Leaked Pfizer Docs Expose Plan to Depopulate Earth by 2025

A leaked batch of documents from the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has exposed a disturbing plan that seeks to massively reduce the population of humans on Earth by the year 2025.

The Pfizer documents outline a five-year plan starting in 2020 to massively depopulate the world.

In the confidential documents that Pfizer submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, is mentioned.

It points to 2025 as the year when mass genocide from COVID-19 “vaccination” becomes apparent.

A minor branch of U.S. military intelligence, the Deagel Corporation is somewhat secretive.

It operates behind the veil to collect data and other intelligence for high-level decision-making purposes throughout the military-industrial complex.

Deagel works with names like the National Security Agency (NSA), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank.

It also contributed to the Stratfor report on North Korea.

Because of this, Deagel would seem to hold legitimacy as a player in the intelligence community.

It appears unlikely, in other words, that Deagel is a disinformation asset spreading fear without basis.

“This means its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are not mere fantasy but instead based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community,” reports The Exposé.

How did the world get here?

Sometime in 2020, Deagel removed the 2025 forecast from its website.

The Wayback Machine and Internet Archive still show it, though.

You will notice from the archived report that Deagel expects the population of the United Kingdom (UK) to drop by 77.1 percent come 2025.

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That is a lot of people who are expected to die in just two short years.

As for the United States, Deagel expects population numbers to drop by 68.5 percent by 2025.

As for Germany, its population is expected to decrease by 65.1 percent by the end of 2025, along with a 34.6 percent population decline expected in Australia by the year 2025.

There is a complete list of all the population declines predicted for 2025 all around the world.

“Sadly, the confidential Pfizer documents coupled with staggering deaths among children suggest Deagel’s depopulation figures were not just an estimation, but a target,” reports The Exposé.

This is more than likely one of the reasons why the FDA, operating on behalf of Pfizer against the interests of the American taxpayers who fund its existence, plotted to delay the release of the Pfizer documents for a full 75 years – because by then, nobody still alive at that time would even remember COVID, let alone the 2025 genocide event that is shaping up to follow.

The Pfizer documents have since been on a delayed-release schedule, thanks to a January 2022 order from federal Judge Mark Pittman, who then ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages of the documents per month.

As of now, all of the documents are available on the PHMPT website.

“I can only wonder why we tolerate our political systems being hijacked and steered by those with the most wealth?” wrote one concerned commenter about how the world got to this point in time.

“It’s so obvious where this came from, both the originating confused and psychotically neurotic minds and the organization which made it all possible.

“But it’s not only that insanity to blame.

“It’s every one of us.

“Every one of us who sees such a system of absolute disorder and conforms our lives to its system of ‘order.'”

By Hunter Fielding
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J West
J West
9 months ago

So the mRNA vaccines is a time-delayed population-destroyer that will activate in 2025? Sure glad I did not comply with those jabs and neither did most of my family and friends, We would seem to be a tad smarter than most of the population that lined up, eager to be SAFE…

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
9 months ago
Reply to  J West

I ditched afew friends I knew on a casual basis (not chummy with) because they took the shots. By distancing myself, acting busy, and not taking calls, it gradually faded the contacts. Best to only keep likeminded in social circle. Who needs dummkopfs anyway.

9 months ago

I wonder about the logic behind such a move, because the people left alive will be those who refused the jab, and therefore can’t be controlled. Seems counterintuitive. You’d think they’d want to keep the people who blindly follow directions.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

“Bots” are not innovators; they would become up with the new ways and means to keep the old fogey elites alive.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

And…A.I. removes the liability from the ‘Elite’ for carrying out their evil Zionist Talmudic Plans against the masses as they excuse themselves as a first party to the crime of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity that the A.I will now do.
Plus, the A.I. is NOT a sovereign person that can be charged with a crime.
Ingenius, evil bastards…!

9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

The WEF wants to get the world population down to 500 million. Once they have reached that objective, it will not matter if the remaining survivors received the jab or not, if they want to remain alive they will have no choice but to comply and submit.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
9 months ago
Reply to  Seven-Stars

Ahhh, there’s that Chain of Obedience. What gives these guys their ‘power?’ Why would/should we fear them? Why shouldn’t they fear US? They aren’t gods. They don’t have super-human powers. They put their pants on one leg at a time and sit to take a dump just like EVERYONE ELSE. I say, stop being sheep and letting these guys herd us off cliff.

Liz Hood
Liz Hood
9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

Yes. This occurred to me long ago. Plus, if they’ve killed off billions, Big Pharma’s profits will nosedive. But then maybe they don’t care – it’s the third world (who are being imported into our homes) who didn’t get the jab, so won’t die except of the usual things. A useful workforce, probably.

9 months ago
Reply to  Liz Hood

That is the plan…import people who have never known freedom and easier to control to be slaves of the Elite. The Mark of The Beast is next-a microchip to be implanted in our hands to control our movements and feed only those who submit.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

Hold up there for a second. They are moving these people in NOW. So the population of the countries are going up. If they were a replacement, then they would wait until the people are dead THEN bring them in. Now, to get to where they say they want to go or are going, they are going to have to kill off millions more to reach their ‘goal.’

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago

It’s global population numbers, n II t national figures that concern them; where the numbers are is less important than the overall how many.

9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

Many of the people swamping the borders came from virtually no government at all.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Liz Hood

As per the ‘Georgia Guidestones’ (since dynamited) and the Masonic Pillars of Jachin and Boaz.

9 months ago
Reply to  Liz Hood

More likely a useful extermination force – they are coming to replace us. When that job is done, they won’t be needed either. They’ll be too used to “free everything”, not labor.

