Major Study: Heart Deaths Skyrocket Among Covid-Vaccinated

A major study has found that deaths caused by heart failure have skyrocketed to “unprecedented” levels among people who have received Covid mRNA shots.

recent analysis of Japan’s Adverse Drug Event Report database published in the Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy has uncovered a damning correlation between SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines, severe heart conditions, and a rising fatality rate from these serious vaccine injuries.

Not only does the study link COVID-19 mRNA vaccines with rising rates of myocarditis and pericarditis, but it also shows that there is a staggering 9.6% fatality rate for these two conditions alone.

The study analyzed 880,999 adverse event reports, of which 1,846 cases were identified as myocarditis and 761 as pericarditis.

Myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, inflammation of the surrounding tissue, are collectively referred to as myopericarditis.

Disturbingly, the data demonstrates that these vaccines — specifically BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna) — are directly responsible for a significant number of these cases.

Furthermore, the reporting odds ratio (ROR) for myocarditis stands at a shocking 30.51, and for pericarditis, it’s 21.99.

The study further exposes that the majority of affected individuals are young men, aged 30 or younger.

The onset of these serious adverse events typically occurs within eight days of vaccination, with the majority of those affected succumbing to myocarditis or pericarditis within just 64 days after vaccination.

Notably, the study authors did not investigate outcomes beyond the 64-day post-vaccination period and did not monitor the progression of symptoms over time.

This means that cases of myocarditis and pericarditis that did not resolve could have become worse over time, and the study did not pick up on it.

This study is limited because it may ignore further complications past the 64-day post-evaluation period, ignoring long-term complications and possibly deaths caused by these long-term heart conditions.

Despite the severity of these findings, the study’s authors chose to downplay the reality of mass injury and death from the vaccines, reporting that “overall outcomes were good” for most cases of myocarditis.

This has drawn sharp criticism from experts, including Dr. Peter McCullough, a prominent cardiologist and author of over 1,000 scientific publications.

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McCullough has voiced concerns that the authors’ conclusions are dangerously misleading, given the high fatality rate associated with these vaccine-induced heart conditions and its implications for further harm.

According to McCullough’s analysis, out of 1,014 reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, 97 resulted in death, yielding a fatality rate of 9.6%.

The study found that among 759 myocarditis cases, 84 (11%) were fatal, and among 255 pericarditis cases, 13 (5%) were fatal.

This is unacceptable and warrants accountability.

What should be done to the governments and medical authorities that coerced young people to submit to this harmful medical experiment?

“This is an astronomical and clinically unacceptable fatality rate for a vaccine side effect, particularly among young, otherwise healthy men,” McCullough stated.

He criticized the study’s conclusion that “overall outcomes were good,” arguing that such a conclusion is inappropriate when facing a 9.6% case fatality rate within a mere 64-day follow-up period.

Moreover, the risk of heart damage with each booster dose has only exacerbated heart damage across populations.

Another limitation of the study is that it only looked at symptomatic myopericarditis cases reported to Japan’s pharmacovigilance system.

For one, medical authorities have generally disregarded vaccine injuries since the rollout of the COVID-19 jabs, so the number of reported cases of myocarditis is inevitably smaller than the actual amount.

Two, the cases reported to Japan’s pharmacovigilance system focus on symptomatic myopericarditis within a short follow-up period.

McCullough points out that some cases of heart damage are asymptomatic, with runaway mRNA spike protein damage manifesting later as serious conditions like cardiomyopathy.

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle that causes the heart to struggle to pump blood to the rest of the body.

According to McCullough, “These data are just the tip of the iceberg,” as prior studies suggest the risk of heart damage goes up roughly 2.5% with each successive booster and that half of myopericarditis cases may be sub-clinical.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 hour ago

The epidemic of heart attacks would not be happening if biden just kept his mouth shut to force people to get the vaccine. Biden ORDERED people to get the vaccine or lose their jobs. What a dumb a$$ rule he propagated. All the problems over the past 4 years can be laid at biden’s feet. His stupidity caused run-away illegal immigrants to fill up our country. His stupidity in handing money to his cronies resulted in runaway inflation that hurt the poorest among us. Plus his unlimited funding of the Ukraine war harmed the people of the USA and biden is oblivious to this problem.
Biden and his cronies, like Schumer, belong in prison for the rest of their lives. Pelosi should get the next jail cell due to her corrupt J6 committee and her destruction of all records. Pelosi thought she was above the law, but when she is put on trial for the destruction of government property, she will be singing another tune.
Thank God that Trump prevailed in the race for president and can rebuild this country again.

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