Disturbing Truth of Hepatitis B Vaccine Exposed by Medical Experts

A recent Vigilant Fox article discusses the Hepatitis B vaccine and questions why it is given to newborn babies.

In the video below, Tucker Carlson interviews Calley Means and Dr. Casey Means.

The leading experts argue that there is no valid reason for administering the Hepatitis B vaccine on a baby’s first day of life.

They point out that Hepatitis B is primarily transmitted through needles or sexual contact.

As such, the risk to a newborn baby is extremely low.

Additionally, there have been no documented cases of a child contracting Hepatitis B from an infected needle found on the ground.

Mothers are tested for Hepatitis B before giving birth, further reducing the risk to the baby.

Furthermore, the vaccine wears off by the time children become teenagers, rendering it unnecessary to administer it to newborns.

What is the logical justification for giving a Hepatitis B shot to a newborn baby?

Watch @calleymeans and @CaseyMeansMD explain this in detail below.

This is a must-see conversation.



By Kate Stephenson
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5 months ago

Big Pharma’s Circle of Death. Healthy humans don’t support their bottom line!
Once we accepted the idea that we have chemical deficiencies… we were destined to be ill…on purpose! Pharma creates the “cause,” and we beg them for the cure.

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