WEF Plotting to Unleash ‘Disease X’ to Force WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’

A world-renowned scientist has blown the whistle to warn the public that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is plotting to unleash “Disease X” in order to force governments to sign the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “Pandemic Treaty.”

Experts are warning that “Disease X” would be “20 times worse than Covid” and would wipe out large swathes of the human population in order to meet the globalists’ objectives.

The WEF’s annual meeting starts next week in Davos where they’ll give center stage to their unelected health counterparts to warn about a non-existent virus that they claim could be twenty times worse than COVID.

The WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus will share the stage on January 17 with WEF Executive Committee member, Shyam Bishen, at a forum titled “Preparing for Disease X.”

According to the event description, “There are fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown ‘Disease X’ could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

“What novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?” the description asks.

The WEF has been a proponent of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, with the goal of obtaining a “legally binding agreement” between the United Nations “health” agency’s 194 member countries, including the United States.

However, leading expert Dr. Peter McCullough has blown the whistle to alert the public that “Disease X” is part of the “business plan” of Bill Gates, the WEF, and the WHO.

The WEF and WHO have both downplayed the concerns of citizens and politicians who note that the Pandemic Treaty would result in countries ceding power to unelected Non-Governmental Organizations.

The WHO claims that governments are leading the negotiations and are free to reject the accord.

However, the 2024 Davos meetings are an attempt to have them do just the opposite.

The WHO has been calling for member states, including Canada, to finalize their pandemic treaty — and pitch in more money for “when the next pandemic strikes.”

The WHO recently partnered with the European Union to create a globalized digital vaccine passport system for future pandemics.

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The development happened within a year after the White House, on behalf of all G20 countries, declared support for the WHO to facilitate universal vaccine passports.

Failure to comply could result in sanctions

Ghebreyesus has previously denied that a Pandemic Treaty would force countries to comply with its regulations, but he’s also threatened sanctions for countries that don’t do so.

The WEF has also stated that it’s “not yet clear what happens if the measures are not followed.”

In December 2023, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico vehemently denounced the WHO, calling it a Big Pharma creation that seeks to control governments.

Once signed, individual countries will surrender the powers of their sovereign nations to the WHO and the WEF.

The move will ultimately position the United Nations as the unelected single global government.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

I wanted to be the first to comment, but I changed my mind.

1 year ago

Hey Why don’t you invent a vaccine that does nothing but kill the people who take it, now theres a novel idea!

The funny part id 50% of the Stupid population will still take it!!! They will be lining up at walmarts & walgreens.

1 year ago

This sure sounds like a CONSPIRACY to commit MASS-MURDER to me! The FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys when they were suspected of conspiracy. This is so much bigger in scope, yet our government’s reaction is to send John Kerry to JOIN UP and participate in the genocide! Obviously, our infiltrated government is ALL IN! So, how do we protect ourselves, and our nation, from TRAITORS at the highest level? How do we stop or counter the plans of a few megalomaniacs? And, every nation on earth is expected to obey, or face “sanctions!?!” Sanctions from an unelected think-tank is ludicrous! Why are so many governments joining this freak-show? This is very obviously a move to “Rule the World!” Will we just stand by and watch? When THIS vaccine becomes mandatory worldwide, how will Patriots respond? What will you do? Personally, I think the world’s people should be proactive! In the US, government “leaders” should be arrested for Treason if they sell our national sovereignty to this group of monsters! And, we should warn them in advance…we shouldn’t even be participating in this global CONSPIRACY! What happened to government FOR THE PEOPLE? We’re being railroaded…eliminated by the Communists pretending to be Americans!

1 year ago
Reply to  ;^)

The treaty/amendment commits the U.S. to provide U.S. level healthcare to ALL countries that do not have it. So they sign up. Members of the German government are speaking out against this tyrannical takeover. And, yes it is mass genocide to get to the communist-controlled WEF and Bill Gates 75% reduction in world population so the WEF, UN and communist WHO can control. This is also the purpose of the climate crisis – lockdown and control – at the order of the WHO. And the dictator in the WH wants this. It will give YS sovereignty to the WHO. This should be NO and go before our Congress as it is a new treaty, not an amendment. It is treason to sign this.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  ;^)

“But (Yhwh) God…!”. You are forgetting Who is truly in control, and allowing this for His purposes, based on the choices the majority of humanity have been making for, literally, centuries. There is a price to be paid for all those choices, and that ” bill” is being presented now! How the individuals choose is what matters now, from the individuals making these decisions to the rest of humanity on the streets of the world. We, humanity as an whole, have passed the point of turning back Yhwh God’s wrath now; His plan will unfold as prophesied, Satan will have his time to run riot over all the world, limited though it is, and then Yhwh God WILL step in and put an end to it, also as prophesied, and take His rightful rule over His creation back. “As for me and my house,we will stand with the Lord”, as Joshua did, millennia past, when he uttered those words. The choice belongs to each of you now: with whom will you stand?

CA Rebel
CA Rebel
1 year ago

Trans crazy think they “gods” , over bugs. Nothing else will listen to crazy foreign terrorists.

1 year ago

With so many recent elections around the world turning to more conservative style governments, is it ANY wonder – with about 70 countries worldwide facing elections this year – that they’re scrambling for a ‘new disease’ to spread so they can possibly shutdown elections in ‘chosen countries’ by imposing lockdowns, and such ? It’s not only the definition of evil but it’s the absolute opposite of democracy in any real, thinking person’s mind !!!.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElaineRayner

Are they scrambling or is this all part of the plan they have been working on for about 70 years?

1 year ago
Reply to  caught

Part of the plan. All of it. There are no proven viruses. Therefore one can’t create a virus when one has never found one. Check out viroLIEgy.com. No Covid, fake Covid was created for the vaccine and to have a reason to gain more control. The vax was not created for Covid.

1 year ago
Reply to  caught

Yes, the plan, but scrambling because there is more and more pushback.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  caught

Closer to 475 yrs now… It started long before any of us was born.

1 year ago

The WEF leaders and those participating in this genocide should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. They are unelected, elitist, self-appointed psychopaths , gates included, who want control of all the money, resources and people in the world, so will kill off 75% to accomplish that. They need to be stopped before they unleash a new pandemic and bioweapon vaccine.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosie46

Should, rightly, be, but won’t. Not until the return of Jesus Christ restored rule of law to this Earth.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago

More panic porn and threats! This is all about CONTROL, not our welfare in any sense of that term!

1 year ago

time to arrest those terrorists.

1 year ago

Just the fact that Putin hasn’t bombed their psycho WEF meetings in Davos and turned it into rubble including all the psychos at the meeting tells me he works for them. What other threat is greater than these demons meeting to conspire to poison everyone in the world?

1 year ago


1 year ago

The plans for this world wide coup have been in the works for many years (Henry Kissinger was one of the founders in the 1970’s). The intention ultimately is to change the human race into a trans version of itself, which is why these deadly shots (mRNA) begin that process of transhumanization. Our species cannot continue in the direction in which it is going, as, left to our own devices, we have failed miserably. The answer from other dimensional controllers is to change humans into something less destructive and more controllable. That said, I am not in favor and I do resist, but I also see the big picture.

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