Top Doctor Issues Red Alert: ‘Pregnant American Mothers Are Now Dying at Alarming Rates’

One of the world’s most highly respected doctors has just issued a red alert over the “alarming rates” at “pregnant American mothers are now dying.”

Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading American cardiologist, warns that deaths of pregnant mothers started skyrocketing in early 2021.

McCullough, who previously served as vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University, suggests that health officials are covering up the true cause of the devastating issue.

Maternal deaths are soaring in America among Cocid vaccinated mothers, McCullough testified.

However, the CDC claims it “doesn’t know” what’s causing it.

According to a CDC report:

“The maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a rate of 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019.”

That’s a 38.2% increase compared to 2020 and a 63.7% increase from 2019.

McCullough notes that the spike started in 2021 after the public rollout of Covid mRNA shots.

He highlights that doctors were told to vaccinate pregnant women “at any point during pregnancy.”

Testifying about the issue, McCullough remarked:

This increase in maternal deaths has “erased four decades of progress in obstetrics.

“And in that manuscript, there’s no mention of COVID, and there’s no mention of the vaccines.

“They’re simply reporting this bad news that pregnant American mothers are now dying at alarming rates.

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“This is in a US federal government publication.

“I think everybody listening to this should be alarmed.”


By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

When do we begin rounding up the Monsters that intentionally released this killer upon the world? How much more legal gobbledygook must we endure as the Eugenicists profess their fake innocence?
Just how gullible are we? Genocide was planned and implemented worldwide by second generation Nazis and Globalist Oligarchs! WE ALL KNOW! Who and why. There is no doubt. The WEF tells us proudly, everyday, about the plan to “thin the herd!”
Humanity’s response?
We continue to graze.
Sheep don’t respond…apparently.

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