Trump Scores HUGE Victory Right Ahead of Election

President Donald Trump has once again taken the lead from President Joe Biden in a crucial swing state that he previously won in 2016 but narrowly lost in 2020, according to a recent survey conducted by Marist College.

The survey reveals that Trump is currently ahead of Biden by a margin of 47-45 percent in Pennsylvania.

However, it is important to note that this falls within the survey’s margin of error.

The poll also indicates that Democratic-turned-independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received 3% support, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent candidate Cornel West each garnered 1% of the vote.

Additionally, 2% of respondents remained undecided.

Among likely voters in the upcoming presidential election, Trump maintains a 48% to 46% lead over Biden in a multi-candidate race.

Trump’s victory in Pennsylvania in 2016 was significant, as he became the first Republican in nearly three decades to carry the state.

Pennsylvania is traditionally considered a Democratic stronghold in the northeastern and midwestern regions.

Although Biden narrowly won his home state in the 2020 election, the recent Marist poll suggests potential challenges for him within certain segments of the Democratic Party’s base.

“While still strong, Biden has lost his formidable support among black voters. 68% break for Biden to 23% for Trump. Biden handily won the support of most black voters in the 2020 presidential election, 92% to 7% for Trump,” an analysis of the polling data said.

The most recent survey indicates a significant increase in backing for Trump among voters under 45 in Pennsylvania. In the last election, Biden secured this demographic by a margin of 24 points, however, the latest poll indicates that Biden’s advantage over Trump has decreased to only two points.

But the survey also found that, “Trump’s advantage among older voters has evaporated.

He carried voters 45 or older by 12 percentage points in 2020. Now, three percentage points separate Trump (48%) and Biden (45%) among this group.”

Fox adds: “While Trump holds the edge over Biden in the latest polling in most of the key swing states, and while his fundraising has surged in the wake of his conviction two weeks ago in the first criminal trial of a current or former president, Trump and the Republican National Committee (RNC) are currently facing a large deficit to the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) when it comes to grassroots out reach and get-out-the-vote efforts.

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“The Trump campaign along with the RNC and the Pennsylvania GOP last week opened their first campaign office in Pennsylvania. In comparison, the Biden re-election campaign, the DNC and Pennsylvania Democrats spotlight that they have 24 coordinated offices and hundreds of staffers across the Commonwealth.”

According to a recent survey conducted by Bloomberg News/Morning Consult, it was found that Trump continues to maintain his lead in the critical swing states as his campaign progresses towards the Republican Party’s July convention in Milwaukee.

The poll, which included registered voters, took place from May 7th to 13th and revealed that Trump holds a four-point lead over Biden across all swing states.

In specific states, Trump leads by five points in Arizona, seven points in North Carolina, three points in Georgia, two points in Pennsylvania, and one point in Wisconsin. However, the race has become more competitive compared to the previous month, with Trump’s advantages in Wisconsin and Georgia narrowing. It is worth noting that Trump and Biden were tied in Nevada, while Biden holds a slight one-point lead over Trump in Michigan. The survey, which involved 4,962 registered swing state voters, has a margin of error of one point.

Additionally, the survey indicated a relatively negative outlook on the economy, with 55 percent of respondents expressing that the economy in their state is heading in the wrong direction, while 45 percent believe it is moving in the right direction.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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