WEF Planning to Make Humans Allergic to Meat to ‘Fight Climate Crisis’

A World Economic Forum (WEF) official has revealed that the globalist organization is seeking to make humans fatally allergic to meat consumption in order to supposedly stop the alleged “climate crisis.”

The WEF insider boasted about plans to force humanity to stop eating meat and consuming resources and these plans are being rolled out now to fight so-called “global boiling.”

Under the WEF’s new plan, eating red meat will result in a person becoming violently ill or even dying.

This evil plot against humanity has been in the works for years, and now we are seeing the first signs play out before our very eyes.

The WEF has been calling for governments to genetically modify citizens so that they become “allergic to consuming meat,” as part of a plan to fight “global boiling.”

Make no mistake, the globalist elite have been carefully planning this attack on humanity for decades.

In 2016, Dr. Matthew Liao, a WEF bioethicist, called for human beings to be genetically engineered to become much smaller in size and completely meat-intolerant.

According to Liao, a virus can be engineered that would spread through the human race and all members of the public with deadly meat allergies.

The WEF bioethicist also argues that shrinking humans, through eugenics or hormones, would make people smaller and weaker, so we consume fewer resources.

Dr. Liao said engineering ticks to bite humans and make them intolerant to meat is, and I quote, “something we can do.”

Liao’s elitist proposals might sound absurd, like something from a science fiction novel, but globalist entities like the WEF and Gates Foundation take his philosophies very seriously.


But it gets worse.

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The globalist elite wants to make us sick, weak, and ill.

And now they are making their move.

And in typical WEF-style, they have left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.


Australia is often the testing ground for the globalist elite’s evil policies and plans, and it appears the country down under is at the forefront of the elite’s campaign against meat consumption.

Just as Dr. Liao said in 2016, ticks have been engineered to make humans intolerant to meat.

Last week the Australian media reported on an outbreak of the mysterious condition in the country, with ticks suddenly causing an intolerance to red meat.

This is the sorry state of affairs in a WEF-penetrated country.

Australia has fallen, and things will only get worse until the people reclaim the nation’s sovereignty.

But it’s not just Australia.

Cases are exploding in the United States as well.

Scientific American reported on August 7 that cases are on the rise in the US and doctors usually don’t know anything about it.

The bite of the lone star tick, now found in the U.S. South, Midwest, and mid-Atlantic, can trigger a dangerous allergy to red meat, dairy, gelatin, and even some life-saving medications.

Known as alpha-gal syndrome, nearly half a million Americans have suddenly developed an intolerance to red meat.

Exactly how Dr. Liao from the WEF said it would happen, way back in 2016.

The globalist elite at Davos have been showing us who they really are for decades and humanity has repeatedly given them a pass, refusing to believe that we are in a fight for our lives with a cabal of Satan-worshipping psychopaths who are determined to depopulate the earth.

We have all the evidence we need to haul these criminals before an international tribunal on crimes against humanity charges.

But first, humanity has to wake up and smell the coffee – before it’s too late.

14 American cities have signed a World Economic Forum treaty that legally compels them to ban meat, dairy, and private car ownership by the year 2030.

The WEF-infiltrated U.S. cities have formed a coalition called the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group” and together they have established a target to meet the WEF’s radical depopulation goals by the year 2030.

If you are wondering what that looks like in reality, the picture could not be more grim.

The C40 Cities have agreed that their residents will be forced to comply with the following list of unconstitutional rules:

  • “0 kg of meat consumption”
  • “0 kg of dairy consumption”
  • “3 new clothing items per person per year”
  • “0 private vehicles” owned
  • “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person”

The globalist plot to coerce humanity to eat alternative protein sources like insects, bugs, crickets, and Bill Gates’ synthetic lab-grown meat tissue has been carefully designed to destroy our health, rendering us weak and useless and impotent, just the way the elite want us.

Humans are set to become walking parasites if the global elite get their way and everybody gives up meat. Scientific research reveals these insects contain the perfect “armor” that parasites and pathogens use to infect humans and animals and spread disease inside them.

A 2019 study titled A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals found that consuming insects poses severe health risks to humans due to the transmission of parasitic diseases. From the study:

Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans. Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.

Other studies focused on chitin – a natural structural component found in insects’ exoskeletons.

A 2007 study published in a peer-reviewed Nature journal concluded that chitin causes an allergic reaction in humans.

Maybe that’s our bodies’ way of telling us that we shouldn’t eat the exoskeleton of insects.

In response to these scientific studies, the WEF said that if you don’t like the idea of eating bugs and lab-grown tissue as part of its Great Reset agenda, then it’s because you’re racist.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

What will they pull out of the nutty bag of tricks next to beat the American people into submission and keep them under their boots. I’m vegetarian by choice, and I believe in choice. If you want to eat meat that’s your choice, not the government’s, but this once land of the free is finally succumbing to the land of the Democrat party slaves. No longer government by the people, of the people, for the people, but by the lunatic left with no deviation allowed. Big brother is planning and monitoring your every move.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Leanna

This is worldwide (but not every country ….. yet.

1 year ago

It’s as if the screenwriters for the James Bond movies are freelancing at the WEF.

1 year ago

All this inane crapola coming from the mouths of these self-appointed globalists are becoming plain and simple – psychobabble. Not surprising because well, consider the source. Is all their bullshyt really supposed to frighten us?

The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming! EEEEEK….

Me thinks they’ve watched – and believed – way too many hollywood movies.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

You better read the article again. This is real and a work in progress.

1 year ago

He can help out the planet by exterminating himself and others like him.

1 year ago

This is just MORE of the “Elitists/Globalists and Ego Maniacs who think THEY can tell us what we must eat, buy etc. Well, we are a Free People, and as such, we will NOT abide by those who Think they’re a Ruling Class

1 year ago
Reply to  ItsJo


1 year ago

BAD news all the way around !

Kenneth Cornett
Kenneth Cornett
1 year ago

Then I’m a racist against globalist control

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
1 year ago

This is a conspiracy to commit mass murder, but who will take the necessary action to incarcerate or otherwise render these power mad whackos harmless? What they are proposing is not only doable but is being tested on humans now.

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