The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for solutions to the “problem” of the general public being overrun with “redundant” and “useless humans” as the global elite prepares for society to be “dominated” by artificial intelligence (AI).
Addressing this issue, senior WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari warned fellow globalists that a massive “class of useless people” is being created.
The AI revolution is beginning to create “the useless class” of humanity that needs to be eliminated, he said.
When asked if his 2015 book provided any solutions, he responded:
“At present, the best guess we have is to keep them [the useless class] happy with drugs and computer games.”
In 2015, Yuval Noah Harari published two books: ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Human Kind’ and ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’.
Dr. John Lennox, a renowned Oxford Mathematician and author of ‘2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity,’ said Harari concerned him because of his widespread influence.
“He really is an influencer … What he actually has to say concerns me more because of its inaccuracy and his reading of history seems, to me, to be very strange,” Dr. Lennox said.
In Homo Deus, Dr. Lennox said, Harari says that there are two major agenda items for the 21st century.
“The first is to solve the technological problem of human death,” Lennox said.
“He regards it as a technical problem and a technical problem with technical solutions.
“And then secondly, to enhance human happiness … [On] enhancing human happiness his target is, and this is more or less a quote, ‘is to turn Homo sapiens into Homo Deus’.
“In other words, turn humans into gods.”
Shortly after he released Homo Deus, Harari gave a speech based on his other book Sapiens at TEDTalks.
After his speech, Harai was asked to elaborate on a statement he made in his book Sapiens:
“… new classes and new class struggles, just as the Industrial Revolution did.”
Harari answered:
“In the Industrial Revolution, we saw the creation of a new class of the urban proletariat.
“And much of the political and social history of the last 200 years involved what to do with this class and the new problems and opportunities.”
“Now, we see the creation of a new massive class of useless people,” he said.
“As computers become better and better in more and more fields, there is a distinct possibility that computers will out-perform us in most tasks and will make humans redundant.
“And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be, ‘What do we need humans for?’, or at least, ‘What do we need so many humans for?’”
Harari was then asked whether there were answers to those questions in his book.
He responded: “At present, the best guess we have is to keep them happy with drugs and computer games.”
He clarified he was not predicting the future but rather laying out possibilities.
“It’s not a prophecy; it’s seeing all kinds of possibilities before us,” he said.
As he saw it, there were only two possibilities; both would result in a massive number of useless people.
“One possibility is this creation of a new massive class of useless people,” he said.
“Another possibility is the division of humankind into different biological castes, with the rich being upgraded into virtual gods, and the poor being degraded to this level of useless people.”
According to Harari, these “useless humans” will be a massive burden for the global elite and must be dealt with before they become a “danger.”
Just over two years later he joined Turkish broadcaster TRT’s The Newsmakers.
TRT asks in the video caption: “Thanks to new technology and artificial intelligence, will we achieve near immortality, or is the future for the human race a bleak one?”
“The three biggest problems of humankind in the 21st century is the danger of nuclear war, it’s the danger of climate change and it’s the dangers inherent in disruptive technologies especially bioengineering and artificial intelligence,” Harari said.
“We are now gaining really divine powers of creation and destruction just as according to ancient religions God had the power to create animals and plants and humans according to his wishes.
“Now humankind in the 21st century with bioengineering and artificial intelligence gains this divine power to engineer and manufacture life.”
According to Harari, the main products of the 21st-century economy will not be things like textiles, vehicles, and weapons.
“The main products will be bodies and brains and minds.
“We are learning to design life … we are really upgrading ourselves into gods.”
“It’s not absolutely certain technology, it’s not deterministic and we can still do something about it,” he said.
“But, if we are not careful then, within the next century – let’s say within a hundred years – we may see humankind splitting into biological casts …
“With the rise of bioengineering, it might be possible to translate economic inequality into biological inequality, and then … we will see humankind splitting into castes.”
He again referred to the creation of “the useless class.”
“The artificial intelligence revolution is beginning to create the useless class.
” As computers outperform humans in more and more tasks, they are likely to push them out of more and more jobs.
“And then the danger is that you will have millions of people even billions of people who don’t have any economic value and therefore they also don’t have any political power.”
Wef need to start by eliminating them delves first.
Klaus and Yuval are on the brink of extinction
I will supply the rope so they can be first in line, along with all these other clowns that want to run the world Imprecatory prayers come to mind here…..I know the Book of Romans says we are to pray for are enemies and not to hate…….but I also recall Israel being commanded by God to totally destroy all inhabitants in Canaan……….because of their absolute evil and distain for he Living God
Absolutely. Well, not to hate, generally, or without specific direction, but we are directed to hate what Yhwh God hates. I have a real hard time seeing, in view of His written Word, how He can “love” what those duds are up to… David prayed for his enemies often; there’s a collection of them in Psalms; I think those are all quite appropriate just now.
