
Health Officials: ‘Explosion’ in Heart Attack Deaths Since mRNA Shot Rollout Is Just a ‘Coincidence’

Health Officials: ‘Explosion’ in Heart Attack Deaths Since mRNA Shot Rollout Is Just a ‘Coincidence’

Government health officials in the United States and the United Kingdom have declared that the "explosion" of soaring deaths and disabilities in the aftermath of the Covid mRNA vaccine rollout is just a "coincidence." Official government data shows a staggering spike in disabilities, autism, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and…
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Florida Republicans Officially Designate Covid Shots as ‘Bioweapons’

Florida Republicans Officially Designate Covid Shots as ‘Bioweapons’

Republicans in a Florida county have banned Covid shots and officially designated the jabs as "bioweapons." In a landslide vote, the Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has passed a resolution to ban the experimental covid vaccines, deeming both the injections and the virus “biological and technological weapons.” The committee…
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Covid Jabs Spiked with Cancer-Causing Chemicals, Big Pharma Scientist Warns

Covid Jabs Spiked with Cancer-Causing Chemicals, Big Pharma Scientist Warns

A Big Pharma scientist has warned that Covid jabs have been spiked with cancer-causing chemicals and DNA-altering agents. Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered dangerous levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. During a recent interview with…
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FDA Caught Covering Up Covid Shot Deaths amid Soaring Heart Attacks

FDA Caught Covering Up Covid Shot Deaths amid Soaring Heart Attacks

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been caught covering up the number of people who have died from Covid vaccines as the number of Americans suffering heart attacks soars to unprecedented levels. The FDA has come under fire for stonewalling medical information requests from investigators seeking to ascertain…
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‘Long Covid’ Is Caused by Vaccines, Study Finds

‘Long Covid’ Is Caused by Vaccines, Study Finds

A new study has found that ongoing symptoms that were previously believed to have been related to COVID-19 are actually caused by mRNA vaccines. Recipients of the Big Pharma jabs are reporting a rare but growing phenomenon of adverse symptoms, such as unusual blood clotting and heart inflammation. Others report…
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Mysterious Neurological Disorder Soaring in Young People, Doctors Baffled

Mysterious Neurological Disorder Soaring in Young People, Doctors Baffled

Doctors have been reporting an alarming spike in a mysterious neurological disorder over the past two years, leaving scientists and medical professionals baffled. Medical professionals are warning that the neurological condition, characterized by a wide range of symptoms, including hallucinations, muscle wasting, vision problems, memory loss, and abnormal movements, is…
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Heart Deaths Soaring after mRNA Shots Rolled Out, Experts Warn

Heart Deaths Soaring after mRNA Shots Rolled Out, Experts Warn

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has released a shocking new report revealing a staggering increase of over 500 heart disease-related deaths per week in England. According to the UK’s leading cardiovascular research charity, the BHF, heart attacks, and strokes have seen a significant surge since 2020. This report is based on…
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