Liberal Activist and Filmmaker Michael Moore Claims ‘Biden Will Lose Like Hillary Did in 2016’

On Monday, liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore warned President Biden, suggesting that his support for Israel could lead to a loss similar to Hillary Clinton’s defeat against Donald Trump. Moore argued that voters might stay home in protest.

Moore said during his podcast, “Rumble with Michael Moore,” that Clinton lost “by two votes per precinct” in 2016. He addressed Biden and said, “That’s what’s going to happen to you.”

“President Biden, you could end this now. You know it’s wrong, I know you know it’s wrong. I know I sound like a broken record and I know you know you’re going to lose this election, in part because too many people are going to stay home,” Moore said. “They’re not going to vote for Trump. They’re not going to switch their vote from Trump to you, no, that is not how this is going to play out. As what happened with Hillary in Michigan, she lost by two votes per precinct. Two for the whole state. Two! And that’s what’s going to happen to you.”

Moore contended that young people opposed the war and told the president they were “sick” of what Biden’s been doing.

“There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of young people between the ages of 18 and 30, probably 35, maybe even 40. Young people don’t want war. Why? Well, why don’t they like war? Because they’re the ones usually sent to go and die in the war. And so no, they don’t support it, and they don’t support you. And now they’re sick of you, sick of what you’ve been doing. And you can’t see it,” Moore said.

Moore asserted that White House aides likely conveyed similar cautions to Biden, emphasizing the need to give “reparations” to Gaza.

“I know you’ve got good people working for you, your aides, people in the White House, they must have said something to you that you’ve got to kind of bring this to an end and then make reparations to build those homes back for those people and get them some food and drinking water,” he said.

The liberal activist has previously voiced criticism of Biden’s position on Israel. He mentioned that the Michigan uncommitted vote, which he played a role in organizing, aimed to “save Biden from his himself.”

“The reason why those of us started this campaign, is to basically save Biden from himself. Because of what he’s done, to support this massacre, to fund it, to be the bank, for Israel in the slaughter of these people. That he is essentially guaranteeing that thousands and thousands of Americans are going to stay home and not vote on Election Day. Because they’re not going to vote for [Donald] Trump. But this is how Trump could win,” Moore told MSNBC in March, noting the close margins in the state in 2016 and 2020.

According to Fox News Digital, Moore stated that he had to significantly increase his efforts in getting Biden to support a cease-fire in the Middle East, alleging that the president is “working against Democrats.”

During his podcast on Monday, he called on Biden to be a “politician for once.”

“Be a politician for once. What does a politician want most? To get reelected,” Moore said. “Why are you guaranteeing possibly losing the election and Trump being back in the White House? What is fricking wrong with you?”

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By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

Are there that many Communists and subversives and idiots to bring Biden within 2 votes per precinct? That would require the BIG STEAL again, to even come close!

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