Top Virologist Blows Whistle: ‘Covid Doesn’t Exist’

A world-renowned virologist has just blown the whistle and alerted the public that the COVID-19 virus “doesn’t exist.”

According to Dr. Sam Bailey, the virus was fabricated in order for globalists to trigger a “pandemic’ and usher in an unwelcome agenda.

Baily warns that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that supposedly caused COVID-19, doesn’t exist and never has done.

We are now over four years into the COVID-19 fraud and while many things have changed, confusion remains the dominant theme.

More people are coming to the realization that there was no pandemic but there are also plenty of people ramping up “bioweapons” and “gain of function” narratives.

Amongst this, we have also seen the introduction of a new side-stepping argument that “virus existence is not important”.

In 2020, Baily’s team of top virologists started investigating the virus model and came to the realisation that SARS-CoV-2 did not exist.

In fact, there was no scientific evidence that any viruses existed, dating back to the late 1800s literature and the so-called Tobacco Mosaic “Virus.”

Those critiquing virology have pointed out that no entity that meets the description of a virus has ever been physically isolated.

In order to maintain the illusion, the virologists have not performed properly controlled experiments such as those proposed in the “Settling the Virus Debate” Statement.

Indeed, Dr Stefan Lanka has shown that various indirect findings claimed as evidence for viruses are produced by the experimental methodologies themselves.

In 2022, Mark published A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), a formal refutation of almost every aspect of the virus model.

As with other works that ‘no virus‘ proponents have produced there has been no direct response to the overall thesis.

Instead, we have only seen attempts to change the subject, cloud the established definitions of words or introduce new unfalsifiable hypotheses.

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There is no ‘third way’ when it comes to virus existence and this sophistry only distracts from the fact that no ‘pathogens’ of any type have been shown to exist.

The real-world human and animal experiments that set out to demonstrate “contagious” entities that cause diseases such as influenza and common colds were monumental flops.

Baily published a video explaining the investigation’s findings that led to the realization that viruses do not exist.

She explains that realizing this fact is a pivotal step for reducing fear and creating a better society.


By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

This notion that viruses don’t exist is utter hogwash. While certainly possible that some aspects of viruses are not properly understood and potentially possible that this *specific* virus may be entirely made up, it is a solid FACT that you can catch a cold or flu by licking public door knobs. There can be no argument against empirical evidence.

10 months ago

Common sense. To create a vaccination, it would be necessary to ISOLATE the cause. Right? If you can’t see or detect it, the cure would be pure guesswork.
Friends, we think we’re sophisticated, but it hasn’t been that long since “Medicine” used Leeches to cure us! Bloodletting was common, to get the evil (whatever it was) out of our bodies!
How far has our knowledge come? Really? If we imposed draconian lockdowns on the entire world, over something Science doesn’t fully understand, what will we endure next? What will be the next “Sucker Punch?” Are White Coats of today like the Priests of history, who pretended to know the unknowable, just to maintain mystique and “Divine Power” over the masses?
Right or wrong, true or false, we were so frightened by the alarm of our Priests (science) that we, without question, totally altered our lives…forever!
Was it ALL contrived? Was it just the FLU being used to scare us into submission?
What then is next? Leeches?

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