Second GOP Debate Co-Moderator Ilia Calderón Accuses Trump of Racism: ‘He Empowers White Supremacy’

Univision’s Ilia Calderón, who will co-moderate the second Republican presidential debate, is a staunch critic of former President Donald Trump, having accused him of empowering white supremacists and “racist” rhetoric in the past.

Fox News and Univision announced that Calderón, along with Fox News’s Dana Perino and Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney, will moderate the September 27 debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

Calderón, who co-moderated the last Democrat presidential debate in 2020 between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and President Joe Biden, has railed against Trump on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, over the years. 

After the first 2020 presidential debate on September 19, 2020, Calderon joined others in accusing Trump of not condemning white supremacists when moderator Chris Wallace asked if Trump would condemn them and militia groups and say that “they need to stand down.”

While Trump said “sure,” he caught criticism for stating, “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” as Breitbart News Senior Editor Joel Pollak pointed out in a fact check at the time. “Wallace is the one who introduced the “stand down” language — not Trump, who was doing what he was asked,” Pollak emphasized:

“A dangerous moment of the debate,” Calderón tweeted afterward. “Trump not only does not condemn but empowers white supremacists.”

In another instance, on February 8, 2018, she claimed that Trump “does not want whites to stop being the majority, and it would be the reason for his measures against immigration”:

Calderón also expressed disapproval when Trump pushed for the opening of schools during the pandemic:

“At a time when contagion cases are increasing and hospitals are filling up with patients again, Trump is pressuring and threatening to cut funds to schools that do not open within a month,” she tweeted.

Breitbart News reached out to Univision’s corporate communication department on Thursday seeking comment from the news corporation or Calderón but did not immediately receive a response.

Trump has declared he will not attend any of the GOP debates, citing his strong poll numbers.

This is an excerpt from Breitbart News.

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By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

This woman should not even be allowed in the USA or any journalist for Univision. Do any of these people realize that it was white western European men and women that fought and died to found this country to begin with? The USA should have never opened up immigration for any of the rest of the world to come here. Just allow those from white European countries to come here and we wouldn’t be having a lot of the problems we have now.

George H Steele
George H Steele
10 months ago

And this anti-white, racist Hispanic is being allowed to participate, along with her bias, in the next presidential debate why? Maybe we should have Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton “moderate” instead. How about we introduce arrest warrants for all debaters who don’t parrot the “Progressive” Democrat party line? Maybe they can get the FBI to warrantlessly search the property of the debaters while they are on stage and unable to protest. Or designate a winner and put the losers in front of the firing squad.

Or maybe we should take this race-baiting, anti-American loser and ship her back to wherever she and her family came from so that she can contemplate just how much nicer the USA – under “white supremacists” – is to live in, compared to the country they beat it out of, which is run by Hispanics?

Get her the hell off the stage and out of the public eye; we have enough haters and dividers in the Democrat party to last the rest of the century.

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