I propose that every member of the WEF is a “useless human”. Now what, WEF? Su*cide is an option for you. That would be an excellent start to solving the “problem”.
Then the rest of us could get on with living life and solving problems…
Yuvi sure does hate himself and is envious of those who love their families and friends, people who love life. Most of all, he hates people who love God, God who blesses us all so greatly.
Sooo… when can we expect. Schwab, Gates, Kerry, Gore,et al, to step up and be eliminated???
Well said. These old fossils have scammed the world long enough.
These are criminals and need to be exterminated like the vermin they are. Are they going to be allowed to continue what amounts to threats against most of us?
They alllllllllllllllllllll need to be Heydriched….ASAP.
No, it needs to be done lawfully, or we are no better than they.
If they ever succeed in this elimination, whatever will the democrats do? Where will they hide?
There is nowhere in the universe one can hide from Yhwh God!
They both are the ugliest people on the planet. FUGLYYYYYY
No, that can’t be? Because these two loons would be the first to go. Look at the name of one of them – Klaun Schwab. Big hint and his boid, er bald boy.
Just like the movie ‘Elysium’. Yuval Noah Harari is indeed a prophet. For the god of this world. Nothing new under the sun. Mankind has always wanted to be god over his own life. King Jesus save now
I AGREE!! Start with nazi Klaus and ALL of the WEF and WHO (so-called) leaders, including Gates and Kerry!! They never took the killer covid shots!
A small man with over inflated self worth. A god with such a sick mind? Me thinks not.
How about we vote Harari and his degenerate kind off the planet. This guy already has artificial intelligence, there is certainly no real intellect floating around in his scrawny skull.
And speaking of obscene redundancies, might we begin by eliminating that most obscene oxymoron, the Jewish Nazi Klaus Schwine? [Check out his depraved begetters.] Let’s not stop with him, however. Take one look at that degenerate face and tell me longevity is in his cards. And then, he has hordes of comrades just waiting for the riffraf to rise up, as in 1776 and 1789, Davos in the Terror is a comforting thought.
These WEF Jew World Order Zionists are PURE EVIL on steroids!
I can hear Kissinger screaming in agony from Sheol’s Lake of Fire. Schwab,Soros,Gates,Fauci,Harari & that long list NEXT!
Well That would be the WEF, UN, WHO, WORLD BANK, IMF, BIS & the Rothcilds!!!
Gitern dun. Those are the most useless humans on Earth!!!
A good start, but there are many more of their ilk at various levels of gov’t around the world.
The useless class is that which considers itself the only class that matters, AND WHOSE GODS ARE MONEY AND POWER.
Dr John Lennox, a renowned Oxford Mathematician and author, “He (Harari) really is an influencer”
Harari certainly influenced me, he takes me to a seriously dark place envisaging how I would deal with these globalist parasites
The only useless eaters in this are the WEF scumbags that think they are above everyone else and deserve special status.
If you kept upto date with your conspiracy friends you’d have known all about this 20 years ago, I mean it’s not like no one has mentioned this before is it?
And just how many robots does it take to avoid redundancy?
I read somewhere of the dangers of taking the ‘statistical view’ of humanity, as from an ivory tower looking down at the masses, and thereby being lured away from notions of humanity…
…as each of those thousands of seemingly insignificant little people down below is someone important to someone.
and anyway, when have we intelligent people NOT been surrounded by a sea of orcs? illiterate cowardly democrats who lie…we don’t envision some way to disappear them, altho obviously the world would be a better place without those spunbrain idiots.
I agree with the ancient thinker who said life is simply the daily act of filling the bag and emptying the bag…from my perspective we’re merely insects whose purpose is to breed, and then work away our lives trying to survive. I also agree that no-one has yet made a convincing argument as to whether the whole lifetime ride is worth the effort.
but every man’s time is important to him. (Andy Devine of the movies)
and when the sun comes up, it comes up for everybody. (my Lithuanian paternal grandma)
we should maintain the sanctity of life in our beliefs, resisting democrat efforts to destroy that, too. let nature deal with overpopulation…it’s the green way to go!
They’ve already started. Anyone who signed up for the covid vaccination is the useless people they are culling. Not that I endorse democide in any way shape or form, but there are a lot of useless people in society that are dragging us down. And they are lining up for their booster shots like the useless slaves they are. I think the WEF believe in their sick and twisted minds this is the only way forward – hence the buzz word sustainability all the time.