Watch: Bill Maher Humiliates Neil deGrasse Tyson in Trans Debate

Bill Maher and famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson clashed over America’s oldest magazine and its stance on transgender athletes in women’s sports.

The comedian and scientist repeatedly sparred over why Democrats lost the election during Friday’s episode of Real Time.

Maher started the debate by asking Tyson about the editor of Scientific American, Laura Helmuth, decision to resign after posting a string of foul-mouthed attacks on President-elect Donald Trump.

‘It sure didn’t sound scientific. It didn’t sound like the person I would want to be running Scientific American. It was a rant on Twitter. I could read it to you. It’s really ugly. You know, ‘I apologize to younger voters that my Gen-X is so full of f***ing fascists,” Maher said.

‘Okay. I’m not for canceling people on either side, but here’s what I think is the scandal. This is in Scientific American less than a year ago, ‘inequity between male and female athletes as a result, not of inherent biological differences between the sexes, but of biases in how they are treated in sports.’

‘That’s nuts. And it sure ain’t scientific. And it’s in Scientific American. And that’s why the Democrats lost the election. It’s true.’

Maher referenced a piece published on November 1, 2023 titled ‘The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong’ which discussed the biological differences in males and females.

Tyson laughed at Maher for claiming transgender issues is why Vice President Kamala Harris lost the presidential election.

‘Bill, every 20 minutes on your platform, you come up with another reason why the Democrats lost. You already have the answer. They lost the election. So anything you say about why they didn’t,’ the astrophysicist said before Maher cut him off.

‘First of all, you don’t watch this show so you don’t know — It’s okay, but you talk as if you do and you f***ing don’t. That’s okay, just don’t bulls**t me. That’s the one thing people can never do on this show is bulls**t me,’ Maher said.

‘And that’s fine, but I don’t say that. I have very good reasons. But engage with the idea here. What I’m asking is Scientific American is saying basically that the reason why an NBA, WNBA a team can’t beat the Lakers is because of societal bias.’

Tyson deflected Maher’s criticism of the piece and the magazine for publishing it arguing it was an old piece, but Maher doubled down.

‘Why can’t you just say this is not scientific and Scientific American should do better,’ he said.

‘I think a year ago, women still couldn’t beat men in basketball or any other sport and it wasn’t because of society. You don’t see a problem here?’

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The astrophysicist told Maher women might have a biological advantage in long distance swimming.

‘Well, I’m going to file you under ‘part of the problem,” Maher said.

The two butted heads over the topic again during the show’s Overtime segment while discussing patients getting a second medical opinion.

Tyson argued in most cases people do not need a second opinion, but Maher insisted people do.

‘I’m trying to put credit back to doctors where our life expectancy is three times what it was 150 years ago. And everyone before 150 years ago ate organic! And half of them died before they were 35. Science matters,’ Tyson said.

‘Of course it does,’ Maher replied.

‘Sometimes you don’t sound that way. That’s what worries me,’ Tyson said.

Maher hit back, ‘Actually, you’re the guy who doesn’t understand why the WNBA team can’t beat the Lakers so I don’t know, you’re supposed to be the scientist and you couldn’t even admit that! And as far as medicine goes, I could talk to you about this all day, but again, we do have a party to get to. This is not your field, you’re not a doctor.’

‘I’m a scientist! Excuse me,’ Tyson scoffed.

‘That’s not a doctor! That’s not a doctor! When I have a goiter on Uranus, I’ll call you,’ Maher said.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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