WEF: ‘Water Crisis’ Will Strip Billions of Their Freedom

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has unveiled the “next crisis” that will strip billions of citizens around the globe of their freedoms.

The WEF has revealed that a “water crisis” is among the “coming attractions” that will advance the unelected organization’s “global governance.”

WEF “agenda contributor” Mariana Mazzucato, who helps to plot the agenda for the unelected body of globalist elites, admitted during a panel discussion that “climate change” is “too abstract” for people to understand.

But the coming “water crisis” is something that will deeply impact everyone and will be impossible to ignore.

“That’s also of course true with Covid, right?” she said during the WEF panel.

“We are all only as healthy as our neighbor is on our street and our city and our region, and our nation and globally,” she claimed.

“Did we solve that?” she asked rhetorically.

“Did we actually manage to vaccinate everyone in the world? No.

“So highlighting water as a global commons and what it means to work together and see it both out of that kind of global comments perspective, but also the self-interest perspective, it does have that parallel.”

“It’s not only important, but it’s also important because we haven’t managed to solve those problems, which had similar attributes,” she continued.

“And water is something that people understand.

“Climate change is a bit abstract.

“Some people understand it really well, some understand it a bit.

“Some just don’t understand it.”

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“Water, every kid knows how important it’s to have water,” she continued.

“When you’re playing football and you’re thirsty, you need water.

“So there’s also something about really getting citizen engagement around this and really in some ways experimenting with this notion of the common good.

“Can we actually deliver this time in ways that we have failed miserably?

“Other times, and hopefully we won’t keep failing on the other things, but anyway.”


This is a clear signal that WEF globalists are continuing to seek more immediate levers in order to manipulate human behavior.

Water, a necessary sustenance for human life, is the most basic button that these elitists can press in order to get them to conform to their nefarious socialist agenda.

The World Economic Forum, for its part, expands on the “water crisis” on its official website.

  • Water-related crises around the world show that current systems of water management are unsuited for a world altered by global warming
  • Water-use restrictions, power cuts and other stopgap measures are no longer fit for purpose
  • The task now is to understand the links between water, climate change and biodiversity loss, and to properly govern water as a global common good
  • The world needs to clearly define its plans, as this will help governments steer innovation and knowhow towards meeting critical goals

“The floods, droughts, heatwaves, and fires that are devastating many parts of the world underscore two fundamental facts,” the WEF added.

“First, damage to freshwater supplies is increasingly straining human societies, especially the poor, with far-reaching implications for economic, social, and political stability.

“Second, the combined impact of today’s extreme conditions are unprecedented in human history, and are overwhelming policymakers’ ability to respond.”

As usual, the World Economic Forum seeks to exploit the alleged “water crisis” to push for international socialist policies.

“In tackling these global challenges, we must hardwire the principles of equity and justice into whatever new arrangements we devise,” the WEF states.

“No community can thrive without a reliable supply of clean water. But safeguarding this global common good requires new policies and systems.”

Public health statistics show that 99% fewer people are dying from natural disasters than one hundred years ago.

By Hunter Fielding
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Major Kong
Major Kong
1 year ago

When are the people of the world going to take down the 1% that are trying to control the other 99% on how they can and can’t live? Screw the WEF, NATO, WHO and so on…People better around the world better get up off their dead asses to fight back at the 1% who want to take control of the 99%…Did the people of the world elect these 1%? No!!!

1 year ago

No one is buying the climate change hoax, Miami isn’t underwater like Al Gore promised. But water shortages, that’s something the tyrants can control. Shut it off at the tap. Drive food prices through the roof until we eat bugs.

1 year ago

Klaus vants a nuzzer vun.

1 year ago

It doesn’t get any more EVIL or satanic than this folks. Demons on steroids bent on killing Gods innocent. LOXISM = GENOCIDE!

1 year ago

As opposed to the FAKE VAXX killing millions?

Elmer Fudd
Elmer Fudd
1 year ago

EVERY member of the WEF SHOULD be hunted like the rabid dogs that they ARE…

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