WEF Demands End to Public Owning Private Vehicles

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is demanding that global governments bring forward the coming laws to ban the public from owning private vehicles.

WEF founder Klaus Schwab called for the end of car ownership while speaking at the World Government Summit in the Middle East.

Speaking at the event, Schwab warned the world that by 2030 there will be no more private cars as part of the WEF’s “Great Reset” plan for humanity.

Schwab told the audience of Arabs and Chinese globalist bureaucrats that Western nations will unquestionably comply with the order.

According to Schwab, who previously announced private cars would be outlawed by 2050, the global elite is bringing forward the end of car ownership to 2030, just over six years away, because the people of the world are waking up to the agenda of the globalist elite, and major changes must be pushed through ASAP before the opposition becomes too great.

In just six years there will be no more private cars, according to Schwab, who boasted that the city of Los Angeles has assured him they are on track to meet the Agenda 2030 goal.

In Schwab’s vision of the future, the world will be so depopulated that there will be no need for highways and the elite will be able to turn them into parks.

Schwab has long warned that private cars are on his hit list, vowing to ban them for everybody in the world except people with exceptionally high social credit scores.

And when you read between the lines regarding what they mean by that, they are clearly referring to themselves, the elite, as the only people who will be allowed to drive cars in the future.

And now we have evidence the elite are bringing forward the goal in line with the Agenda 2030 plan to reset humanity.

In a paper published by the WEF, the Davos elite claim that communal sharing of cars must become part of a “circular approach” in order to reduce global demands for precious metals and fossil fuels.

The pronouncements of Klaus Schwab and his minions are becoming more out of touch with reality by the day.

The situation would almost be funny if the WEF hadn’t penetrated the cabinets of governments of Western democracies with treasonous double agents doing their bidding.

These so-called Young Global Leaders are now receiving instructions from Davos that ordinary, hard-working people must be priced out of the market with massive gas price hikes.

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We have already seen what that looks like under Biden’s disastrous presidency.

The bad news? If the Democrats are re-elected, you will need to prepare for the worst. Much worse.

While the elite are allowed to own whatever cars they want, the rest of us are being priced out of the market altogether.

Cars in 2030 are set to become as exclusive as private jets today.

Make no mistake, this is orchestrated and intentional. And we’ve got the receipts.

According to a document the WEF issued to its legion of Young Global Leaders, the gas prices we have experienced under Biden are simply not high enough.

As though ordinary people aren’t suffering enough pain at the gas pump, Klaus Schwab is claiming the current prices are severely “underpriced.”

Part of the WEF’s “circular approach” appears to be driving already sky-high gas prices even higher.

The WEF article is complicated and disingenuous, but it basically calls for an end to any and all tax credits for oil, gas, and coal production — along with the introduction of much higher taxes.

This idea isn’t new. Basically, it’s the same idea as pricing fossil fuels based on their carbon content.

The result would make gas and car ownership an unaffordable luxury for the vast majority of the population.

Far-left cities are falling over themselves to sign up to the treasonous globalist agenda.

14 American cities have already signed a World Economic Forum treaty that legally compels them to ban private car ownership by the year 2030.

And if this idea isn’t radical enough on its own, these cities have also pledged to reduce meat and dairy consumption to zero.

That’s right, zero.

Travel will be severely restricted, limited to one flight every three years, and we will only be allowed to purchase three new outfits per year.

Welcome to techno-communist hell.

These WEF-infiltrated U.S. cities have formed a coalition called the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group” and their dystopian goals can be found in their report titled “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World.”

Perhaps the least surprising part of this report is the news that the elite will be totally exempt from the new rules about cars, meat, dairy, travel and clothes.

Why are they exempted from the draconian rules, you ask? Why, because they are supposedly “part of the solution” to climate change.

This is the same logic globalist billionaire Bill Gates is already using when he is asked why he is flying around the world on one of his four private jets, giving lectures about climate change and ordering people to stop taking commercial flights to visit relatives or take hard-earned vacations.

It’s one rule for me and another for thee.

