WHO Demands ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ Jailed Before ‘Next Pandemic’

The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on governments and law enforcement around the world to begin jailing “anti-vaxxers” to stop the spread of “disinformation” before the “next pandemic” is rolled out globally.

After failing to pass the “WHO Pandemic Treaty” and after failing to get his way with global vaccine passports, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus went on another tirade about combating anti-vaxxers and their “misinformation/disinformation.”

Dr. Tedros delivered a laughable address at the UN’s Summit 2024, saying the “science is on our side” and that we should get “aggressive” against “anti-vaxxers.”

At the summit, he highlighted the “persistent threat of online misinformation and disinformation in public health.”

In his speech, he called for collaborative efforts with tech companies and other partners to combat the spread of unwelcome information, which he described as a critical barrier to effective health communication.

He did not take responsibility for WHO’s harmful narratives that led governments around the world to take totalitarian actions that harmed millions of lives.

Dr. Tedros emphasized that social media platforms, despite carrying out WHO’s narratives during the COVID-19 scandal, have become a vector for “deadly misinformation.”

He argued that “misinformation” contributes to widespread skepticism about vaccines and other medical treatments.

Tedros painted a grim picture, linking misinformation not only to public health challenges but also to rising stigma, discrimination, and violence against health workers and marginalized groups.

He didn’t once take responsibility for the segregation, discrimination, and division he inflicted across society, as the WHO pushed for vaccine passports and other acts of medical fraud.

Tedros continued by demonizing those who chose not to vaccinate, arguing that they are responsible for all of the deaths that occur after the injections are rolled out to the public.

“The misinformation surrounding the pandemic, lockdowns, and health measures is almost as deadly as the virus itself,” Tedros stated, reiterating a sentiment shared by various political leaders and health officials over the past few years.

He stressed that the consequences of this misinformation can lead to real harm, asserting that “disinformation is deadly.”

Not once did he admit to WHO’s shortcomings, how their forceful narratives and censorship policies misled people and got them injured and killed by needless, harmful vaccines.

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In response to this alleged crisis of “vaccine misinformation,” Dr. Tedros proposed a solution: Governments, social media companies, and law enforcement must work with WHO’s experts to regulate and demote content that they deem is harmful.

Those who question the official narratives on vaccines must be removed from society to prevent them from sharing their “dangerous” views with others, Tedros declared.

He claims that this content moderation can be done in a way that protects public discourse while ensuring that accurate health information (the WHO’s narratives) prevails.

In other words, public discourse is only allowed if it agrees with WHO’s narratives and the “elite body of experts” who have already destroyed the public’s trust.

Those who disagree must be jailed, Tedros demanded.

“Trust in the WHO must be reinforced,” he urged, advocating for stronger measures to curtail the spread of what he termed “harmful lies.”

However, governments have already implemented extensive content moderation policies, often in alignment with WHO guidelines.

This global censorship led to the removal of truthful content and important context that was not only accurate but also could have saved millions of lives, had the truth not been suppressed.

The COVID vaccines turned out to be the most dangerous of any vaccine ever peddled to the public, and the WHO cannot simply censor this truth out of the public discourse, with so many lives destroyed over these vaccines and the mandates that accompanied them.

The WHO’s ongoing negotiations surrounding the controversial Pandemic Treaty were also a focal point in Tedros’s remarks.

He warned that misinformation undermines these discussions, fueling fears that the treaty could centralize pandemic decision-making, potentially eroding national sovereignty.

In other words, Tedros cannot accept that member nations no longer accept his policies of oppression, medical tyranny, and mass murder.

Regardless, free speech is at stake right now, as global government bodies try to control the internet and force lies onto populations.

Tedro’s plea for a concerted government effort against “misinformation” is chilling.

The WHO’s lockdown push, testing programs, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports have proven to be a disaster of medical fraud and mass iatrogenic error.

Tedros and his contacts should be taken seriously, not as a credible source of information, but as a threat to individual rights, and a threat to the progression of rational thought and the realization of truth.

By Hunter Fielding
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21 hours ago

We aren’t “anti-vaxxers”. We are anti-experimental gene therapies that come with tragic side effects which are censored by globalist tyrants but are still pushed by these groups who are trying to control every aspect of our lives through their tyrannical agenda, and appear wanting to sicken and kill all of us. “Safe and effective”? “Follow the science”? “We are the science”? No. You are evil.

18 hours ago
Reply to  avlisk

The intent is to kill ONLY the humans the globalists don’t need. Some are to be spared to serve the Masters.

18 hours ago

Rememer that saying- “Thte Government want you disarmed because they want to do things that you would shoot them for”

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
16 hours ago

My gracious is he mixed up! It’s not only irrational, but impossible, for we who rejected those shots to be responsible for the deaths subsequent to the shot push! We carry neither the disease nor the spikes responsible for those deaths. The only “science” on his side is that for which he has paid! Genuine investigative science is not; cannot be. The mis- and dis- information all came out of leftist / globalist mouths, not those opposing the mandated shots.
Yes tens, if not hundreds, of thousands have died, are dying, or yet will die, because of those deadly shots,and all those pushing them on US. But not 1 has died because I refused those shots, nor because anyone else did. That’s the lie in this article… to claim we have somehow killed anyone by refusing an experimental gene therapy for which we had no need, and saw as dangerous to our own health and well being! Only those who took the shots were a threat to others, by passing along their shed spikes.

11 hours ago

Why hasn’t anyone arrested these genocidal maniacs, it’s gone on long enough.

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