WEF: Farming Industry Must Be Destroyed for ‘Net Zero’

Globalist elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) have decided that farming and fishing industries must be completely eliminated in order to meet the organization’s “Net Zero” goals.

During the group’s annual summit, WEF member Jojo Mehta – founder of “Stop Ecocide Now” – informed world leaders and corporate elites that farming the land, fishing for food, and “making money” is now a “serious crime.”

Mehta asserted that farming and fishing are “crimes” that will be considered equal to mass murder or genocide.

During the event, globalists have been discussing the rollout of a “global police force” to deal with such “crimes.”

Mehta told her ultra-rich peers in Davos:

“We have this cultural, very ingrained habit of not taking damage to nature as seriously as we take damage to people or property.”

Her goal is to have “mass damage and destruction of nature” legally recognized as “a serious crime.”

“With human rights, mass murder and genocide are serious crimes, but there is no equivalent in the environmental space,” she said.

“Unlike an international crime like genocide that involves a specific intent, with ecocide, what we see is that people are trying to do is make money, is farm, is fish… and what’s missing is an awareness of the side effects and collateral damage that happens…”


The comments have triggered a firestorm on social media.

Many argue that meeting “Net Zero” means mass depopulation.

“That’s right, NetZero is net population growth of zero,” one X user said.

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“That’s what they were after all along, no more euphemisms about carbon emissions, they’re moving on.”


“Ecocide is actually Eliteocide—which is allowing unelected elites, to tell farmers to stop farming, fisher to stop fishing, miners to stop mining—when you allow those things to happen, that is when you starve, unrests happens and society collapses,” another X user noted.

“Because you listen to the stupidity of the unelected elite class, who never intend to stop eating or owning everything—that’s what they convinced you to do.”


By Hunter Fielding
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8 months ago

Do nations not have guided missiles to take these people out, they meet at locations that should make it easy to do this and get them all at once.

8 months ago
Reply to  trainman6

They control the Western nations.

8 months ago
Reply to  trainman6

I agree with your idea. Nice dreams.
Except our “leaders” are part of this plan!
However, the House just put forward a bill to STOP AMERICAN FUNDING of the WEF!
I’m afraid there are already too many Communist zombies in Congress for such to ever pass. If this bill comes to a vote, we will see who the WEF minions in Congress are!

8 months ago
Reply to  trainman6

I’ve been saying this for years.

8 months ago

Adolph Hitler, on his worst days, never sounded THIS nutty and insane! These people have screws loose.
We could all laugh and think they’re funny, but in reality, they’re the biggest danger humanity faces! They have the means, and they’ve accumulated unbelievable power.
Nation’s governments of the world are infiltrated. Many world leaders are, secretly or openly lieutenants in the plan! America sends a delegation to these meetings, like it was normal, and we finance the madness in a big way!
Farming and Fishing to be outlawed! Eliminating huge swaths of population! Genocide! A Global Police Force to make sure we comply! This is crazier than any movie, or James Bond plot! But…these maniacs are serious!
Please, America. Don’t ignore the danger. Don’t think it’s too ridiculous to be real! It is very real, and a danger to life itself!
The Germans thought Hitler was crazy, too. He was ignored, until…well, you know.
The unbelievable became grisly reality.

8 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

No wonder DT couldn’t drain the swamp, it’s far bigger than we ever thought possible

8 months ago

Worse than what they claim is the silence from those who could otherwise quell them – but don’t. So, what are we to assume from all this? Either that they are actually preparing to do what they threaten or it’s just hyperbole and those in the know, know it. Gotta be one or the other.

Art Simpson
Art Simpson
8 months ago

Habakkuk 3:16 When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice: rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble: when he (angel anti-Christ at the 5th trumpet, Re 9:11, Ge 3:15, Re 9:11;17:8) cometh up unto the people, he will invade them with his troops. 17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: (The earth shall have been rendered sterile by chemtrails) (About 4-5 years from now)

8 months ago

How would they like it if we did the same to them? Yeah, fatso, I mean thought so.

Cary Oke
Cary Oke
8 months ago

Higher carbon levels means more plant growth including farm crops. Lower carbon means less food. This article is just another plan by the WEF to murder everyone.
shutting down coal power electric plans would reduce carbon but they are owned by WEF members and would cost them money. Coal plants should be replaced with nuclear power plants.

8 months ago

Anybody who saw “Soylent “Green” saw this coming decades ago.

8 months ago

I’d love to see doctor evil try to stop China from fishing.

In fact, you never hear him attacking the CCP at all for anything and the CCP is the most, critical on life of all kinds on the planet.

The WEF can go eff” their hat”….

FT and go Brandon!


8 months ago

I’m afraid they’ve got this all wrong, it is they who must be destroyed to save the planet., they’ve gone too far.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago

Evidently the units in Davos don’t know any basic biology, let alone human nature! No carbon= NO LIFE. on Earth! Let them chew on that simple equation for a Millennium or so!

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