‘We Would Have Done Everything Differently’: Gavin Newsom Issues Guilty Confession on His Covid Response

California Governor Gavin Newsom is coming clean on his state’s Covid response.

“We would have done everything differently,” the potential 2024 presidential candidate confessed to Chuck Todd in the host’s probably last episode of “Meet the Press.”

“During Covid, you were pretty strict with the lockdowns here and it was an interesting piece in Harper’s that sort of was critical of your decisions from this perspective,” Todd began. “You found a way to allow the motion picture industry and the sort of the movie industry to get back to work, but you didn’t allow people to grieve together at funerals or at churches and that this may be why there’s such a polarized disconnect.”

“What you prioritize, this is this anger between the populace and the elites supposedly, here you prioritize this industry, but you were tougher on those that just wanted to go worship. What do you say to that?” Todd asked.

“A lot of humility,” Newsom claimed. “We didn’t know what we didn’t know and it was hardly we collectively, I think all of us in terms of our collective wisdom, we’ve evolved. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. We’re experts, in hindsight, we’re all geniuses.”

Of course, Newsom is talking about the mainstream media and the elites who were consistently wrong throughout the pandemic and not the numerous critics who tried to point out the errors in their policies, often at the expense of being censored and deplatformed.

Newsom continued to pretend as if the State of California listened to any critics during the Covid response.

“We brought together experts across the spectrum, people that supported our efforts, people that opposed them, international experts, and we spent three days really reflecting stress testing what we did right, what we did wrong,” he added. “We’re actually putting out a report as it relates to our own lessons learned. I think this country would do well to advance a similar construct, not through the lens or prisms of an ideology, but through framework.”

“You think there should be almost like a 9/11 commission on what lessons learned from this pandemic,” Todd remarked.

“There’s been versions of that, but they’re immediately dismissed within the prism of our partisan frame and so I’m at least trying to work across that and context of all the local…” he claimed.

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“What is something you’d do differently?” Todd asked.

“Well, I think we would’ve done everything differently,” he confessed.

“We understood, we would understand, outdoors as an example, ” Newsom began.

“You wouldn’t have shut schools down,” Todd interjected. “You had to try to figure out how to maybe have outdoor classrooms.”

Newsom didn’t address Todd’s odd suggestion.

“But I think the nature of the spread early on and understanding epidemiology of that spread, understanding the spread in the context of how it spread very differently indoors than outdoors is one perfect example,” Newsom said.

There was ample scientific literature from the beginning to demonstrate that it was extremely unlikely to get Covid outdoors. In addition, the vaccines never stopped viral transmission, thus there was never any reason for “Covid passports,” such as were implemented in San Francisco. It is also “very rare” for Covid to spread through surface contact. Masks don’t stop airborne viruses. ‘Social distancing’ of 6 feet was entirely made up. The list goes on and on. And it was all used to purportedly justify infringements on Americans’ civil rights.

“What a lot of us would’ve done differently, including again in states, red states that shut down their beaches in the early part of the pandemic,” Newsom said, taking a dig at Florida. “I think a deeper understanding of around mask and mask wearing and N95s, KN95s. You go through a process across the spectrum in terms of being prepared issues related to how we fundamentally address the distribution of vaccines and the prioritization. You want to talk about prioritizations early on in terms of those vaccines. You go through a series of things and there’s so many things we could have done differently.”

Newsom, without elaborating, stuck to his narrative that were a lot of lessons to be learned, as if the Covid experts weren’t warned about their policies when they were implemented.

“I’m not convinced we’ve learned the lessons from the last one and I think science took a big hit,” he said.

“It should be alarming to all of us that all of a sudden health became partisan and that’s something we’re going to pay a big price,” he added.

It became “partisan” because governors like Newsom were wrong from the beginning, they were told they were wrong, and they abused their powers anyway. Nobody ‘politicized’ Covid-19 until it was politicized first by politicians.

This all strikes the political observer as an attempt by Newsom to rehabilitate his image from that of a ‘Covid tyrant’ into that of a rational politician.

In the same interview, Newsom downplayed 2024 speculation while saying he was trying to get Biden re-elected.

As Biden’s approval numbers continue to crater, one will have to wait and see if Newsom will have to make another correction to the record if and when he enters the 2024 race.

By Melinda Davies
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Joe Dyck
Joe Dyck
10 months ago

Gavin is full of Doublespeak. Him speak with Forked Tongue! Don’t believe anything he says!

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