Top Scientist Exposes WEF’s Depopulation Agenda

A world-renowned scientist is raising the alarm to expose the depopulation agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the globalist organization’s allies.

Evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein is warning the public that the WEF is working with the United Nations, Big Pharma, and strategically placed government operatives, to drstically reduce the number of humans on Earth.

The plot involves using manmade viruses, poisonous “vaccines” to counter those engineered pandemics, and policies such as “Net Zero” that will ultimately trigger global famine.

The WEF’s agenda seeks to rid the planet of most of Earth’s general population, leaving behind a “new world” for the global elite.

“They have no use for us,” Weinstein warns.

Weinstein exposed the plot during a new interview with Alex Jones.

Jones highlighted what he saw as the core problems, mentioning issues like open borders, currency devaluation, and the general destabilization of society.

Jones commented, “They [powers that be] can’t ever actually build anything. So they’re sitting there going, ‘Look what a great artist I am,’ smashing things, and then society looks like a Jackson Pollock. But how are they ever going to paint a Rembrandt?

“They’re not,” replied Weinstein.

“What they have recognized is that they have no use for us.

And I wish that was an exaggeration, but you can see this so clearly in what they did to the public over COVID.”

The following is a short list of destructive COVID policies that seem like they were intended to kill and cause harm, rather than save lives:

#1 – Early treatment was smeared and suppressed. Doctors faced severe punishment for prescribing/promoting HCQ and ivermectin.

#2 – Hospitals pushed Remdesivir and ventilators on COVID patients, two regimens that were not just highly lucrative, but also highly detrimental to patient outcomes. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, in the first weeks of the COVID outbreak, “76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died.”

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#3 – “There was never an argument that made any sense for delivering those shots to healthy young people.”

#4 – Shots quickly extended to pregnant women, young children, and babies, the last people you would want to inject without knowing the long-term consequences.

#5 – Once we discovered the shots did not control disease, the argument for injecting young people went away, but authorities continued pushing them anyway.

#6 – The media and authorities cared so much about “saving lives” during COVID. But now that COVID is behind us and excess deaths remain high, no one in authority cares to investigate what’s causing it.

#7 – “To this day, Harvard apparently just reinitiated their policy of requiring those shots for their own students.”

After reflecting on the big picture, Weinstein remarked, “Whatever is driving doesn’t care that it is going to kill people who have long lives of potentially important contributions to make.”

The full two-hour conversation is available below:

By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

And you have difficulty arresting these monsters for genocide why please?
Who the hell do they think they are,,,they’ve already ‘murdered’ millions with the jab but no-one does a thing to stop them?

11 months ago

Are the lives of these elites considered to be exempt from the elimination of their kind, as that which they plan for us mere human beings? Are they so extraordinarily brilliant that they don’t believe that is precisely what will come to them? This will be a new kind of war and they have given all of us an effective weapon against them by telegraphing how they plan to remove us. The numbers are massively lopsided in OUR favor.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Trouble is, MOST of the population actually doesn’t believe it! “Conspiracy nut” was about the NICEST thing I was called when I started sounding this alarm, after being sent to the who’s charming little diatribe, and digging further to uncover the rest. It was another piece of the kind of “living panorama ” Yhwh God had been building in my mind/soul since I was about 6 yrs old, bit by bit. It gives me , not a prophetic view, but a clear global geopolitical and Spiritual view of our present situation. Up ’til about 16 or17 yrs ago it was a kind of crazy kaleidoscope scrambling around in my head, ’til Yhwh God. chose to send me the “keystone” piece, and it all dropped into place, enough to see, finally, what it was all about. Not all the details are filled in, yet, but more are being so almost every day now.
I can understand the reluctance to see this, it is pretty jarring to realize the institutions and leaders you’d been taught to trust as helpers, protectors, and guides all one’s life, are not only NOT to be trusted, but literally are “out to get you”! I think most of the ” adult children” populating western nations at least, are simply not capable of coping with that kind of shake-up, because while the got to adult size and physiology they did not mature commensurately.

Don Mac
Don Mac
11 months ago

The WEF, the UN and all other elitists should be charged with murder! Plain and Simple.
They should be put in jail! What they are promoting is mass genocide! The likes of our federal government leadership all need to be equally charged!!

Don Mac
Don Mac
11 months ago

In the end the people will rise up and have a revolution like that of the French Revolution in the 18th century…something to think about!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Don Mac

that’s even scarier! I think I prefer then God’s plan this time, thanks..

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago

Um.. They have put it in writing for any to read well over a decade ago, in their UN Agenda 21, reaffirmed in Agenda 2030 some 6 yrs ago, in very plain English, And it was carved in stone on the Georgia Guide Stones, until those were destroyed awhile back. It hasn’t den a state secret. And the who has been contributing for yrs as well, via their Codex Alimentarius, a sneaky little paper that tells food processors and growers how much nutrition to decrease in our foods every yr!

11 months ago

This isn’t ‘news’ – they’ve not been embarrassed to openly alarm the citizens for quite a while now and actually, they seem pretty proud of themselves.

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