Sheila Jackson Lee’s Foul-Mouthed Rant Against Staffer Caught on Audio: Report

Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee (D-TX), who is vying for mayor of Houston, was allegedly captured on an audio recording cursing and insulting a staff member.

The audio was provided to the Texas outlet Current Revolt on Saturday, and it appears to have been recorded by the staffer himself, as he can be heard shuffling as he reaches for his mobile phone and promises Jackson Lee he will contact another staffer regarding a document she had given them.

The congresswoman then accused the staffer of not “having a f****** brain.”

“I don’t want you to do a god**** thing. I want you to have a f****** brain. I want you to have read it,” Jackson Lee says. “Nobody sent me the information. I need to, uh, ensure my, um, schedule and, uh, you know, if, if Boo Boo did it, s*** a** did it, f*** face did it. And nobody knows a god**** thing in my office. Okay? Nothing. I gave it to you.”

Jackson Lee confronted a second staff member about the paper surrounding an event honoring the late Ovide Duncantell, founder of the Black Heritage Society. During his lifetime, he was actively involved in Houston politics, and Jackson Lee is presently running for mayor there.

Here is more from SJL’s explicit rant.

“Okay. So when I called Jerome, he only sitting up there like a fat a** stupid idiot talking about, uh, what the f***? He doesn’t know. Okay? Both of y’all are f** ups [inaudible]. It’s the worst s*** that I could have ever had put together,” Jackson Lee says. “Two god**** big a** children f****** idiots serve no god**** purpose. Ain’t managing nobody. Nobody’s respecting them. Nobody gives a s*** about what you’re doing and you ain’t doing s***. And this is an example of it.”

This year, Jackson Lee will have served the 18th District in Texas for 28 years. She promised the family of Tyre Nichols that she would reintroduce the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act with a “Tyre Nichols Duty to Intervene.”

The measure was not passed by the previous Congress.

By Melinda Davies
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10 months ago

Unbelievable!! Anyone voting for her deserves what she dishes out. She should be removed from all offices. Not becoming as a representative!!

10 months ago

fire her worthless ass

10 months ago

Wow. Truly shocking this vile excuse of a human being is full of anger & hatred & self loathing. She sold her evil soul to the dark side for her zionist handlers & is MISERABLE!

10 months ago

This Leech in office, for 28 years should be OUSTED IMMEDIATELY and this should be enough to do so…She is like a pig feeding off the taxpayer’s public tough for Long Enough-THIS, is a good reason for Term Limits-Two and then you go BACK TO YOUR JOB PRIOR TO ‘Politics, as it’s NOT a License To Steal OR stay forever!

10 months ago

Bar soap or detergent?

10 months ago

She’s got a dirtier mouth than I do! Who’da thought?

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