New House Speaker Mike Johnson Reveals He is Endorsing Trump for President

House Speaker Mike Johnson is endorsing former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election, adding that he is “all in.”

On CNBC, Johnson was queried regarding his candidate preference for the Republican nomination in 2024. He unequivocally expressed his endorsement of Trump.

“I expect he’ll be our nominee. Yeah. And he’s gonna win it and we have to make Biden a one-term president,” he added.

Johnson was a member of the impeachment defense team for former President Trump and has consistently advocated for him.

In related news, the House of Representatives is anticipated to vote on a short-term financing measure on Tuesday in order to avoid a coming government “shutdown.”

However, in light of conservative resistance to the interim measure, House Speaker Mike Johnson’s proposal must secure additional Democratic backing in order to succeed.

At the close of business on Friday, government funding will expire; at this time, Johnson’s bill stands as the sole funding measure under consideration in both the House and the Senate.

At present funding levels, the bill drafted by Republicans funds four federal agencies through January 19, and the remainder through February 2.

Johnson adopted an unorthodox strategy by dividing the spending bill deadlines, which was partially intended to placate the group of House conservatives who initially proposed the idea. However, the House conservatives demand more spending cuts.

On Tuesday morning, the conservative House Freedom Caucus issued a statement opposing the plan, stating that it “provides no substantial gains for the American people, no spending cuts, and no border security.”

Speaker Johnson’s Trump endorsement may thus be considered an optics move to calm Republican voters who demand spending cuts, the impeachment of public officials like DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and more accountability against weaponized government agencies.

By Melinda Davies
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