The World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for an end to individual fashion among the public and declared that “all humans will wear a uniform” before the year 2030.
The WEF declared that by 2030 fashion will become completely obsolete and all humans will be vegan, whether they like it or not.
A newly resurfaced report written in 2019 states that humans will only be permitted to buy three items of clothing per year and will be prohibited from buying or consuming meat.
Published in 2019, ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World’ report funded by the WEF, sets out extreme targets for governments around the globe to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions.
The report outlines six areas where world governments can take “rapid action to address consumption-based emissions”: food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation, and electronics:
“The report demonstrates that mayors have an even bigger role and opportunity to help avert climate emergency than previously thought … While the analysis addresses big global questions, its purpose is to inspire practical action … average consumption-based emissions in C40 cities must halve within the next 10 years. In our wealthiest and highest consuming cities that means a reduction of two thirds or more by 2030.” – Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40
“It is now clear that action to reduce consumption will be necessary as part of the global effort to mitigate climate change … The actions set out in the report are challenging and they will be confronting for many, but we think they are necessary … City Mayors can set a vision and convene actors to bring about the changes we describe … The work reported here forces a focus on what a sustainable urban future might look like and helps us to consider what policies, regulations, incentives and behavioural changes will be necessary to transition to a zero-carbon world.”
– Gregory Hodkinson, Former Chairman of ArupThe Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World, 2019
C40 is a global network of mayors representing one-quarter of the global economy.
It includes almost 100 cities plus 1,143 cities and local governments that have joined C40’s ‘Cities Race to Zero’.
The cities that sign up for the ‘Cities Race to Zero’ commit, among others, to keeping global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.
Without reading the numerous reports and recommendations thrown at the ‘Cities Race to Zero’ signatories, it’s not possible to establish if the actions set out in The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World report are specifically included in the action plan. Why does it matter? Because if they are, it is not only the 100 or so C40 Cities but more than 1,000 cities that are committing to the report’s reductions in consumer-based emissions. Additionally, we can assume Arup’s network is committing the same.
Arup works as a global network of “experts” and boasts that it “shapes cities in a thousand ways.” It has more than 17,000 members and offices in 46 of the 97 cities that make up C40’s global network. C40 and Arup have worked together since 2009 and have collaborated on dystopian publications such as Deadline 2020, Green and Thriving Neighbourhoods and a guide for creating net-zero neighbourhoods. But these collaborations have not come about without money changing hands.
The first C40/Arup report titled ‘Powering Climate Action: Cities as Global Changemakers’ was published in 2015. That same year Arup committed to investing $1 million over three years into a research partnership with C40.
In 2019, the year the C40/Arup consumer-based emissions report The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World was published, Arup trebled its advisory support to C40 to $3 million over 3 three years.
In 2023, Arup continued its investment in C40 with up to US$300,000 a year to help C40 drive resilience and decarbonisation in cities around the world.
Unsurprisingly, in March 2023, C40 Cities re-highlighted the 2019 C40/Arup consumer-based emissions report in an article titled ‘A spotlight on consumption-based emissions’.
“Since our report was published, cities around the world have begun to map consumption-based emissions and explore ways to reduce them,” C40 said.
So, what does the 2019 report that Arup has so heavily invested in say?
Below we have picked out a few highlights.
You can download and read the full report HERE.
Because it provides damning evidence against its collaborators, we have also attached a copy below should it disappear from public view at any time in the future.
Starting on page 66, the report summarises what they hope to impose on us.
Below are images of their “ambitions” which require no further comment, except to say that all these plans are being made and agreed upon outside the democratic process and in a classic dictatorial manner under false pretences.

C40 and Arup’s activities need to be halted immediately and their operations shut down permanently.
Additionally, any person who has actively contributed to/participated in devising, considering or implementing these plans should be questioned, investigated and brought to account.
Ok captin kirk, beam him up scotty!!!
IF you don’t, he will recieve a large does of lead poison!!!
Everyone in the corporate government is compromised & EVIL!!!
Which is odd because they HATE us humans.
They consider the vast majority of us to be expendable. Just ask their “prophet”, Yuval Noah Harari.
