Trump Gets Heat for Downplaying Early Voting & ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Efforts in ‘Hannity’ Interview

Former President Donald Trump stated he would urge his followers to engage in early voting and “legal” ballot harvesting for the 2024 elections, but his qualification has some Republican supporters dismayed.

“Republicans have been reluctant and resistant towards early voting, mail-in voting,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said. “They have also been resistant towards legal ballot harvesting, which Democrats have mastered, which is why they can hide in their basement and run hundreds of millions of dollars in ads and never answer a press question, shake a hand or kiss a baby or do a town hall. Do you encourage and embrace early voting, voting by mail and legal ballot harvesting?”

“I do,” Trump responded. “They also create phony ballots and that’s a real problem. That’s my opinion.”

Trump also repeated his intention to promote early voting among his supporters, but noted that vote-by-mail ballots often “get lost.”

The 2024 presidential candidate drew criticism online from political commentators for undermining Republican supporters’ early voting and legal ‘ballot harvesting’ efforts.

“It’s worth noting that nearly all the GOP Governor and Senator candidates that were actively pushing this line in 2022 lost,” said John Hawkins.

“Hannity was literally trying to spoon feed Trump his answer for early voting and mail in ballots and Trump was not having it,” commented Sam Fawaz. “Instead he wanted to talk about cheating and fraudulent ballots. If Trump is the GOP nominee, the loss will be bigger than 2020. Hannity was literally trying to spoon feed Trump his answer for early voting and mail in ballots and Trump was not having it. Instead he wanted to talk about cheating and fraudulent ballots. If Trump is the GOP nominee, the loss will be bigger than 2020.”

“See what I mean? Trump can’t even have an interview with his biggest media booster, who is actively trying to set him up for an easy answer, without embarrassing himself,” remarked the Twitter pundit AG.

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“He cannot not talk about 2020,” said Sekrah. “It’s literally eating him alive. He must mention it in every breath. He won’t get an easier interview than this and still botched it.”

Donald Trump is far-and-away the frontrunner in the 2024 Republican primary race. However, he faces a host of legal troubles and an uphill battle in swing states that he lost in the 2020 race.

By Melinda Davies
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