Revelatory Emails Reveal Collaborative Efforts Between CDC and Facebook in Shaping Vaccine Narrative

A recent release of documents by conservative organization America First Legal (AFL) has shed light on the collusion between health agencies and social media companies in censoring views that contradict the mainstream narrative on the COVID-19 vaccine.

The documents reveal an email exchange between Facebook and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where Facebook sent draft material to be approved by the CDC. Facebook’s Genelle Adrien asked for the CDC’s approval on the “FAQ Content” for the platform’s “COVID-19 Information Center,” particularly related to the vaccine’s side effects.

However, the CDC’s Carol Crawford instructed Adrien to remove a line stating that serious side effects are rare, and that the risk of harm from the vaccine is lower than the risk from the disease itself.

The documents obtained from litigation against the CDC also show how the CDC worked with Facebook to control the information being pushed to the public regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. In addition, the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government revealed that Amazon censored books expressing skepticism of the vaccine under pressure from the White House.

These revelations highlight the suppression of information surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine and raise concerns about the collaboration between health agencies and social media companies in shaping public narratives.

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By Kate Stephenson
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