President Biden Walks Back His Statement That Christian Hospital Attack Was Done by ‘Other Team’

President Joe Biden addressed reporters on the war between Hamas and Israel on Wednesday, particularly underscoring the human tragedy.

While addressing reporters, he paused often during his statement and stared blankly before continuing.

“Virtually every… mass shooting… every… circumstance where… large number of people have been victimized and lost, I spoke to them… I learned a long time ago, but you all learned in your life as well… when someone’s going through something that is beyond their comprehension…if they see someone who they think understands,” he said in staccato fashion.

“You know I always get criticized sometimes by my staff because when I go to these events I stay for 3 or 4 hours and answer all their questions,” he added.

This is certainly an overstatement, since Biden’s administration has been marked by several times when the president refused to answer questions from reporters and the public.

President Biden also walked a statement back that he made regarding U.S. intelligence’s preliminary assessments that the terror group Islamic Jihad is likely behind the bombing of a parking lot near a Christian hospital in Gaza.

“I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it … [They] gotta learn how to shoot straight,” he said.

Embarrassingly, earlier in the day, Biden had claimed that “It appears as though as though it was done by the other team,” referring to Palestinians or Hamas.

According to assessments made by U.S. intelligence, the explosion at a Christian hospital in Gaza has been preliminarily attributed by Islamic Jihad, based on what is being reported as satellite data and monitored communications chatter.

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It is worth noting that some media sources originally reiterated assertions made by Hamas, attributing the responsibility to Israel.

There has been major diplomatic fallout for Joe Biden due to the propaganda over the incident coming from Hamas.

Scheduled meetings between President Joe Biden and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Majesty King Abdullah II, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi were called off due to the hospital incident in Gaza.

Furthermore, there are no credible reports of U.S. hostages being released in the aftermath of President Biden’s visit to Israel.

Biden on Wednesday nonetheless made an official declaration about the provision of $100 million in aid to Palestinians, which occurred shortly after the United Nations Relief and Works Agency reported on X platform that Hamas had illicitly acquired gasoline and other essential relief resources.

Squad member Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic Congresswoman from Michigan, threatened Biden over attributing responsibility for the hospital bombing to “the other team.”

This is not the presidential performance Americans are looking to in difficult times.

By Melinda Davies
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