Trump Leads Biden with Hispanic and Young Voters in First Poll of 2024

Former Republican President Donald Trump leads sitting Democratic President Joe Biden in numerous demographics that would be historically unprecedented for a GOP presidential candidate.

According to the first updated poll of 2024, Donald Trump has surpassed Joe Biden in two important voting blocs, putting him ahead of Biden in the contest for president.

According to a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, Trump has a three-point edge over Biden among younger voters (37%-34%), and a five-point lead among Hispanic voters (39%-34%).

Before he was declared the victor in the 2020 presidential election, Biden had already secured the support of those two demographics. Biden is also losing ground among Black voters, another important demographic, according to Monday’s survey.

He won over 87% of Black voters in 2020, but now he’s only got 63% of that group’s backing.

With 39% of the vote compared to 37% for Biden and 17% for an unidentified third-party candidate, Trump easily took the lead in the survey.

Credit DailyMailcom

As noted by the Daily Mail, Trump increased his lead to 37% over Biden’s 34% when third-party candidates were included in the polling. The third-party leader was independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with 10% of the vote.

This development is quite problematic for Biden, especially among the younger demographic that voted for him in significant numbers four years ago, even though the majority is ideologically opposed to Republicans on topics like climate change and abortion access.

It appears that third-party candidates received some of the president’s backing. Twenty percent of Black and Hispanic voters, as well as twenty-one percent of young voters, said they will support a third party candidate, according to the survey.

Voters are worried about Biden’s age, according to many surveys, and want someone else to run for president in 2024. His 81st year makes him the longest serving president of the United States. By the time his second term ends, he will be 86 years old.

Nevertheless, the survey shows that 74% of probable Democratic primary voters are in favor of Biden, while 2% are in favor of Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips and 9% are in favor of author Marianne Williamson.

In an interview with USA Today, David Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center, explained that while Trump hasn’t increased his support among Black voters, he has managed to reduce the gap because to third-party supporters who leverage Biden’s popularity among Blacks.

“Although Trump hasn’t grown support among Black voters, he has closed the deficit because third-party voters come off of Biden’s support among Blacks,” David Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center, told USA Today.

“A young voter or a person of color voting ‘third party’ is a vote away from President Biden, and a vote away from President Biden is a vote for Donald Trump,” the analyst said.

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With a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, the survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted by landline and cellphone from Tuesday through Friday.

The first Republican nomination battles won’t start for a few weeks, but Trump, who is 77 years old, is leading all of the major surveys.

Meanwhile, Biden’s opposition is locled into cement: 44% of those who voted for the former president rated their level of support for him as a perfect 10. A mere 18% of Biden’s fans identify as a ’10’.

Despite facing several legal challenges, including two federal trials and two state trials (in Georgia and New York), Trump has maintained a loyal following and is currently leading the field in the 2024 presidential race.

By Melinda Davies
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