NYC Mayor Adams Hit with Sexual Assault Complaint After Slamming Biden’s Border Crisis

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is accused of sexually assaulting a woman who worked with him in 1993, according to a civil summons issued in New York Supreme Court on Wednesday.

The lady worked for the city at the time of the alleged attack and she is demanding at least $5 million in damages.

She accuses Adams of sexual assault, violence, employment gender discrimination, retaliation, a hostile work environment, and intentional infliction of mental distress.

A City Hall official denies the claims, stating Adams had never met the woman.

“The mayor does not know who this person is. If they ever met, he doesn’t recall it,” the spokesperson said. “But he would never do anything to physically harm another person and vigorously denies any such claim.”

Shortly after Eric Adams slammed Biden on the issue of illegal immigration, the FBI raided his campaign staffers’ houses, confiscating his phones in connection with alleged ‘corruption investigation.’ He is now being accused of a sexual assault that occurred over 30 years ago.

In the court filing, the allegations against Adams were labeled as timely because the summons was filed two days before the expiration of the New York Adult Survivors Act, which has resulted in lawsuits against high-profile figures such as former President Donald Trump, hip-hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, and Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx.

Sexual assault survivors have one year to suit under the legislation, regardless of when the initial statute of limitations passed.

The sexual assault complaint against Adams comes in the wake of the NYC Mayor’s highly critical comments of President Biden’s chaotic immigration policy and his protestations against housing and feeding unauthorized migrants who have been sent to the city.

Adams, at a town hall in September, said that an increase in migrants will “destroy” the city, blaming the Biden administration as much as the Republican governors who have exported asylum applicants to the Big Apple.

“Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams said. “This issue will destroy New York City.”

Mayor Adams subsequently introduced “painful” budget cuts across city departments for 2024 in an effort to meet the increasing costs of New York’s migrant problem.

Adams blamed the situation on a lack of federal and state to help offset the city’s migrant expenditures rather than the “sanctuary city” laws that caused it.

Over 118,000 migrants have surged into New York since spring 2022, according to official figures, with many being sent by Republican governors in Texas and Florida.

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Adams proposed cuts across all city agencies to close the $2.9 billion budget gap next year, including a $1 billion cut to the Department of Education over two years, cuts to summer school and universal prekindergarten programs, trash pickup reductions, and the elimination of Sunday hours at public libraries.

According to WPIX-TV, the proposed cuts also included reducing the New York Police Department’s personnel by 4,000 officers over the next two years. This essentially reduces police funding by 13.5 percent at a time when significant crime in the city is on the rise.

The number of  NYPD officers will shrink to 29,000 by mid-2025, along with the cancellation of at least five police academy training courses.

By Melinda Davies
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