Super-Fit Triathlete Suffers Deadly Heart Failure after Second COVID Vaccine

A super-fit triathlete, Ingi Doyle, has spoken out about the severe heart damage she suffered after receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

The 56-year-old mother-of-two was told there was a one-in-ten chance she wouldn’t survive surgery to address the medical complications that followed her second dose of the vaccine.

Prior to getting vaccinated, Doyle had no health problems and was extremely active, participating in triathlons and half-marathons.

However, just one day after her second jab, she experienced swelling and fatigue, and later developed a tear in her aorta’s lining.

Doyle underwent multiple surgeries and suffered organ failure, hematoma, and a pulmonary embolism.

She believes her injuries were caused by vaccine spike proteins found in her bloodstream.

Despite reporting her adverse reactions, she has received little communication from health authorities.

Doyle now lives with uncertainty and describes her old life as being “ripped away.”

She was told there was a one-in-ten chance she wouldn’t survive surgery to address one of the many medical complications that followed her second injection of the Pfizer vaccine.

Doyle said she had “no health problems whatsoever” before getting two doses of the jab in mid-2021 and was the epitome of health and fitness.

She had won medals competing in triathlons, participated in Ironwoman and half-marathon events, and trained 15 hours a week on top of her job as a fitness instructor.

“My life was all about sport, being full-on active,” she told Daily Mail Australia.

“Fit as a fiddle, I was really strong.”

Doyle, who migrated to Australia from Sweden in 1989, took the Covid vaccine after being led to believe that it would protect her aging parents.

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“I wasn’t anti-vaccine, I had no reason to be, but I have never had a flu jab in my life. I was never sick, always healthy,” she said.

“But with my family over in Sweden and my mom and dad getting old and sick – I thought, ‘Oh, well, I am going to do this’.”

Doyle’s first dose left her with a sore arm – but her second jab, on July 4, 2021, was when it “all turned to s***,” in what has been listed as a suspected adverse reaction with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Doyle said: “Literally the day after I woke up with a massive swelling under my armpit.

“It looked like a small water balloon sagging down under my ribs.”

For the next two weeks, Doyle said she felt fatigued.

“Just walking around was starting to feel hard and I didn’t know why,” she said.

“Then, very, very suddenly, I had a very severe sharp pain in my lower abdomen. This radiated through to my lower back.”

It worsened over the next few hours until her partner, Scott, took Doyle to hospital.

After a series of tests, Ms Doyle was told she had suffered an aortic dissection –  a large tear of the lining on the inside of the heart.

“I was really scared, I was alone,” she said.

Her partner wasn’t allowed into the hospital due to Covid restrictions.

“I was in pain and I thought I might die here,” she recalled.

“They also found [I had] an enlarged heart but no answers why.

“I had many scans and tests and was put on lots of medications. After five days I broke down, I was a mess.”

It was just the beginning of a nightmare series of medical complications and surgeries – including undergoing grueling 12-hour cardiac surgery where she suffered organ failure and spent two weeks being fed through a tube.

“I was in and out consciousness and given heavy drugs that made me hallucinate so bad,” she said.

“I was so scared. I was in pain and again I thought I was going to die.”

She later suffered a hematoma (a pool of clotted blood), a pulmonary embolism (a clot blocking her right lung), and an infected skin graft that required more major surgery.

A few months ago, Doyle was back in the hospital for a grueling 17-hour surgery because the initial aortic graft got infected and had to be replaced with a new synthetic one.

When Doyle’s health troubles first began, she and partner Scott Elms, 53, desperately tried to find the cause.

“Scott wrote a massive list and at the very bottom was ‘could it be the vaccines?'” Doyle said.

“Doctors said that couldn’t be right because the vaccine goes into your arm, stays there for three days, and disappears.”

Unconvinced, Elms got in contact with renowned Immunology Professor Nikolai Petrovsky from South Australia’s Flinders University.

She said Professor Petrovsky gave Scott a “really clear description” that her injury could have been caused by vaccine spike proteins found in the bloodstream.

“He sent some links of other similar cases he had seen,” she said.

Doyle says no one has offered the couple an alternative theory.

“They have looked for everything else, they have looked high and low for anything that could possibly be the cause and found nothing,” she said.

“The only thing they have not looked for properly is the vaccine.

“In my opinion, the biggest problem we have in Australia is there is no testing facility for spike proteins.

“Where do we get things tested?”

The vascular surgeon who did her first surgery reported Ms Doyle as a suspected vaccine adverse reaction to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Her reactions to the vaccine are listed as aortic dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia under case number 659726 on the TGA database.

Thankfully, Professor Petrovsky was able to confirm that the “safe and effective” Covid mRNA vaccine was the cause of her near-death experience.

However, many other cases unfortunately end up swept under the rug.

By Kate Stephenson
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