Senate Staffer Who Filmed Gay Sex Video in Congressional Chamber Vindicated by Capitol Police

It’s official: The U.S. Senate is now open for gay sex orgies.

Following the recording of a “sex video” inside the Hart Senate Office Building on Wednesday, December 13, the U.S. Capitol Police confirmed Thursday that it will not be pressing charges.

“After consulting with federal and local prosecutors, as well as doing a comprehensive investigation and review of possible charges, it was determined that — despite a likely violation of Congressional policy — there is currently no evidence that a crime was committed,” the Capitol Police said in a statement.

“Although the hearing room was not open to the public at the time, the Congressional staffer involved had access to the room. The two people of interest were not cooperative, nor were the elements of any of the possible crimes met,” Capitol Police continued.

“The Congressional staffer, who has since resigned from his job, exercised his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and refused to talk to us,” authorities also said. “Our investigators are willing to review new evidence should any come to light.”

The Ben Cardin aide’s video was obtained last month by the Daily Caller.

Warning: This video, although censored, is graphic. It was obtained in an exclusive by the Daily Caller.

According to the Daily Caller, the tape was “shared in a private group for gay men in politics” after being leaked in a conversation, which was the first source to report on the film.

The Hart Senate Office Building’s room 216 is a historic hearing chamber; senators have used the dais to question prominent presidential nominees, including future Supreme Court justices.

Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland fired Aidan Maese-Czeropski, 24, in December, just one day after a pornographic film depicting two males engaging in sexual relations in a Senate chamber surfaced.

Following the viral X-rated video, he was threatened with criminal proceedings.

However, the well-connected ex-Democratic Senate aide has apparently escaped justice, despite defiling the halls of Congress.

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This is not the only Congressional incident in recent past where a Democrat has survived apparently illegal misconduct without serious repercussions.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled a Capitol fire alarm in September in order to disrupt a House vote, an official proceeding, and then gave misleading statements about it.

The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) outlined Bowman’s actions and cited evidence from text messages from around the time of the incident.

“Surveillance video obtained by the OCE shows Rep. Bowman deliberately pulling the fire alarm lever without ever looking back to determine whether the alarm facilitated the opening of the emergency doors,” the report said.

Bowman pleaded to a misdemeanor count of falsely pulling a fire alarm. He was fined $1,000 for a crime that could carry up to six months in jail. He also issued an apology to the Capitol Police.

“I am responsible for activating a fire alarm, I will be paying the fine issued, and look forward to these charges being ultimately dropped,” Bowman said in a statement.

The Capitol Police’s dubious handling of Democratic congressmen and their aides’ criminal activities calls into serious question its role as a law enforcement body involved in the nation’s politics.

When added to the Capitol Police’s botching of security and facilitation of the January 6 riots, there is more than ample cause to put the Congressional law enforcement agency under severe scrutiny and to impose serious reforms.

By Melinda Davies
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Michael F
Michael F
8 months ago

So sex in a public place isn’t a crime and defacing public property isn’t either. Just more salt in the face of the j6 prisoners who at worse committed a misdemeanor and rot in jail without bail while the swamp creatures invent crimes against the patriots.

8 months ago

unbelievable … I dont care what you say ..

8 months ago

Guys sticking their penises into other’s a-holes in the Senate, prez son dropping his dope all over the WH when not busy taking bribes, demoncraps lying/breaking laws every chance they make, past prez refusing to salute the American flag and encouraging racial tensions, politicians not doing their jobs, prez not protecting this country OR its citizens, a VP known as the laughing jackass – so, what’s the prob?

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