STUPID VIDEO – This is as DUMB a take as you will see on Al Green being forced to leave Trump’s address to Congress

This is about as stupid a take as you will see on a-hole Democrat Al Green getting taken out of President Trump’s address to Congress last night.

Democrat Lateefah Simon from California claims we are going back to the Jim Crow 1950s because Green was told to sit down and was then forced to leave President Trump’s address last night.


What utter nonsense.

And the American people know this is a garbage take because they saw what happened.

This wasn’t racism, this was a man who was kicked out because he kept interrupting to try and make a scene and order had to be restored.

Green should be kicked out of Congress too for that ridiculous display.

By Melinda Davies
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18 days ago

California…what are you thinking? Listen to her obstructionist plans! This is a voice of looney Leftists without hope!

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