Officials Caught Covering Up Deaths of 2400 Children in Maui Wildfires

Officials in Democrat-controlled Hawaii have been caught covering up the deaths of 2400 children who perished in the recent wildfires on Maui.

A new investigation has found that hundreds of additional unrecorded children died in the fires but have been left out of the official death tolls.

The news comes as Democrat officials scramble to keep negative reporting out of the media while they try to blame “climate change” for the disaster.

When massive fires began to ravage the island of Maui, emergency management teams were nowhere to be found.

As the fires raged, at least 74 emergency management officials were attending an annual FEMA disaster meeting just a quick hour and a half flight away, on the island of Oahu.

Top officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security were preoccupied at the Pacific Partnership Meeting, as one of the most devastating wildfires in U.S. history burned its way into the town of Lahaina.

The firestorm, fueled by tropical storm-force winds, was not taken seriously; no emergency alarms were sounded, and evacuation routes were blocked.

Local Maui residents said that a police blockade actually prevented the people from leaving Front Street in Lahaina, as the wildfire came in.

On that horrid day, vehicles burned in the streets, boats burned 50 yards out to sea, and people barely survived choking and burning in the Pacific Ocean’s treacherous waters.

In the aftermath, one could see that droves of residents were backed up on roads that must have been blocked by billows of smoke and other barricades of fire and devastation.

The fires took out more than 2,200 homes and displaced an estimated 4,500 people.

As of August 21, 2023, Maui County and the Maui Police Department have reported a death toll of 115 people.

“The death toll from the wildfires has risen to 115 people,” Maui authorities reported on Monday the 21st.

But these official reports are a sham.

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The FBI, the Red Cross, and the Maui police have a missing persons list that contains approximately 1,000 people who are still unaccounted for.

Even this official missing persons list falls short of the harsh reality that over 2,400 kids are missing in Maui.

The mayor of Maui, Richard Bissen, has yet to report on this grave reality. Multiple hundreds of kids were left to burn in Lahaina, and the corporate press has yet to address this chilling reality and the failure of the government’s emergency response.

Hawaii officials have been encouraging families from Lahaina to enroll their children in schools outside of the burn zone.

The four schools in Lahaina served more than 3,000 students.

Shocking, only about 400 students from the burn area have reportedly enrolled in other public schools.

Only around 200 more have signed up for distance learning.

At least 2,400 students are left unaccounted for in the public school system.

These figures do not even account for children who are home-schooled in Lahaina, many of which could be missing as well.

It’s not clear how many children burned to ash in those horrid fires.

Some parents may be waiting to decide where they will send their kids to school, but it’s hard to tell how many families burned up together in the historic fires.

In these cases, there could be no family members left to enroll or account for the missing schoolchildren.

Why are officials hiding the true death toll in Lahaina?

Why are Hawaii officials claiming that an abstract concept “climate change” is to blame for the fires, without any investigation into real-life causes for the fires?

Just looking at the devastation, the fires appear to have burned some structures from the inside out, while leaving nearby trees largely intact.

Why is there no investigation into potential arson or terrorist attacks on the town of Lahaina?

What are the real motivations behind the state’s desire to confiscate the land there? Why aren’t the missing children being discussed on every news network, and why isn’t the government discussing the administrative failures and questioning why and how this happened?

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

You’re asking questions everyone already knows the answer to. This fire was a deliberate act of mass democide, for the purpose of stealing the land for the globalist 15 minute city experiment. The residents refused to cooperate and sell, so they were conveniently eliminated. And if everyone behind or complicit in this crime thinks they’ll get away with it, they’re sadly mistaken. You think this fire was hot? Wait till you’re sentenced to an eternity in hell with NO HOPE of escape. Almighty God KNOWS exactly what you’ve done.

10 months ago

I bet gate’s smirk got even bigger and uglier – lots of new deaths for him to smile about as well as the WHO and WEF of course. Guess this administration’s keeping the CIA busier than ever destroying us from within – wonder how FEMA employees sleep at night knowing they got paid to postpone this emergency – leaving people to die while they honed their inclusive and diversity knowledge.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

10 months ago
10 months ago
Reply to  sneakymax

I just watched this…thanks so much for the link!! The burn spots are super scary. No fire departments responded. Sick beyond believing!

10 months ago

Democrats planed this criminal fire response!

10 months ago

The electric company blocked some of the roads…the company is owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. ALL of the banks in Maui survived…again owned by the same. Biggest land owner…same again. The governor did an executive order so the native Hawaiians did NOT have control over their homeland in case of catastrophy. ALL of the “big wigs” weren’t on the island when the fire broke out…they were at a meeting about a “what if” emergency meeting!! One person captured a pulsing energy bursts along with a jet right before the fires broke out. Another heard a series of booms and then screaming. If you look at the video of the bursts..they were accompanied by a series of booms with the burst. There is another Vancouver survivor tell of a similar “accident” right before their city went up in flames. From everything I’ve read and seen, I too, believe it’s the direct energy weapon. Also, check out how many things of the color blue survived the fires. One site had everything toast but digging through the rubble there was a pile of blue shirts untouched. PLEASE do some digging..we really aren’t nuts.

10 months ago

I really feel for the citizens of Maui and the loss of hundreds, many were children, who burned to death, but if you think that is bad, let me tell you about my kitchen fire which took an entire 20 minutes to put out, where I thought I might lose my wife, my cat, and heaven forbid, my Corvette in my garage where I also store classified documents I illegally have. Guess who?

10 months ago

Where are the parents of these children. You know they would be loudly heard–where’s my child???!!!! Our government is heavily –allegedly–involved in sex trade. Could it be these children were taken somewhere?

William G Munson
William G Munson
10 months ago

They do not want you to Know the Truth for Democrats Lie and Cover up it is their Motto Period it may be years before we find out everything too

will flyer
will flyer
10 months ago

Dear God, please let this headline be wrong. But, like everything else this administration does, covering up mistakes is very believable. Where was big mouth Senator Crazy Mazie while all this was happening?

Jack Hamilton
Jack Hamilton
10 months ago

Claiming that thousands of children died is also a perfect cover story for children abducted for trafficking!

Sharon Olver
Sharon Olver
10 months ago

Where are those kids? That seems like an overly large number for that fire. I have heard other things

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