WEF Plans to Bankrupt 30,000 Farmers, Trigger Global Famine

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the globalist organization’s allies are plotting to bankrupt 30,000 farmers in an effort to trigger global famine and seize control of the food supply.

As so-called WEF “experts” such as Bill Gates continue to push the anti-carbon and anti-nitrogen agenda, which is essentially anti-human, the actual science is often overlooked.

It’s important to understand nitrogen and its role on Earth.

The air human beings breathe is 78% nitrogen, 22% oxygen, and 1% other stuff.

Humans have been breathing nitrogen throughout their existence on Earth. Most nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere is N2 molecules, which are mostly inert (chemically non-reactive).

Nitrogen oxides, such as ammonia (NH3) and nitric oxide (NO) are the “bad” nitrogens that climate change people say will kill us all. But not having food will kill us all much quicker.

Nitrogen oxides are facts of life on Earth. Nitrous oxide (N2O), aka “laughing gas” and “whippets,” is the third-most abundant nitrogen oxide in the air, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Natural sources of N2O, including the oceans and ground soil under natural vegetation, account for 62% of all N2O.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO) are the two most prevalent nitrogen oxides.

Most NO2 comes from tobacco smoke, stoves, and heaters.

The primary sources of NO are fossil fuel combustion and adding fertilizers to soil.

It’s true that the largest human contribution of nitrogen oxides is agriculture.

But a 2017 study by the University of Virginia and The Organic Center found that organic farming (i.e. using manure and compost for fertilizer and no chemical pesticides) reduces new reactive nitrogen emissions by 64% versus “conventional” farming.

Yet less than 1% of U.S. farmland and only 4% of Dutch farmland is certified organic.

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Meanwhile giant corporations – Monsanto/BASF, DuPont/Dow, and Syngenta/ChemChina – make all those poisonous pesticides and own all seeds planted for foods via patents. These three companies control the entire global farming industry.

If nitrogen oxide emissions were genuinely a global concern, the powers-that-be (TPTB) could simply shut down the foregoing companies and invest in organic farming. But we all know genuine concern for humanity is not, never has been, and never will be a priority for these people.

The World Economic Forum is promoting yet another “bug chef.”

Joseph Yoon is the founder of Brooklyn Bugs in New York. He travels the country, cooks bugs, caterpillars, etc., and eats them in front of people.

Yoon has been in business since 2017.

But Klaus Schwab and his allies recently endorsed him as part of The Great Reset agenda of “you’ll eat bugs and like it.”

In order for the bug agenda to work, people must be desperately hungry and still have a will to live.

TPTB not only must condition people into believing bugs are food, but also engineer global famine that will force people to comply for sheer survival.

Bill Gates is one of the chief engineers. He currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland in the United States.

He purchased another 2,100 acres in North Dakota in June.

The goal is to buy the land and leave it fallow as part of this planned global famine that we predicted would kill one billion people between now and the end of 2024.

People will choose between eating bugs or starving to death.

The Netherlands, a small country with only 18 million people, is vital to this genocidal agenda.

Christianne van der Wal is the “Dutch Minister for Nitrogen and Nature Policy” (yes, that’s a real position in government). She and Prime Minister (and World Economic Forum member) Mark Rutte conjured a fake crisis that calls for “cutting nitrogen emissions” by up to 70% by 2030.

Granted the European Union reportedly had some sort of nitrogen emission mitigation plans in place since the 1970s.

But nothing has really been done to address it since that time.

The current Dutch plan includes killing off 30% of the country’s livestock, which would put 30,000 farmers out of business and dramatically reduce meat supplies in Europe and beyond.

The remaining farmers would be forced to cut nitrogen emissions by upwards of 95%, which would put them out of business too.

The Netherlands is the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world after the United States. It is the largest meat exporter in the European Union. Dutch farmers have been protesting almost non-stop since June. But mainstream media are barely covering it.

Farmers have blocked highways with their tractors and by spreading cow manure and bales of hay across the roadways. Incredible photos like the following have been circulating online all summer.

The protests are reminiscent of the truckers convoy in Canada earlier this year.

But TPTB are not going to allow protesters to interfere with their goals.

Like the Aussies prior to 2020, the Dutch are not accustomed to violent police thugs attacking them, as is modus operandi in the United States. It started during COVID lockdown protests in late 2021 and early 2022…

…and is getting worse during the farmers’ protests.

Cops rarely fire guns in the Netherlands. But they opened fire on a 16-year-old kid who was peacefully sitting in a tractor in early July.

The goal is to scare the farmers and their supporters into compliance and obedience.

Christianne van der Wal is married to Piet van der Wal, the son of Okke van der Walwho passed away in 2019.

