KJP Gives ‘Clownish’ Response When Pressed on Misleading DOJ Statement Blaming Texas for Border Deaths

The White House press circus continues with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre ‘wowing’ the American audience with an absurd demonstration of illogical responses to serious questions.

KJP made a ridiculous display of herself when pressed on a misleading White House and DOJ statement regarding three recent migrant deaths that occurred near Texas when a mother decided to avoid the legal process of immigration and take her two children across the Rio Grande river to cross over into the United States illegally.

The White House and the DOJ sought to blame the deaths of the migrant lady and two children on the State of Texas, claiming that state authorities “physically barred” Border Patrol personnel from entering the Shelby Park area in Eagle Pass, Texas.

The Justice Department said in a Supreme Court brief that the migrants died before Border Patrol personnel attempted to enter the area.

Fox News White House reporter Jacqui Heinrich asked if the White House intended to “amend” its claims on the migrants’ deaths and allegations about Republicans’ efforts to reduce the number of Border Patrol officers.

“Will the administration then amend its separate statement that implied that Texas officials were responsible for the deaths of three migrants when, in fact, they had nothing to do with it?” Heinrich said.

“They had already been dead for an hour before Mexico told anyone in the U.S. about it, and the administration admitted as such in their court filing. They acknowledge that in their court filing, that statement from the White House that Texas was responsible and a number of outlets were forced to issue corrections and editor’s notes because of that White House statement. So will the White House amend that statement?”

“So let’s be sensitive here. Three people died,” the press secretary responded. “Three migrants died, two children and a woman. That was devastating. That was a devastating situation, heartbreaking situation, so let’s be really mindful of what we’re talking about here.”

But the clown show continued when KJP doubled down on her reality-free state narrative.

“But the ongoing emergency situation was separate. The White House statement says that ‘Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance,’ Heinrich said.

“There were other migrants in the water,” Jean-Pierre said.

“Then why wouldn’t that be included in the statement if that was what you were referring to?” Heinrich continued.

Jean-Pierre claimed the statement was “consistent” with the DOJ’s SCOTUS filing and directed Heinrich to contact the agency for any further information.

Heinrich inquired if the White House will retract a statement accusing Republicans of seeking to reduce 2,000 Border Patrol officers by adopting the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023. According to alleged “fact checker” Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post, the White House forgot to note that the House approved an appropriations measure, increasing the number of agents from 20,000 to 22,000.

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KJP then accused House Republicans of “getting in the way” of the Biden administration’s purported attempt to secure the border.

The Washington Post continued its hot streak of being in touch with reality by providing some context for this “attempt to secure the border.”

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection has released more than 2.3 million migrants into the United States at the southern border under the Biden administration, allowing in the vast majority of migrant families and some adult groups, according to a new [DHS] report,” WaPo reported.

All hail KJP: King of the Clowns.

By Melinda Davies
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