Large Swath of Rain Forest Eradicated So Global Elites Can Hold ‘Climate Conference’

The COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém isn’t slated to take place until November, but when it does arrive, the state government is going to make sure that the tens of thousands of visitors will have a quick and easy route to get to the conference proper.

It’s just going to cost “tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest,” per the BBC.

Hilariously, even a left-leaning outfit like the BBC had to subtly comment on this odoriferous hypocrisy.

“The Amazon plays a vital role in absorbing carbon for the world and providing biodiversity, and many say this deforestation contradicts the very purpose of a climate summit,” the British outlet complained.

A contradiction, you say?

Kudos to the Brits, this writer can’t think of a better word to describe much of this climate hysteria.

It’s truly difficult to describe the very existence of this COP30 summit in any other way.

First of all, if these green zealots actually cared about the environment, why the heck isn’t this summit done digitally?

That first, and rather large, red flag sticks out like a sore thumb with regard to all of this climate grandstanding. Calling in 50,000 people — including world leaders and their grand forms of transportation — is going to cause far more CO2 emissions than, you know, not having them all congregate to one place.

It’s much like holding a conference about diabetes at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.

Second, it really doesn’t need much explanation as to why chopping down a chunk of a rainforest isn’t ideal for many reasons, even on a strictly human level.

“Everything was destroyed,” one local businessman, who subsisted off of harvesting local vegetation, lamented.

He added: “Our harvest has already been cut down. We no longer have that income to support our family.”

Lastly, and most ominously, it can’t be stressed enough that all of this “good” that these big-brain IQ’s think they’re doing is hardly altruistic.

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There’s a lot of money to be found in this line of work, and most of it is under a shockingly lackadaisical eye.

Maybe if these climate warriors had an all-digital meeting, without cutting down a chunk of the Amazon, and without oodles of money lining their pockets, non-Kool Aid drinkers would actually give them the benefit of the doubt.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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