Okke was one of the richest 500 people in the Netherlands, with most of said wealth coming from Boni supermarkets.

The company has 44 stores across the Netherlands and a distribution center in Nijkerk.

Bouke van der Wal, Piet’s brother, is technically listed as the owner of Boni now. But it’s the family business.

Picnic is a Dutch online supermarket with 70 delivery hubs and 10 distribution centers in the Netherlands, Germany, and France.

The company was founded in 2015 by five rich families, including the van der Wal’s.

Picnic solely fulfills online orders and delivery.

Customers cannot walk into a store and buy anything.

The controversy started in September 2021 when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation essentially purchased the entire company for  €600 million, which was about $707 million at the time. Further, Picnic buys all of its groceries from Boni supermarkets.

These egregious conflicts of interest do not matter.

“Nitrogen minister” Christianne created a policy to destroy the agricultural sector in the Netherlands, which exported over €104 billion in goods last year.

Once said sector is gone, millions of Europeans will be forced to buy all of their groceries from Picnic/Boni, which substantially benefits the van der Wal family.

And with Bill Gates in charge, that means a lot of insect-based and lab-created foods on the menu.

The Dutch know and understand what’s happening.

Two Picnic distribution centers have been burned to the ground since December.

In 2021, TPTB was also still using the term “breakthrough cases,” meaning so-called COVID-19 cases despite being injected.

Fourteen months later, we rarely write stories about just one victim because it no longer does justice in articulating the genocide.

And the breakthrough narrative has long been eliminated since nearly all so-called COVID-19 cases now are vaxxed people.

The Deagel website “predicted” in 2013 that the United States would lose 70% of its population by 2025.

However, the site removed those predictions sometime in late 2020 or early 2021.

It’s only available in the archives now.

Further, Deagel was mentioned in an email published by Wikileaks in 2012 from a Texas company called Stratfor. It does “global intelligence” for the aforementioned Dow, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and other government military contractors.

Deductive reasoning leads to the conclusion that Deagel.com is controlled revelations by TPTB.

That all said, you don’t need anonymous websites to know genocide is happening, particularly when you’ve been covering it from the very beginning.

Many knew a lot of people were going to die from the vaccine genocide.

But it wasn’t until January 2022, when the magnitude of this genocide became crystal clear.

Attacks on the global food supply are near-daily occurrences, as is “you’ll eat bugs and like it” propaganda.

The Netherlands is one of the world’s largest producers of food.

This time next year, that will no longer be the case.

And whether via post-injection deaths or famine, billions will die by then as well.

Now is the time to switch totally to eating nothing but whole foods (grains, vegetables, meat, etc.) for mitigation purposes.

All processed foods are now suspect.

We have no idea what they are putting in that stuff.

And it’s absolutely nauseating not knowing if you may have just swallowed ground up crickets, maggots or grasshoppers.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

When will America wake up and throw Gates, Kerry, and others who are committing fraud and sedition against America?! I guess the majority of congress falls in that category also.

10 months ago
Reply to  Traveler9546

What we need are some well trained Ninjas to work silently during the night.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  Traveler9546

Toss in the bulk of the bureaucracy too, as they create all those pesky regulations. It’s not just a few hundred, but multiple thousands ultimately, and that’s just the ones in the US, but as this is global, multiply it by the number of nations,which all have complicit gov’ts.

Laura ann
Laura ann
10 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

These farmers who want to keep their farms need to grow spines and not comply to gov. regs/ tell them to take a hike.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  Laura ann

They need to do like the Dutch farmers, and band together! It’s harder to break a bunch, than an individual!

Paul Hindenburg
Paul Hindenburg
9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

To quote a founding father of our Republic ” We must all hang together for surely we will all hang separately” Benjamin Franklin.
Or “The tree of liberty must on occasion be watered with the blood of patriots and traitors” Thomas Jefferson.
Face it people we are in a war for the very survival of your children, grand children, wives, loved ones. What are you going t do when your daughter or granddaughter says she is hungry and is crying from hunger and there is no food because these POS want you dead so they can lord it over the few survivors to wait on them.?
I recently saw a chart,as many of you might have also who showed many of our so called politicos that are members of the WEF.There was Merkel, Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, Gates of course, Kerry, and the demon himself of Facebook fame, Zuckerberg.. Plus at least 100 others..
So we are in a fight for our very existence and up against powerful inhuman people who have no more regret to killing you or your children, than squashing a bug.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago

And you’re just now catching into this??? I read Revelation, the 1st time, decades ago, I read Agenda 21, and later 2030, when it came out. I read a number of articles from the Club of Rome. I have been aware of this, including it’s spiritual nature a long time! And I KNOW how it ends as well! It’s not time to panic, unless you aren’t on the correct side, which is that of Yhwh God.

