WATCH: Nancy Pelosi snaps at Jake Tapper for covering something Trump said about Kamala

CNN’s Jake Tapper mentioned that President Trump believes Kamala Harris has bigger cognitive problems than Joe Biden and the despicable Nancy Pelosi did not like it one bit.

She immediately protested that Tapper would even bring that up and told him in so many words not to do it again:

Later in the interview Tapper asked Pelosi if Kamala needed to do more to communicate her policies to the American people. Pelosi basically said nope, saying she has no complaint about how Kamala is running her campaign:

In other news…

By Melinda Davies
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3 months ago

That “incompetent” sure did a fine job of governing for 4 years! Peace and prosperity is how you describe the Trump years. What words would you use to describe the Biden debacle? Disastrous?
Unmanageable inflation, intentionally flooding America with foreign felons, rampant crime, massive surveillance of citizens…what would you call that?
It’s not the person…it’s the IDEOLOGY!
Leftists destroy, Conservative’s build.

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