Top New Zealand Officials Convicted of Crimes against Humanity over Pandemic Mandates

Several top New Zealand government officials have been convicted of charges related to crimes against humanity over mandates and restrictions forced onto the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield, and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the COVID pandemic.

The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions.

After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale, and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand.

The Wakaminenga Māori Government (“WMG”) operates under the “Native Māori Jurisdiction.”

It is the first-nation jurisdiction of New Zealand.

It is recognized in pre and post-treaty British imperial law.

The first collective form of Māori Government was Te Wakaminenga at Te Ngaere in 1805, Muriwhenua (transl. Northland).

Te Wakaminenga is translated into English texts as the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand.

Since 28 October 1835, the WMG has been recognized under international law as the lawful government of Aotearoa Nu Tireni (transl. New Zealand).

He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (transl. the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand) was signed by a large group of northern chiefs on 28 October 1835.

With this Declaration the British recognised New Zealand as a sovereign state.

The declaration set up a congress “for the purpose of framing laws for the dispensation of justice, the preservation of peace and good order, and the regulation of trade.”

As an article in the Otago Daily Times explained, the main parts of the document declare that New Zealand is an independent nation, that all sovereign power resides collectively with the chiefs, that no government can exist unless appointed by them, and that they request that the then British King, William IV, would be a protector from “all attempts upon its independence.”

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This the British colonial office agreed to do, so long as Māori protected British citizens living in New Zealand.

As such article 4 of the Declaration states that all those coming to Nū Tīreni (New Zealand) shores to settle, and trade would be protected, including their property rights, human rights, and freedom of choice.

The Declaration was originally signed at Waitangi by a group of 34 chiefs, with 52 chiefs from the top half of the North Island eventually signing by 1839.

In the eyes of the British colonial office, the Declaration recognized New Zealand as a sovereign and independent country.

It is why when the British made up their mind to annex New Zealand in 1840 and claim sovereignty by right of treaty, they first had to go to Waitangi and convince the signatories of the Declaration to sign up.

Today the Te Tiriti o Waitangi (or the Treaty of Waitangi) is widely accepted as a constitutional document that establishes and guides the relationship between the Crown in New Zealand, embodied by the New Zealand government, and Māori.

Cease and Desist

The WMG has been in recess but, its website states, has “recently re-emerged out of necessity, to provide shelter in the form of the native Māori jurisdiction … pressures surround people of the land, due to the implementation of specific plans originating from the Crown and beyond, spanning the entire globe.”

Early last year, the WMG issued a video statement that it was now in full effect as the operational and true government of New Zealand for all the people, Māori and non-Māori.

“We instruct the forces engaged in the unlawful assault upon the lives persons property and freedom of all people Māori and non-Māori to cease and desist with immediate effect their illegitimate actions to all agents actors and members of a corporate entity operating under the name New Zealand government and the Crown Corporation we instruct you to stop the intentional harm of all people and to meet with them to hear their requests.”

On 17 June 2023, a dedicated team of men and women opened the first sovereign independent Grand Jury Court of Justice.

The first case was brought by the members of the WMG on behalf of all the people of New Zealand.

The trial dealt with alleged breaches of the sovereign law of He Wakaputanga, the 1835 Declaration, and crimes of genocide and against humanity.

On 11 August 2023, four high-ranking New Zealand government officials were summoned to appear before the Court to have the charges against them confirmed.

The four accused were former Prime Minister Christopher Hipkins, former Minister for the Public Service Andrew Little, former Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield and Medsafe Group Manager Christopher James.

On 27 August 2023, the Court convened. As no response from any of the accused was received, the decision was made to try them in their absence.

The jury delivered decisions of ‘proven’ against multiple charges for each.

They were found guilty of breaches of the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand and committing crimes in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic during the period from 2020 to 2023.

The matter was passed to the Hou Hunga Rongo/Council for Restorative Justice.

On 15 September 2023, the convicted criminals were ordered to attend a hearing on 24 September 2023.

All failed to acknowledge the summons, so the hearing went ahead in their absence.

On 24 September 2023, sentencing was handed down.

Hipkins, Little, and Bloomfield were sentenced to 10 years in prison, liquidation of all their assets, banned from holding office in the future, banned from leaving New Zealand and further investigated for crimes against humanity.

James was sentenced to 5 years in prison, liquidation of all his assets, banned from holding office in the future, banned from leaving New Zealand and further investigated for crimes against humanity.

In September, WMG also held a Tribunal during which 118 Members of Parliament were accused and found guilty of supporting and facilitating the actions of the four convicted criminals above.

All 118 were sentenced to between 3 and 10 years in prison, financial penalties, banned from holding office in the future, banned from leaving New Zealand and further investigated for crimes against humanity.

Following the evidence heard during the trial of the four criminals and the tribunal of 118 Members of Parliament, on 17 October 2023, WMG issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale, and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives.

You can read the Trial Summary, the Tribunal Summary, and the Prohibition Order HERE.

By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

What about the rest of the world?

11 months ago

Good, we need some justice in the USA for the same actions of elected officials.

11 months ago
Reply to  OregonOpa

Britain needs to do this too

11 months ago

Finally some effective and fabulous and rightful news! You go New Zealand show the rest of the world on how to do it – and with class!!! Perhaps this country will grow some gonads and follow suit – perhaps per chance to dream…

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
11 months ago

Until the guilty are detained and incarcerated, it cannot be said that justice has been served. Too bad NZ hasn’t tried its Communist ho, Jacinda Ardern. She is a WEF graduate and still involved with Schwab and his Nazis.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
11 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

I think she is working at the WEF now.

David Smith
David Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

Get them all in one building. Should make rounding them up simple.

11 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker


11 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

The mother of Klaus Schwab was Jewish by the way, so he is hardly a Nazi, just as his principal advisor Noah Harari is not a ‘Nazi’, but Schwab and Harari are something else though, there is another name you can use by the way to properly identify the authors of the WEF, which is merely a front organization pushing the Israeli Jewish NWO one world government program.

11 months ago
Reply to  Al Johnson

This is why she stepped down, because the chit is gonna hit the fan, and she left before she was pushed.

Terence Maness
Terence Maness
11 months ago

Are any of them ACTUALLY in or going to jail?

11 months ago


11 months ago

Fantastic news!!! Most people in the US were clueless about the brutal acts committed on citizens of other countries — New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Austria, etc. The US was bad enough for all of the lockdowns, mandates, shaming, etc., but they weren’t quite as barbaric. Little do people know, that Australia, in particular, force-vaxxed their Aborigine citizens/villages.

That means the Australian govt officials (including military/police) drove for days to these Aborigine villages and force-vaxxed them. These people were the safest people in the world to be around. How would the ‘virus’ have ever reached them, or visa versa? Now, their pure blood and DNA may be tainted for generations to come. That is barbaric and as inhumane as it gets!

Yes, all leaders of any country that participated in this horrific act of global genocide should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, similar to what the Maori Govt and the Nuremberg Code handed down. These barbarians MUST be held accountable, and their atrocious acts never be forgotten, and certainly never repeated!

Last edited 11 months ago by TheTruthIsLikeALion
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