Kamala Harris’s Interview Pulled After Bacon Comment Offends Muslim Host

Kamala Harris is so clueless that she managed to insult a Democrat voting block during an interview with a statement even a child knows is offensive.

Unfortunately, Americans will be blocked from seeing Harris’s comment before Election Day.

Kareem Rahma, host of the popular web video series, Subway Takes, revealed to the New York Times on Monday that he sat down with the Democratic presidential nominee earlier this year to discuss a variety of topics important to Muslim voters, particularly the Israel-Hamas war.

Rahma, an opponent of Israel’s righteous actions against the terror group, wanted to point out that Harris aligned closer to his view on the conflict as opposed to President Trump.

But Harris had no interest in discussing the subject.

The Times notes that because Rahma is not a “professional” journalist,” he is not entitled to many major editorial standards enforced by “traditional” media outlets, including rules against the exclusion of topics as requirements for an interview.

Harris did have a few things on her mind, particularly one food item. She decided out of nowhere to make an insane comment about bacon to Rahma, which offended the Muslim host.

“Bacon is a spice,” she proclaimed. “Think about it, it’s pure flavor.”

It’s not clear whether Harris was serious or joking.

Of all things to say, she decided to talk about bacon to a person of Muslim faith. Muslims refrain from eating bacon or any pork products for religious reasons.

Harris then tried to claim unconvincingly that she liked to put anchovies on her pizza, which a staffer suggested she tell Rahma. Having heard enough, the podcast host decided to conclude the interview.

The New York Times reported:

What happened was a dispute over Harris’s take. Rahma said he had been told that the vice president would be taking a stand against removing one’s shoes on airplanes. When they sat down, however, Harris had surprised him with a different take: “Bacon is a spice” (It’s a food).

Rahma, who doesn’t eat pork for religious reasons, was taken aback. “I don’t know,” he says, in an unpublished video recording of the interview, his voice rising to an unusually high pitch. Harris elaborates that bits of cooked bacon can be used to enhance a meal like any other seasoning. “Think about it, it’s pure flavor,” she says.

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Rahma asks Harris if he can use beef or turkey and what kinds of dishes would benefit from bacon. He then pauses the interview and tells her that he doesn’t eat it. He asks if they can do the airplanes take instead. But, on the advice of a staffer, Harris decides to declare her love of anchovies on pizza — an alternative the campaign had floated earlier in an email. Rahma wraps the discussion one minute later.

With Harris’s political judgment being so inept, it’s no wonder why President Trump has made notable gains with Muslim voters, particularly in Michigan. With polls showing the all-important state in a dead heat, just imagine if these voters end up swingling the election to him.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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