Unfortunately, the reporter didn’t follow up by asking Gates if he offset the carbon from any of the secret flights he took to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island aboard the Lolita Express.

That’s why we need to replace the mainstream media to hold the globalist elite to account.

At the moment they are getting away with murder and the mainstream media are refusing to hold them to account.

Take last month for example, when the billionaire eugenicist himself admitted that the official climate change narrative the mainstream media have been spoon-feeding us for decades is in actual fact a lie.

According to Gates in 2023, the world will not end as a result of climate change and no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.

These new comments are in stark contrast to the doom-mongering Gates was issuing in 2021 when he famously warned of apocalyptic consequences if the world does not achieve zero net carbon emissions in the next few years.

But we shouldn’t be surprised Gates has performed a U-turn on climate.

Gates has the cunning of a criminal psychopath.

He understands the propaganda isn’t working anymore and must resonate with the majority to prevent going the way of Bud Light.

And he has always known the truth.

Bill Gates was caught admitting to his inner circle that the climate change agenda is a WEF scam in a video in which he boasts that his term “clean energy” has successfully “screwed up people’s minds.”

Renewable energy is not actually capable of solving climate change, despite being sold to us as the cure for so-called man-made global warming, which is hysterically funny for Bill Gates.

Damning stuff, I’m sure you will agree.

But Gates has a history of being – suspiciously – one step ahead of major world disasters.

And capitalizing on them when they arrive.

They really think they have it all worked out and that we won’t notice and hold them to account.

By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

These so called most brilliant people in the world are actually quite stupid if they don’t realize that it is their group which will be annihilated as the people catch on. Pass this article around to your friends and associates.

9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

They have taxpayer paid security!

9 months ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

Stop paying.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Who is going to annihilate them? Do you mean like the Russians caught on to Stalin and Lenin or the Chinese caught on to Mao after 100 million died? Much of the world has already been disarmed and the leaders of almost every country as well as well over 150 cities have signed on to this. Once there is a CBDC/ESG in place no one will own their own money, and it can be denied them with a click of a mouse.

9 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

I think you’ll find that those countries that are used to freedom, armed or not, will rise up. At this point there’s too much to lose but when that tipping point comes, there will be nothing more dangerous than the man who has nothing left to lose.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
8 months ago
Reply to  Dave

And if we the people wait too long and try to rise up after accepting the conveniences of digitalIDs and CBDCs, we will be debanked, our financial assets confiscated, food chains as well as transport and armed forces will be totally controlled by government. Look at Canada, a once free country as an example. The man with nothing left to lose might well find himself with nothing left to use. Time is running out fast.

9 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

Trump 24!

9 months ago




9 months ago
Reply to  JOHN

John, that works for me.

9 months ago


the public Demands the WEF & IT’S COHORTS be DESTROYED!!!



9 months ago

Schwab’s hubris is off the scale! Imagine allowing this guy to dictate how a free people lives their lives and how a democratic government establishes policy. Note: You don’t have to imagine it. Just look at the old Soviet Union, China and North Korea of today. . .and every Democrat-controlled city in America.

9 months ago

Schwab needs a good old fashioned case of “lead poisoning” if ya know what I mean. 😉

9 months ago
Reply to  upnorthlurkin

As an enema!

Cary Ke
Cary Ke
9 months ago

All members of the World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) should be required by law to receive monthly electro shock therapy for 60 months. If after that period there is no improvement they should go to weekly electro shock therapy for five years and if required then daily for five year. If nothing else the public will have a break from these unhinged people.

9 months ago
Reply to  Cary Ke

Barbed wire noose is quicker.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  Cary Ke

I sincerely hope they won’t rely on green energy for your plan.

9 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

Phylis, they are counting on only the rich to have cars, and they kill off 90% of the world’s population. that is also a goal of the WEF. then green energy has a change of working. but only if 90% of us are killed. good start with the Vaxeen shots.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  joe

Joe, I was being sarcastic about ‘global warming’ plans. I have been warning people about the WEF for quite a few years over their secret meetings at Davos.
More people are waking up to their aims now, but shockingly it had to take the ‘pandemic’ to make them realise they are losing their rights.
I’m in England and read that your Republican party are trying to get a bill through to defund the WEF, WHO and UN. I doubt it will pass if they push it through with the Democrats in charge. Maybe you can tell me if it doesn’t pass in the Senate and Trump and the Republicans win in 2024, could they reopen it and pass it then, or once it’s failed that opportunity is closed down for a few years?

