Nebraska is preparing to become the first American state to mandate the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) ‘Digital ID’ system for the general public.
Officials in the state are currently in the process of amassing all health data on its residents for the new system.
The move, part of the newly formed state Health Information Technology Board’s remit, involves centralizing patient health and medical records.
However, the WEF’s digital ID system also includes support for a “digital wallet.”
State leaders claim the move seeks to safeguard against the “next pandemic.”
However, critics argue that forcing citizens to use a digital ID is a massive breach of privacy.
Officials have not revealed whether citizens will be forced to link their financial details to the system.
Many are now expressing trepidation about the apparent trajectory toward a national digital ID.
The Nebraska legislature was unanimous in sanctioning the creation of a Health Information Technology (HIT) Board in 2020.
According to the HIT Board, its 17 members were enunciated by the governor and confirmed by a majority legislative vote.
The members consist of various healthcare stakeholders — ranging from doctors to nurse practitioners and hospital administrators — bringing their clinical experience and expertise to manage health data.
To supervise and administer the collection of medical data, the regional health data utility CyncHealth was selected.
It maintains the health information for over five million patients across 1,100-plus healthcare institutions in the Midwest.
The objective of CyncHealth, as it emphasizes, is not simply to unite health records but to ensure they’re readily available to patients, their healthcare providers, and government agencies.
Yet, critics such as Stacey Skold, Ph.D., a board member of the Children’s Health Defense Nebraska Chapter, express their worry over how briskly this system has amassed health data.
They perceive it as an alarming stride towards a digital ID and central bank digital currency (CBDC).
The WEF’s digital ID was developed with support for social credit scores, similar to the system in Communist China.
The Nebraska government’s decision to establish statewide information exchange via CyncHealth and the associated data harvesting evoked concerns among privacy advocates.
Observing the HIT Board meetings further intensified these fears when it was disclosed that partner company CyncHealth was part of CARIN Alliance, a global coalition advocating for digital ID, and had affiliations with corporate giants like Google and Microsoft.
Prominent digital privacy expert Greg Glaser stated that the fast-paced digitization of health data in Nebraska was an ominous sign.
He warned that digital IDs, rather than being mere aids for consumer convenience, would introduce an unprecedented level of control over individuals.
Yeah Finding this Hard to believe! Sounds like BULLSATAN to me!
prob. is your jsut that dumb.
Probably time to move after mass non-compliance.
One response that always turns my stomach. Move if you don’t like it. I say MAKE THE PSYCHOAPTHIC CONTROL FREAKS move…to a PADDED CELL.
Headline Correction: Nebraska first USofA State to surrender to the elitist global asswipes’ empire thereby eliminating their allegiance to the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and its sovereignty. I just wonder what propagandized verbiage they used to blindside their USofA citizens – must’ve come from oblama-lama’s filthy claptrap.
Actually Nebraska didn’t surrender anything. The PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES that are administering government in Nebraska are the culprits. The people living in Nebraska are the victims. NAME THESE FREAKS and DOX THEM.
Better yet: remove them from whatever responsible office they maintain, then sue them!
For the last 12 years, I’ve been sorry I left Nebraska. No more.
Are we expected to not notice that leaders all around the world prescribe to a WEF agenda that includes, amongst other things, a world population of less than a billion by 2045. And for this genocide they need our data?
Is there not a crime here, a real existential threat?
Am I missing something?
WEF has no power.
Except in their own minds!!!
WEF needs to be NAMED and DOXED. And they need to find out what those who were in the Bastille felt when it was stormed. TIME TO SHARPEN YOUR PITCHFORKS PEOPLE!
Apparently it doesn’t stop Nebraska from copying the WEF’s crazy ideas.
Fight them Wake up people Fight them
I can’t believe this is being allowed to happen!
Dont accept it We must not accept it Thats all Period
We dont have to accept it
Who are these people They dont own us They dont own the planet
They dont own shit
They just have a shit load of money Good for them Ho ra Keep your money Stay away from me
You satinists Stay away
I’m pretty sure that the GOVERNMENT Of Nebraska is the State Constitution as well as the US Constitution and that these PEOPLE behind this insanity are paid off shills for the Medical Mafia system of “health” that has taken over the so called health industry. They are TRAITORS to their oaths of office. Get it straight…NAME THEM DOX THEM. These people need to be shunned and voted out of office at the very least. THEY DON’T OWN US though they think they do. And start working to get the first 13 words of the second amendment back in force and effect!
These people are horrific People wake up
We dont have to listen to them No one voted for them They are demons
Just because they have a lot of money It means nothing
They dont own us
We are not for sale
They want to make slaves of us They want to control us
They are sick Very very sick They dont own the planet They dont own humans
Its all bullsatan They are all satans Look Look at how they are dealing with things
They are forcing us to accept bull They are forcing us to take vaccines that we dont need We are not sick But Yes we must be vaccinated
I am not sick
Take care of the sick
Stop making people die Stop it
Millions of vaccinated people are dying daily Millions
We have never never never had more sudden deaths in the past 3 years since covit And the vaccine
Why so so so so so so so many sudden deaths
And no explanation Non
Some went for tests They found a rubbery sibstance quit long not a blood cloth Not a blood cloth
They have no idea what this is Well I will tell you Because we have had so many deaths All vaccinated people
Its the vaccine that are having these issues
Its the vaccinated That are suffering and dying by the millions Billions
They wanted to reduce the population Well W E F has found the way
Well Sorry But I will not join your ban wagon Sorry No way Go ahead kill me
Go for it Kill me Like you have killed all the others
I will stay by God’s Side Thank you very very much
I will not join your group Not now not ever
You much of satanist’s