It’s one of two things. Either humanity thinks these Globalist Controllers are a joke and don’t take them seriously, or we’ve resigned to being totally controlled peasants from now on. Every day, it’s some new threat to happiness and self-determination. Now it’s uniforms by 2030! Are you paying attention? And, we’ll all be Vegan, because the CBDC digital currency prison system will allow your Masters to decide what you can and cannot buy! Are you understanding what you’re being told? Do you think they’re kidding? Over and over we’re told that these Communist, Globalist, Eugenicists will transform the world into Nirvana…for the Elites, and Hell for every other human THEY allow to live! They don’t hide it. And, far too many world leaders are all too willing to become Controllers…not leaders. The Globalist Elite see a two tiered world structure. THEM (the Gods) and US, the Livestock! They’ve been telling us about their Orwellian plans for years. WHY DON’T WE LISTEN?
the world is Slowly waking up to their BS, there are still enough of US non Brainwashed patriots to take them down.
Sorry, Invitation Only is required at Davos!
I don’t think there is enough real men left (now mostly elderly) in younger generations who give a hoot about anything real, they are superficial wussified beta males playing video games or texting their friends. Most the alpha males are on social security and many have health issues. I see a dumbed down population who scoff at everything people try to tell them to wake up. Over 65 years ago, some were sounding alarm, no one listened then. Too dumbed down to care.
They’ve already said they’ve been defeated because none of us will comply. That’s why they want 5.1 billion more of us dead.
The globalists have already won. America and other coutnries have fallen under their control for sometime. No borders here or most countries now. UN agenda 2030 is in place. So few aware patriots today. Less than three percent in this country informed, since majority of adults embrace nihilism and are too busy with social media, sports and video games and don’t give a hoot about family, g’kids or community or that this country has fallen. Most all churches apostate and compromised going along w/ gov. agendas. So few will stand up and anyone resisting all this mentioned will have no hope in rallying people because you can’t fix stupid since 90 percent plus adults in this country are stupid and will bow to dictators. Look how many kissed the gov. butt and took the covid shots.
wow this Turd has watched way to many SIFI movies, he thinks he will the the world Dictator. good luck with that. and turn me into a Vegan I don’t really thin you have a big enough army for any of this Bull Sheet.
Fater like son old whole family are sick and twisted individuals
This guy is such a freak, he deserves our laughter!
I’m beginning to think this is all a hoax put into place merely as distractions from what their plan REALLY IS – I mean, come on, bugs, microchips destroying our DNA, decreasing electricity without replacing it with something else, killing cows, ending fossil fuel consumption – again, without replacing it with anything other than EVs – like, really? How’s that gonna work for the trucking industry? The railroad industry? Shipping? Is everything going to be nuclear? That sounds healthy and safe. They have a plan alright, and I think it has more to do with making us look left as they march in from the right – then, SURPRISE!!! And it has more to do with their underhanded back-door control rather than these out-in-the-open bullshyt threats. I was censored on SLAY soon as I posted this – let’s see what happens here cause it’s making me feel as though I might be right…
They are thinking that if they KILL 95% of us by whatever means necessary then they can do what they want with the people left being slaves to the Oligarchs! Screw That! If Schwab the SLOB gets even close to “World Domination” Emperor Xi will bump him off and take over!
He’s supposed to of already been arrested. They are trying another virus. It’s not working this time.
This is exactly what he says, except this is GOD’S timeline not their’s. Right now this isn’t going to happen.
Looks like you ARE Right, in my view
His outfit does kind of look like a Hefty bag.
All the crazy conspiracy theories are proving to be true!
Just look at Schwab : he sounds like a James Bond Villain, his face looks like a friggin’ turtle and that black outfit he’s wearing looks like something out of a low budget. 1950s SciFi movie, for crying out loud….. We know he runs from anyone who approaches him when he’s NOT on one of his over size stages, under the bright lights, ‘telling the world how it will be’. Rebel News proved that a couple of years back when they confronted him in the street at Davos – he just looked like an old man in a wooly hat, as he ran away from them like the true coward that he is !!! I say to hell with him. TOO many countries are currently busy voting OUT the governments he thought he controlled. Rather laughable if you think about him :he’s just a repugnant old man, with a silly dream of ‘conquering the world’. We won’t stand still long enough for that, Klaus, or your little government puppets, too….
Klassen looks like the evil genius off the movie The Spy Who Shagged Me
As long as we don’t let them get the guns we at least have a chance. Personally, I’d rather die from any form of “climate change” than submit to these people.
All humans will wear a uniform by 2030??? Not THIS human…
GFY Nazi.
Nuke the next WEF meeting in Davos!
Does the uniform come with Jack boots Klown?