Poll: Great Majority of Americans Believe Biden Has Acted ‘Unethically or Illegally’

After conducting a joint poll about the scandals involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, the Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago — one of the largest independent social research organizations in the country — presented the results in two very different ways.

According to the Associated Press, “Hunter Biden investigations lead to ethical concerns about President Biden, an AP-NORC poll shows.”

Compare this to the NORC’s headline for the same poll, and the AP’s slant becomes clear:

“Most say Biden has acted either illegally or unethically in his son’s business dealings.”

“Ethical concerns are casting a shadow over President Joe Biden as he seeks reelection amid investigations into his son Hunter and an impeachment inquiry, with a poll showing that 35% of U.S. adults believe the president himself has done something illegal,” Josh Boak and Linley Sanders wrote for the AP.

“An additional 33% say they think the Democratic president behaved unethically, but not illegally.

“And 30% say Joe Biden did nothing wrong, according to the poll.”

On the other hand, NORC reported, “Most adults say President Biden has at the very least acted unethically in his handling of the international business dealings of his son Hunter, including about a third who say he did something illegal.

“Only 30% of the public think Biden has done nothing wrong regarding Hunter’s business dealings.”

It is striking that 68% of American adults believe that President Biden has either broken the law or acted unethically, a percentage that, in a rational world, would terminate Biden’s bid for a second term.

But this is not a rational world, and according to NORC, “while most believe the current president acted illegally or unethically, only a third support the House’s impeachment investigation into Biden’s possible involvement.”

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In fairness, NORC adds, “A similar percentage of adults (67%) said former President Donald Trump acted unethically or illegally in his interactions with the president of Ukraine, with 38% believing he acted illegally, according to an AP-NORC poll conducted in October 2019.”

“In the same poll,” NORC continues, “about 69% of respondents said that Hunter Biden acted inappropriately by serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy company while his father was vice president.”

Jazz Shaw, writing for Hot Air, was more concerned with those Americans who continue to believe Biden committed no wrongdoing.

“What boggles my mind about this poll is the 33% of respondents who said that Joe Biden ‘did nothing wrong,’” Shaw wrote.

“What planet are these people from and do they ever watch anything on television other than reruns of Sex and the City?”

In all fairness, Sex and the City is passé.

They are surely watching Goosebumps.

By Melinda Davies
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1 year ago

Anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain KNOWS that he’s a moral-less, unethical street thug.

1 year ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Street thug?
I think not, This POS has never done anything productive his entire life!
He’s more like cockraoch!

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