WEF Demands Crackdown on Public Coffee-Drinking to ‘Fight Climate Change’

Globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) have set their sights on yet another new target – coffee drinkers.

According to WEF elites, they need to stop the public from drinking coffee in order to “save the planet” from the “climate crisis.”

The consumption of coffee is causing CO2 to pollute the environment, unelected bureaucrats attending the WEF summit are now claiming.

Speaking last Wednesday at the globalist confab in Davos, Switzerland, Swiss banker Hubert Keller said coffee drinkers should be mindful that they’re contributing tons of CO2 pollution into the atmosphere.

“Basically the coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee,” Keller said in a viral clip from the conference.

“So we should all know that.

“This is, every time we drink coffee we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere,” he claimed.

“…And one of the reasons is because most of the coffee plantation or most of the coffee is produced through monoculture and monoculture is also affected by climate change,” Keller said.

“The quality of these nature assets is deteriorating quite rapidly.”


The globalists’ attack on coffee, the delicious black beverage that millions worldwide enjoy daily, is illustrative of how the WEF wants the “useless eater” peasant class to have nothing and be happy, under the guise of saving the planet.

In the past, the WEF has been urging people to transition to a plant-based diet and to use electric instead of gas-powered vehicles, despite the obvious flaws of both.

Meanwhile, elite WEF attendees are unconcerned with their own CO2 output, as evidenced in a recent video of Biden climate czar John Kerry struggling to justify the carbon footprint of his numerous jet trips to the Davos conference.

Of course, the real enemy of the WEF is not carbon or climate change.

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“Carbon emissions” is just another euphemism for humans.

The WEF doesn’t want to eliminate “carbon,” it wants to rid the planet of most of the human population.

Or more specifically, the WEF wants to eliminate the “useless” non-elite general public.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Enough…can’t anyone shut these nutters up, they are getting sillier by the day?
Do they sit around making this stuff up and think they sound normal?

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  cozmik

More dangerous too!

Thomas Hartley
Thomas Hartley
1 year ago
Reply to  cozmik

Notice they refer to tonnes of CO2 to make it appear ominous. They are never asked how it will affect the Temperature, which is actually zero. Not even 1×10^-10. REALITY check – if you double CO2, it calculates to a 1% impact on radiative transfer. Nothing. The Biosphere is thriving from more CO2. CO2 is Life. More not less

J West
J West
1 year ago

Well .. now, then, there … the madness is metastasizing ….

I will now double my coffee drinking and encourage others to do the same.
It may actually cause a bit of Global Warming which I believe would be good for mankind … and it will keep you awake all day.

I could not careless about what these insane Davos clowns come up with whilst indulging in sustainable yachting.

I will “live my life the way I want to” – Jimi Hendrix.

1 year ago

These WEF fools need to have a big Jim Jones Kool-aid party.

1 year ago

This Davos nuthouse is getting very weird.
I’m sure the Elite soon-to-be rulers of the world came up with this “revelation” early in the morning…as they had coffee!
The last paragraph of the story says it all…
“Carbon emissions” is just another euphemism for humans. The WEF doesn’t want to eliminate “carbon,” it wants to rid the planet of most of the human population.
I think this coffee calamity story is supposed to be “comic relief!” It can’t be for real.
I hope so! I’d hate to think people with such wealth and power are THIS insane!

1 year ago
Reply to  ;^)

I see that all the sex workers were fully booked for this event…it’s affecting their brains.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  ;^)

Take out the carbon and ALL life on Earth is gone!

1 year ago

Good…the more CO2 we have in our atmosphere, the more life can be sustained….. it is the life blood of the air the plane we live on requires to grow….. CO2 for the plants and they create Oxygen….. the perfect cycle created just for life…..bring on the coffee….

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago

I am a tea drinker by the gallons iced and hot, so I assume these control freaks will find reasons to stop tea addicts also.

Patti F
Patti F
1 year ago

If you are a big cuckoo bird the WEF needs you

Mike Ivey
Mike Ivey
1 year ago

How long will this Bullsh-T go on? There is NO DAMN CLIMATE CRISIS OR GLOBAL WARMING OR GLOBAL COOLING OR CLIMATE CHANGE! It’s all a bunch of B. S!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago

Klaus Schwab can keep his opinions to himself! Coffee is 1 of few emergency treatments for asthma since those ijits screwed up our rescue inhalers on us, over c!image insanity yrs ago! (for those not sure, “ijit is Southern US for those a notch below your garden variety idiots)

1 year ago

When are these totally insane Nephilim spawns going into their luxury caves? (Revelation 6:15) Why is the world silent to the dirt of this planet?

Thomas Hartley
Thomas Hartley
1 year ago

Defund these people. Ridicule them if you see them.

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