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
8 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

In the last (117th) congress H.R.8748 – Defund Davos Act was introduced. by  Perry, Scott [Rep.-R-PA-10] That is as far as it got under a leftist controlled House and Senate. It needs to be introduced again in the 118th Congress. My state has just about all commies in office, but people in red states can and should demand it’s reintroduction. Legislation can be searched at congress.gov

9 months ago

We all demand the end of NGO’s dictating to the people of Earth and thinking that you deserve to be listened to

9 months ago

Schwaub and his elitist, communist dictators need to be put out of business and take their fake climate change dogma with them. This is about sociopathic, narcissist needing control. Gates too, who has injured and killed huncreds of thousands in Africa and India with his defective vaccines. These WEF, WHO and UN CCP controlled elites should be jailed and removed frorm any public forum. Particularly since their goal is to commit genocide against 80% of the population and since the WHO covered for the CCP on the Covid virus. The US needs to exit the WHO and prosecute the WEF. Then throw the UN out of the US.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rosie46

Rosie, Trump did get us out of WHO. Joe Dementure put us back in.

9 months ago

Nuke the leftist Davos WEF conference next January!

Dolyce Brown
Dolyce Brown
9 months ago

Schwab is deranged! There are thousands of people living in rural areas – unless we go back to the horse and buggy days, we need cars to get around. And trucks and combines and tractors and swathers and and and …..As far as forcing people to stop eating meat and dairy – that almost amounts to murder – both are part of the necessary foods for human health. Who elected Schwab? He has no right to demand anything of any country.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  Dolyce Brown

What do you think the 15-minute cities are for? They are to relocate rural people to the cities where they will be isolated and more easily destroyed as they will have no transportation, no meat, no dairy, and own no clothes or anything else, and eventually no CO2. Once in those cities they can be starved to death, killed by aerosol “vaccines” or poisonous mRNA in their foodor wiped out with tactical nukes, etc.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dolyce Brown

that’s the idea. not almost murder, it will be murder. in the last century governments killed over 100 million of their own people. check it out.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago

Biden and the Democratic Party are also part of the cabal.

9 months ago

We are many they are few. They are pure evil and the enemies of humanity and must be dealt with as such, These Nazi/communist lunatics are the root cause of much of this planet’s problems.

9 months ago
Reply to  Orlin

so what do we do? vote them out? as 2020 proves that is no longer an option.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  Orlin

They have nukes.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago

“Because the people of the world are waking up to the agenda of the globalist elite, and major changes must be pushed through ASAP before the opposition becomes too great.”

That’s why they are so afraid of Trump. These NGO unelected global parasites are on par with Pol Pot and Year Zero, for those old enough to remember that little horror show.

9 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

I wish more people knew that Trump was great for America. too many morons in the country

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
9 months ago
Reply to  joe

I’m in England he has a lot of support over here as well, even the Hungarian Leader said he was the only one who could make a difference. Trust me when I say that it isn’t only the USA that needs Trump, the whole Western world needs him to show the other wet wipe governments the right leadership.

Don Mac
Don Mac
9 months ago

Did this guy give up his car and be a model for the rest of us? Did he toss his jet into dump as well! What’s good for the goose, is certainly not good for any of the rest of us!!!

George H Steele
George H Steele
9 months ago

Begging pardon, but I didn’t vote for Klaus Schwab, Charles Schwab, or Q-Tip Schwab, in the USA the citizen is sovereign, not some self-appointed tyrant, states are not empowered under the Constitution to make treaties with other entities – that’s exclusively a federal function, and he can go fuck himself, the fat, pathetic old queen.

William Flyer
William Flyer
9 months ago

These are unelected James Bond style villains who are bribing gov’t officials to push this nonsense.

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