Leftist judge just strikes down Georgia abortion ban with another ridiculous argument

A leftist judge in Georgia just struck down the state’s 2019 abortion ban and his argument was the typical ridiculous argument used by Democrats in support of abortion.

In short, the judge claimed that it’s a woman’s body and her choice and until the baby pops out, “liberty” means she can murder her unborn baby if she wants and society can’t intervene.

Here’s more from the AP:

A Georgia judge on Monday struck down the state’s abortion law, which took effect in 2022 and effectively prohibited abortions beyond about six weeks of pregnancy.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney wrote in his order that “liberty in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protections, and in its bundle of rights the power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.”

McBurney wrote that his ruling means the law in the state returns to what it was before the law was passed in 2019.

“When a fetus growing inside a woman reaches viability, when society can assume care and responsibility for that separate life, then — and only then — may society intervene,” McBurney wrote.

An “arbitrary six-week ban” on abortions “is inconsistent with these rights and the proper balance that a viability rule establishes between a woman’s rights of liberty and privacy and society’s interest in protecting and caring for unborn infants,” the order says.

We’ve seen this kind of ruling before from a judge in North Dakota.

Fortunately, the Georgia Supreme Court has eight justices appointed by Republicans so I think this decision won’t survive on appeal.

At least let’s pray not.

By Melinda Davies
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Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
2 hours ago

How soon before he condones murder of people who inconvenience others from outside the womb? That is NOT the woman’s body, but a separate individual human being! Murder is murder, and YHWH God does not view it any less so than if it was another adult!

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