Just me
Just me
9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

I always wondered that also but it will take strong people to do the work and blind followers are useful idiots. Bribum will be one of the first to be removed. He is a useful idiot as are Bathhouse Barry and Big Mike. They think that they are clever and in the know but they are not.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Just me

Here’s a Big Mike doorknocker. Available on Amaz@n???

Laura ann
Laura ann
9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

I really think it is about depopulation to make it easier to control less people eventually. I think bio weapons will be used in other ways spread by air or in busy areas like grand central sta. or subway terminals. Airports. The illegals are also carrying TB and other diseases.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Laura ann

This is why a recent British Pilot went public about ChemTrails.
This is why :15 Minute Cities are planned! It’s easier to control people in a compressed area.
Gaza is already proving this!

9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

That’s why all the illegals are brought in which never had to get the shot. They are here to replace us due to the massive die off

9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

Yes the patriots and non-sheep will remain after the die off…TPTB will arm and empower the illegal border jumpers to kill you and take your homes…problem solved.

ray jones
ray jones
9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

in every commy take over the first heads on the chopping blocks are those of the “usefull idiots” that were insturmental in the beginging of the take over but after it is complete the people at the top kill every one of the idiots as they are turncoats who cannot be trusted….all you have to do is learn true history and you will see the same pattern in every commy/fashcit regime…they eat their own once they have the power too…….

9 months ago
Reply to  somebody

Many of the people crossing our borders are coming from Africa, where many were NOT vaccinated.

9 months ago

Hunter, the link,  the PHMPT website. is no longer valid. Do you have a working link?

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
9 months ago
Reply to  caught

If you click on the link in the sentence; “The Wayback Machine and Internet Archive still show it, though”.It will take you to the relevant page for the information and links on that page to the Deagel Corps site.
Be warned though this takes you down a deep rabbit hole of possibilities as to everything that is happening, with legal and illegal immigration etc.

9 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

Where is this link? I started
researching the nefarious schemes of those in power when the phrase “The Great Reset” was repeatedly mentioned. The epidemic of cancer in UK from the Covid shots undoubtedly is ignored by our lying media paid for by George Soros and Bill Gates.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

Run your cursor over my post above yours, the words “still sow it” go red, click on it and it takes you there. I have just tried it and it works.

9 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

Fortunately an Irish preacher saved those Deagel Stats in a paper he produced its found on page 4 I beleive he also showed the maps on one of the pages. http://www.zephaniah.eu/index_htm_files/The%20Rider%20on%20the%20White%20Horse%20Deagel%20Projections%20and%20Vaccine%20Choices.pdf

9 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

Worked for me, too.

Renee Frank
Renee Frank
9 months ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

I think they were looking for the link to the pfizer documents that say they are available on the phmpt site. When you go there, it just says that page or document can no longer be found.

9 months ago

It’s time everyone acknowledged that we ARE at war with our own governments who are happily going along with ALL this. WHAT were they offered for doing it, and did they think we’d NEVER find out about it ? Never took the jab – never will. Guess people like me – the survivors – will be the ones to fight that final battle against the ‘elites’, as they like to call themselves .For people in countries facing ‘gun bans’ – don’t be stupid !!!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  ElaineRayner

I suspect they were promised positions among the elites, with a form of “eternal life”…

9 months ago
Reply to  ElaineRayner

The gun bans are not to prevent mass killings but to make sure no one can rebel against these demons.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

Perfectly said and well-put(in)!!!

9 months ago

People will only get more weapons and will use them on these useless elitists. I’ve read in numerous articles how many millions have died from the covid vaccine. I will take no more of them and will not accept being forced to do so. The only ones who can take control of our lives and our longevity are ourselves.
Remember, we shall out number them and will react against them if forced to.

9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

The spike proteins are being put in flu shots now since most people no longer take Covid shots and are being injected in our meat as well as being used in sllutions to wash fruits and vegetables.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

Microwave these before actually cooking.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Those who are in ill health and may die soon from the Covid bio-weapon vaccine may need to gift or will their firearms to those of us who are UN-vaccinated so that we can have a stockpile that we can hide in strategic and tactical locations.
That includes the ammo too!
A BIG thank-you ahead of time to those who are going to do this to help the UN-vaccinated resist the tyrannical Elite.

9 months ago

I’m ALL for Depop, as long as we start with the Billionaires & political Elite!!
Once they’er gone, I think that will be enough!!! Amen

Bruno Winkler
Bruno Winkler
9 months ago
9 months ago
Reply to  Bruno Winkler


Laura Ann
Laura Ann
9 months ago

Funeral homes and casket companies expected to make big profits. Majority of people so dumbed down they got the 5th booster in the last several months. Flu vaccines and kids vaccines also tainted w/ mRNA and who knows what else.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
9 months ago

Any info on Moderna vaccines, since they were also given out inmy area along with the Pfizer ones.

Freedom Patriot
Freedom Patriot
9 months ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

It has been reported that the Moderna “vaccine” is actually stronger (worse) than the Pfizer kill shot.

9 months ago

If the Elites can’t kill us with bioweapon shots then they will starve us with reduction in farming and putting MRna in livestock, flu shots (and others no doubt), washing vegetables with MRna solutions, feeding us tumor producing lab created meat and other terrorist plans.

Rex Reptilius
Rex Reptilius
9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

The lobsters and crab know that something is up (detecting EMF from ‘Starlink’ penetrating the shallows???) as they have disappeared…!

9 months ago

Why are they still pushing that first jab? Because they need to install their software in your physical body to make their kill quota…be ungovernable.

9 months ago
9 months ago

Deagel is a disinformation website. Listen to James Corbett’s podcast (“But What About Deagel?”) instead.

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