Philip Metter
Philip Metter
10 months ago

Pretty difficult to believe. The Dutch are normally levelheaded and pragmatic. I got to know 4 Dutch sisters, one was my sister in law. Other than her, she was a medical lab technician, the 3 younger ones all had University degrees. I don’t believe the Dutch farmers, if you can call them that, would stand for that type of stupid nonsence.

Laura ann
Laura ann
10 months ago
Reply to  Philip Metter

Younger generation will comply to anything because they are dumbed down from public education. They are not taught real subjects (math, history, science, etc) and lack critical thinking skills, are nihilists same goes those in the E.U.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago

Did no one read the UN Agendas, or the Georgia Guidelines before they were destroyed??? All were available and crystal clear about the globalists’ intentions! What about all y’all who claim to be Christians? Did y’all not read Revelation? It’s also quite clear about the coming famines. I’m sorry, neither comes with pictures, just lots of words describing the situation. Or did y’all think everybody was just joking???
This should be NO surprise to anyone at all!

Laura ann
Laura ann
10 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Civil unrest, lawlessness ahead, possibly UN troops, martial law military using illegals to police Americans and kill off many owning guns. Most people today uninformed nihilists, preoccupied with social media, excessive texting, video games and sports. Churches lack Biblical purpose overall, became social centers and money pits 70+ yrs ago, pastors and priests bowing to the 501c3 gov. control from the hierarchy/ nat. association level down to seminarys and corp. churches sold out to gov. since 1954. I am finding out more are doing home church or online sermons @ sermonaudio.com like I have for years. Bickering over lgbtq and gay marrage has split many denominations in recent years. Majority of church leaders are on the broad way.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  Laura ann

You are correct; the sell out came circa 1933, ust about the same time FDR was inaugurated to ring in socialism.
I truly do not understand the “bickering over” homosexuals or others who pervert human sexuality, within churches! Yhwh God said it’s ALL sin, end of discussion. One cannot practice any of them, and belong to Jesus; that’s strictly an “or”, never an “and”. Those were not condemned out of capriciousness on the part of Yhwh, but because of the harm they all do, physically, psychologically, and spiritually to practitioners and those around them. Yhwh is not out to hurt us; He desires the best for us. But He also cautioned us to not rely on our “feelings” as the heart is deceitful above all things. Yet all those perversions of sexuality start with “feelings” then thoughts, before the acts. Why is there any question among those who profess to follow Jesus? If anything is “settled” it should be those questions.

Laura ann
Laura ann
10 months ago

Some of these farmers are older and Gate’s offer was enough to retire on and/or sons didn’t want to take over the farm. Other farmers must not comply to all these reg. and band together with other farmers. Communities must stand up for them.

10 months ago

Sometimes the satanic WEF plans, don’t turn out the way the want!?

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
10 months ago

We are going to have to back the farmers up or face starving. One way to do it is to simply IGNORE the uckfers up there and not enFARCE their stupidity on us.

IGNORE THEM and have the last laff.

9 months ago
Reply to  Asstro Buoy

and publicly mock them and all who support them

9 months ago

News Addicts – must you open with the FBI’s Most Wanted poster? Let’s think about this a minute – will eating bugs eliminate processing plants? Farming bugs? Packaging, transporting, stocking and selling the stuff with the remains thrown in the trash heap? How is this different from what’s already in place? I’m convinced we’re attempting to deal intelligently with the unintelligent, brain-dead neanderthals and leading that pack of mental midgets – is Gates – the biggest egotistical fanatical rapist and murderer on the planet, now besties with the one remaining Nazi. Cute pair, no?

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
9 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

I can think of a lot of four-letter expletives to describe Schwab, Nazi isn’t one of them. He was born in 1938 so was only 7yo when the war ended.

9 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

yes and the ‘nazi,s were never the problem, Germans were united and
all understood the threat posed by the jews and communism, the kat
makes a good point tho full page / half page wanted posters
feature four per poster
have multiple variants there are thousands or tens of thousands that
have to be removed plaster them all over the country, enter them as articles
to alt news web sites. they are calling for our extinction, its only right
we reply in kind. Make it a meme email them everywhere, i have,nt
thought were the money will come from, its a paltry amount should,nt
be to hard to find donors

Wormsfor YouKlausGates
Wormsfor YouKlausGates
9 months ago

it will get worse and worse because they’re losing so they have to do worse and worse in their minds to convince the masses – it’s a road to ruin for the planet and for them. they won’t be smiling when they have to answer for their crimes and no one will feel sorry for them at all then as they will have reaped what they have sown.

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