Top Expert: Spike Protein REPLACES Sperm in Vaxxed Men

One of the world’s leading experts has uncovered evidence showing that the spike protein produced by Covid mRNA shots is “replacing” sperm in vaccinated men.

The disturbing discovery was made by a German medical examiner who tragically passed away before he could go public with his findings.

Just before he died, the late pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt explained during a recent lecture how, after examining tissue samples from both young and old men who died following vaccination, he discovered spike proteins had overtaken sperm-producing organs and the sperm itself.


“Here you see the case where we show the testes,” Burkhardt said, pointing to a slide, “and you can see that in this 28-year-old man who had a healthy son and who died 140 days after injection, the spike protein is in the strongly expressed in the spermatogenic organ in the testes, and you can see there are almost no spermatozoids in here, but it’s strongly expression of spike protein in the spermatogenic tissue.”

Dr. Burkhardt next described the same issue with the older patient, saying:

“So also in the older person, this is an old man, and you can see here also a strong expression in the spermatogonia, there’s not one single spermatozoon in this, and a strong expression of the spike protein.”

The forensic pathologist went on to caution women against producing offspring with vaccinated males, saying:

“If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man who has been vaccinated.”

The research coincides with other data showing female ovaries are also destroyed by the spike protein present in the mRNA shots, suggesting the jabs prompt a complete overhaul of the human reproduction system.

Dr. Burkhardt’s observations demonstrate how Covid vaccines are having a devastating impact on humanity and the reproduction of our species.

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At the very least, his discoveries warrant further investigation on the subject.

By Hunter Fielding
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7 months ago

Yes so all you sex addicted people out there, better be asking for vaxx cards before sex!
The world is self destructing, because of the EVIL is All encompassing!!! Amen

You know what GOD did the last time!!! RIGHT???

7 months ago

We’re just realizing the reality of the COVID nightmare, while the next wave of indignity is being created, and planned for by the Elite!
If we don’t stop the grisly WEF BEFORE…
it will be too late after.
Giving away America’s sovereignty is TREASON! Intelligent people wouldn’t even allow this “organization” to exist!
We’re being led to the slaughter by Communists in American clothing!

7 months ago

These videos are dated 2023, 01, 02 and 04. So is this information being presented as “new” or to remind both male and females of what the results were back in early 2023?

Cary Oke
Cary Oke
7 months ago

The U.S. southern border is open to allow the replacement people to freely cross into the U.S. as the current population is murdered by the Covid-19 vaccinations.

7 months ago
Reply to  Cary Oke

Yes I hear that often and they also say that these new people will just do what they are told, but, the people who vaccinated themselves did exactly that, they did what they were told. I saw them with my own eyes, standing in line at the CVS pharmacy getting jabbed, all of them standing next to each other while the so called virus was ravaging the masses on TV that is. The hospital was empty, I know because I had a relative in there for another reason, and I was visiting often, I sat in the cafeteria and ate my lunch after removing my mask to eat and saw no other visitors and only saw nurses and other employees sitting around joking and laughing while eating lunch, they looked very relaxed almost like they didn’t have anything to do, since they were rejecting most people from coming into the hospital through the ER because they feared covid so much. It was all a con from what I saw with my own eyes. The hospital looked like a ghost town, they also didn’t want to let me in, but i’m different and don’t care about jail or getting into a fight with anybody. After they tried to stop me and calling the cops on me they changed their mind after I threatened them with pulling my relative out of that hospital and they would lose a lot of money, they backed off an gave me permission. It’s all about money after all.

7 months ago

I just don’t understand why, how or who continually ignores the murder that’s happening because of all this covid crapola, mRNA, Gates, Fauci, and every governmental agency sitting on their butts as if nothing has happened since 2019. I don’t get it. Where’s the fury? The indignation? The charges? The punishment? All this info coming out from studies yet they continue to plan their next ‘plandemic.’ Why???

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
7 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

The simple answer is depopulation PK. You must have seen the ‘Deagel report’. The USA, UK and Germany are the places with the highest percentage of depopulation. The UK is 70 +%. All by 2025.

7 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

You’re asking the wrong questions. When did good people stop caring? Answer: when they stopped accepting God as the Supreme Being, and threw His Son’s offer of Grace out! You can still accept His offer of Grace, and none of this insanity will touch you, fear of death will disappear.

Rita Michalevicz
Rita Michalevicz
7 months ago

Easy to check
Study reproduction in religious females who were vaccinated

SGT Todd Wiseman
SGT Todd Wiseman
7 months ago

Proudly of the 7% UNvaxxed who never took the microchipped mark of the BEAST 666, I’ve noticed many high end sperm banks now paying upwards of $$$ 25,000 for healthy men like myself, NO drugs, drinking or smoking


7 months ago

Who didn’t see this coming? Sad though.

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