JPMorgan Calls on Governments to ‘Seize Private Property’ from Citizens to ‘Save the Planet’

JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon has called on governments around the world to forcibly seize privately owned land and property from citizens to “save the planet” from the “climate crisis.”

In a statement to world leaders, Dimon argues that the land must be repurposed and used for wind and solar energy farms “before it’s too late.”

According to Dimon, world governments should invoke “eminent domain” to seize private property from ordinary people and begin investing in initiatives that advance the World Economic Forum’s green agenda.

“At the same time, permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way,” Dimon wrote.

“We may even need to evoke [sic] eminent domain – we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives.”

Eminent domain allows the government to forcibly seize private property as long as the owner is compensated.

“Massive global investment in clean energy in technologies must be done and must continue to grow year-over-year,” Dimon continued.

“To expedite progress, governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations need to align across a series of practical policy changes that comprehensively address fundamental issues that are holding us back.”

Dimon’s suggestion came just weeks after the Iowa State House passed a bill in March that would limit carbon pipeline companies’ ability to exercise eminent domain.

Under the bill, the companies would need to reach voluntary deals to buy 90% of the land needed before they could use eminent domain, according to the Des Moines Register.

Democrat state Rep. Steven Holt said the legislation was about protecting private property rights, according to the Des Moines Register.

“Regardless of the economic gain or the benefit to certain industries or groups of people, this fundamental liberty must not be for sale,” Holt said, per the outlet.

“If these pipeline projects are essential to ethanol and agriculture, let them be built through voluntary easements and not by allowing the blunt force of government to be used to shatter this fundamental birthright we all share as Americans.”

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

Seize Dimon’s properties first! Then do the same with all multi-millionaires. Watch that plan disappear in a heartbeat!

10 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

If Dimon wants all of our property to be seized by the government, they should first take all the farmland back that China and Bill Gates have purchased here before they take away private citizens property.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sandra

Great Idea and Post Sandra….Set the ‘Example, if it’s good for You in America, it’s GOOD FOR WE WHO PLAN IT ALSO!!!’

10 months ago

These demoncrats must have to stand in front of a mirror for hours before opening their claptraps to spew their rotting garbage – with straight faces. It’s a land grab just as happened in Hawaii and in no time flat – it’s happening here. Must’ve been some kind of plan, dontcha think? When I think the word ‘demoncrat’ I picture a thousand armed octopus reaching out upsetting, grabbing, destroying, thieving, murdering in all directions, at all times – anyone trying to fight this thousand armed octopus is distracted by yet another crime going on. Now THAT (the octopus) would represent these modern-day demons much more effectively than the jackass.

10 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Good description of these “Money-Hungry Thugs who want to force people to give up Their Property…I say….”YOU FIRST ELITISTS”

10 months ago

Another thought: This thinking/behavior is PROOF that they have no plan to allow elections – which is critical to destroy democracy.

10 months ago

Only question for the group is, when it’s Dimon’s turn in the chipper, head or feet first?

10 months ago

This is Another “Elitist of the WEF ilk, who thinks HE’s entitled to Push hard working people into ‘surrendering their property for the WEF’S plans to use for ‘climate change bs, that now some 16,000 Scientists have ruled to being a “HOAX”….it’s why they changed the name From “Global Warming, when THAT HOAX WAS EXPOSED and now have the Fraud of Millions, John Clod Kerry as the ‘Climate Czar’…..he’s Always been ONLY ABOUT MAKING BILLIONS-MARRYING IT, OR STEALING IT W/HIS DEALS, FOR HIM AND HIS STEP SON, HEINZ AS THEY DID IN UKRAINE W/PERV, HUNTER BIDEN AND DEAR OLD DAD, JOE!

BTW: The Horrendous Fires, etc. in Maui, is Now being said to have been the DELIBERATE actions to “Take over the people’s land/homes…Starts to sound familiar, doesn’t it folks?”

Cary Ke
Cary Ke
10 months ago

Since decision by billionaires have more effect than a decision by a homeless person it only makes sense to seize all their property first. Jamie Dimon know corporations are considered persons so all the corporate property should be seized. Governments represent people so all government should also be seized. After all the property is seized each state should have a lottery among the homeless and the winner gets all the seized property in that state. Imagine being as privileged as Jamie Dimon and still being that detached from humanity.

George H Steele
George H Steele
10 months ago

Let’s agree; take all of Jamie Dimon’s property away, and all properties owned by JP Morgan Chase – especially in Manhattan – and repurpose it for housing illegals and homeless, who can spend the day in hamster wheels generating electricity to supplement the solar and wind electricity generators on Dimon’s former properties. Also, seize any boats so that we can have offshore, floating solar. Once that’s done, then let’s get him in front of a congressional committee to help identify all the large landowners (it makes no sense to confiscate people’s back yards – it needs to be HUGE landholdings for economy’s sake. And JP Morgan’s financial planners can be redirected to calculating the return on investment of all these seizures, so we can see what we got for our money – invested in the troops we had to pay to seize the land and property.

10 months ago

Okay idiot Dimon, let’s start with all ‘your’ property (or should I say the King’s property) and your employees at JP Morgan, and for good measure all of your “friends” property as well. Afterall, it is for the “planet’s” good, right Jaymee???.

10 months ago

Clearly a devotee of Schwab but jas no idea how the so called wind turbines work with thwi skinny blades that would need a hurricane to move them. So much money it has rotted what bgrain he may have had

10 months ago

I don’t about you people on this conversation………but I think the shit is coming…….there is no way to be completely prepared but hopefully all of you are somewhat prepared….extra food..water etc and ammo and something to use that ammo with. I’ve heard crossbows are quite deadly too……

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