Unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) have unveiled their new agenda which involves pushing to ensure there are “less souls on the planet.”
Klaus Schwab’s Switzerland-based elitist organization is arguing that eliminating the vast majority of humans on Earth is the only way to “save the planet” and create a better “new world” for those left behind.
WEF agents are now demanding that a major depopulation plan to “reduce the number of feet” be put in place.
Sadhguru, a WEF agenda contributor, announced the plans during a meeting with world leaders and global elites.
Globalists praised Sadhguru for his “frankness” when he openly gloated how the depopulation agenda.
WEF members reportedly expressed “relief” when Sadhguru openly stated that the majority of the human population needs to be eliminated.
Sadhguru said, “They asked me a brilliant question. ‘How do you reduce the human footprint?’
“I said, ‘You have to reduce the number of feet.’”
“Unless you reduce the human footprint on the planet, there is no solution for anything,” Sadhguru warned.
“All the religious groups are against me because I’m talking about population,” Sadhguru noted.
“They want more souls – I want less on the planet.”
Is there a “horseshoe theorem” for how all those people trying to “warn” everyone eventually get tired of the resistance they receive and subsequently just come to agree with the very people they were warning about?
“ok fine, they CAN’T see it, just go ahead…” pic.twitter.com/7DKc0V7fuf
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) July 1, 2023
According to Sadhguru, all of the problems in the world come from the fact there are simply too many humans and this problem must be addressed urgently to ensure a better future for the small number of people to survive the mass depopulation event.
“I am thinking about instituting an award,” said Sadghuru.
“For all those young women who are healthy, who are capable of having a child, but choose not to have one.”
“Because whether you realize it today or not… the problem is population.”
I sincerely hope that it becomes unsafe for all members of the WEF to exist, thereby insuring that us mere mortals will no longer be threatened with extinction by these elites. They should be used as a bell weather against any other know it alls seeking to eliminate our existence. Zero tolerance!
Yes I think depopulating the planet of the WEF is a first step to ensuring a viable, healthy, prosperous future for all mankind.
The WEF wants more WEF. I want less. The only to ensure we shrink the WEF footprint is to ensure there are less feet.
Turnabout id fair play you globalist puke.
On that you may count, because Yhwh God has declared it! But there will be nowhere for them to hide from His wrath over their sins!
You first. Pal.
It’s not hat there are too many souls on the planet, there are just too many for these evil people to control. I suggest they all go first and do us all a favour.
Agreed! You’d think k they’d all be listening ing up to go 1st, since most are older than dirt anyway and “useless eaters”!
I agree with less souls on the planet. Lets make the less souls everyone who is a member or associated party with the WEF. Lets eliminate every last one of them like the Nazi’s they are.
Sadhguru, what a sad guru and pathetic human being… I like his scientific data and critical thinking, “They asked me a brilliant question. ‘How do you reduce the human footprint?’ “I said, ‘You have to reduce the number of feet.’”. To this brain trust, WEF asked him a “brilliant question”… Sad-guru’s answer to the question was just cut off peoples feet. How does Switzerland allow so many idiots into their country. What kind of government allows this clown-show of luciferins to meet in their country…?
They have been screaming that since the ’60s…what else is new?
It is , was , ans always has been The Euro Royal Pedophiles Houses and Their Jew Central Bankers . the Euro Royals have been talking about Eugenics and Population control for over 200 years …Look it up !
Ya, maybe, or! We need less of the people that think like this.
Who says we need less people on the earth and they don’t commit suicide??
These psychopaths want everyone else dead except themselves.
I wonder how a persons mind gets to this point?
People take note of WHO” (WEF) is pushing this agenda and hang them before they create another global crisis.