.

9 months ago
Reply to  Leanna


Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  Leanna

The trouble with your thinking is it’s way too sensible.

9 months ago

These elite freaks have given themselves power over all citizens. If they think we will just accept their “orders”, they are amazingly ignorant and deserves everything they will receive from their victims..you and me!
If Bill Gates is truly the major funder of these groups, he along with his cohorts need to be made to lose everything they own and suffer the harshest personal consequences possible. Make their lives untenable after massive lawsuits and prison for life. The world will be a better place without them. Make them powerless!

9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

DOUBLE BINGO! All True and I agree 100%….Gates is the “Depopulation Ego Maniac, who wants HIS new company of “Fake Meats, that is likely ‘laced with some kind of vaxxes that he used to Kill Africans years ago, and now wants to do it Again, with his Flu Vaxxes…This nutcase needs to be charged with “Crimes Against Humanity”….along w/his pal Dir. of WHO, that Lied for the CCP Deliberate Virus that Killed MILLIONS…Hang them Both as examples of ‘What NOT TO Say/Do….No One elected these nuts!

9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

The Elite and kiss my butt !

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

“If they think we will just accept their “orders”, they are amazingly ignorant”

But the majority did accept their orders for the last three years under a ‘pandemic’. Ask most people who the WEF are and they haven’t got a clue.

Louis Butler
Louis Butler
9 months ago

And the who can kiss my lilly white ass

9 months ago

It would be nice if you cited a source/link so that I could use the information to have a discussion with my congressional representatives.

9 months ago

It might cause a pandemic because these @ssholes are injecting the meat supply with the mrna crap.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jack

Your post IS correct…Gates is pushing All this, and his Globalist/Elitists Pals all go along with this scheme of “depopulation”….they Only want their fellow RULING CLASS to Live….Not peons they deem all others!

9 months ago

Stay out of our eating habits ! It’s NONE of your business what I eat , where I eat and how I eat ! Worry about anything but that !

9 months ago

I just want to know when the level of insanity will finally be reached and the people of the world will turn on these few lunatics and rid the world of them once and for all.

9 months ago
Reply to  Leslie

I’m ready now ! Lock the scum up and throw away the key !

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  Leslie

At the age of nearly 70 I don’t have much skin left in the game, but I’ve been asking the same question.

9 months ago

I think we need to demand the elimination of the WEF, the WHO and even the UN to save humanity. These elitist, unelected communists need to be tried for crimes against humanity and incarcerated. That includes Bill Gates who has killed or maimed tens of thousands with his experimental vaccines. Now he buys up farmland to deprive the populations of food, and wants us to eat his fake poison meat. The WHO conspired with the CCP to delay disclosure of the Covid virus, which the CCP developed and let spread. Then the poison vaccines killed or disabled hundres of thousands. They need to be on trial.

And the US needs to exit and defund the WHO, not sign on to the totalitarian mandates of the so-called amnedment, which puts the US funding worldwide health care.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rosie46

I agree ! Arrest these scumbags and lock them away from the populous !

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  Rosie46

I did read your Republican party is putting a bill forward to defund them. I hope they get it passed and other Western nations follow suit.

9 months ago

Unelected WHO/WEF demands mean nothing. Nuke Davos!

9 months ago

It is a conflict of interest from Bill Gates to be suggesting that people shouldn’t eat normal animal meat,, but instead eat lab created meat since he has invested quite a sum of money in lab created meat. He is already making millions pushing the Covid shots as a preventive for Covid. Now he is pushing both shots and lab created meat, both of which line his pockets. Does anyone else find this a conflict of interest as the head of the Wiorld Health OrgNization?

9 months ago

Well, I was mistaken about Bill Gates being the head of WHO, but nonetheless he I a major donated so it is still a conflict of interest for him to influence people to eat his lab created meat or to push his shots

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