Suddens Deaths Explode Among Vaxxed Children and Babies

Countries around the world are seeing an explosion of sudden deaths among children and babies who have been vaccinated for Covid.

Sudden deaths among children across Europe were negative compared to the previous average throughout 2020 and 2021 until the European Medicines Agency (EMA) extended the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) of the COVID-19 vaccine to Children.

Curiously, from this point onwards, sudden deaths among children across Europe began to rise significantly up to the end of 2021.

They have continued to skyrocket to alarming levels throughout 2022 and 2023.

So much so, that thousands more children have lost their lives than expected ever since they were offered the Covid-19 injection.

In 2020, the first year of the alleged pandemic, excess deaths among children across Europe aged 0-14 were -511 according to EuroMOMO, the official database on deaths used by the EU.

This means 511 fewer children died than expected.

This trend continued in 2021 up to week 21 with -330 excess deaths.

This means 330 fewer children died than expected

But that trend was halted as soon as the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine to children.

The EMA did this on 28th May 2021, which just so happened to be week 21 of 2021, and here’s what happened afterward –

Excess deaths among children rose significantly with 685 excess deaths being recorded by the end of 2021.

Meaning 685 more children died than expected.

Sadly, the EMA also extended the EUA of the COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 5 to 11 in week 47 of 2021.

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This new trend then continued throughout 2022, with a shocking 1,385 excess deaths.

Meaning 1,385 more children died than expected.

And sadly it has continued throughout 2023, with 753 more children dying than expected as of week 45.

This means that 2,823 more children have died than expected across Europe ever since the EMA extended Emergency Use Authorisation of the COVID-19 vaccine to children.

But 841 fewer children died than expected during the entire alleged pandemic up until the point the EMA extended Emergency Use Authorisation of the COVID-19 vaccine to children, with minus-841 excess deaths being recorded.

It’s blindingly obvious that giving the Covid-19 injection to children has caused thousands more children to lose their lives than expected.

But the Establishment and Mainstream Media will tell you it’s just another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since the start of the alleged pandemic in 2020.

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

Vaccines were invented to Kill people, wake the F up!!!

10 months ago

I don’t believe there ever was a “vaccine.” From the start, “Gain of Function” and Anthony Fauci created a Bio-Weapon!
COVID spiked during our normal flu season! The PCR Tests used to detect COVID incidentally detects Influenza as well!
We were setup and lied to. The goal of the Globalist Eugenicists was to inject everyone, world-wide, and watch their time-release killer work. If you listen, your Masters have plainly stated they want to eliminate 2/3 of the humans on the planet!
The COVID Plandemic, coupled with endless wars, will be the tools used to meet their goals of extreme depopulation.

No Thanks
No Thanks
10 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Correct – The Clot Shot is MURDEROUS WEAPON Period. And fools still take it and boosters, etc, etc. Sad and Disgusting truly.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

More than 2/3; they want only 500 million people left alive, including themselves. That currently means 7.5 BILLION people must die quickly, per their agenda. Our food, air water and soil are poisoned, as well as our “medicines”. I know of no “vaccine”, since the earliest smallpox inoculations were revised, that has not contained toxic adjuvants.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Yes, everyone that is 500 million people LEFT ON THE ENTIRE PLANET!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Including themselves, of course!

Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
10 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

PCR detects any coronavirus. That would include the common cold.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
10 months ago

Unfortunately, the news is concentrating on how much have NOT died.

10 months ago
Reply to  Asstro Buoy

shedding has been found to DAMAGE THE BLOOD OF THOSE . . N O T . . VAX’D AS THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN VAXD!

10 months ago

If Bill Gates was reading this he would say, “Well at least it’s a start!”

10 months ago

Pfizer knew the danger and hid it. The pandemic and vaccines were and are bioweapons to reduce population. And going under the WHO treaty is treason by leadership.

Harold Crapper
Harold Crapper
10 months ago

The death of babies, I think this is what democrats call progress.

10 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper


10 months ago

They should all be lined up and have every needle stuck into them that they have stuck into these poor defenceless babies, the stupid parents too need to be shown where that they have made a terrible mistake in allowing their precious little ones to suffer from this vile tyranny ??

10 months ago

4 or 5 years ago the “authorities” were complaining there were too many people in the world & populations were growing to rapidly. Then all of a sudden there arose a seasonal flu virus that got blown into a “pandemic’! Several “vaccines” were developed & unleashed on the public without adequate testing or in some cases NO TESTING AT ALL. Here in Canada the drug companies were ordered by the government to not produce or distribute the known drugs that would kill the virus, mandated that people were to get this “DRUG” if they wanted to work or travel or attend schools etc. Thus we were all open season for a drug designed to “CULL THE POPULATION”!
This resulted in turning people against each other, destroyed our economy, slashed our workforce, caused millions to lose their home & everything they worked for resulting in excessive suicides & homelessness. This tactic gave Trudeau the authority to begin implementing his communist beliefs on Canadians & as long as he remains in office it will only get worse!!

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