“Israel’s borders are NOT protected” – Israeli sounds ALARM over unprotected gaps in country’s borders

In the wake of this new ceasefire with Lebanon an Israeli took to X this morning to sound the alarm over unprotected gaps in his country’s borders that he says endangers communities that live near the border.

Uri Kurlianchik says he’s traveled all over Israel more than 300 times and says he’s seen gaps in the border that he could walk right through undetected, and vice versa.

Kurlianchik said he didn’t want to write this post but feels it is necessary to expose this in hopes that Israel will do a better job of protecting and securing their borders.

Marina Medvin suggests this is very important to read so here’s the post:

I didn’t want to write this post because I felt that writing it would inspire Israel’s enemies but now I feel the damage from not writing is greater than the damage from writing it. This is going to make many people angry. It sure makes me angry.

Israel’s borders are not protected.

I must have gone on at least 300 trips in this little country. I’ve traveled along every border and often shoved my nose where I shouldn’t. I won’t name locations but I’ve seen places where I could walk through the border into an enemy country with no one to challenge me. I’ve walked among tanks and artillery without seeing a single soldier. Once, I saw machine guns just lying on the ground. I could have stolen one if I wanted to.

Even now, there are places where a man can walk right up to the fence with Gaza (a fence you can kick down) without meeting a single IDF soldier. The border with Jordan is a rusty fence that’s already disintegrated in spots. Along the border with Syria I saw an open gate with three fresh recruits making coffee in the bushes nearby. Along the border with Lebanon there were spots where one could walk into the country without even noticing. You always imagine there’s some secret defense you don’t see, some camera, a silent drone, some fancy shmancy tech, but there isn’t. It’s just our imagination refusing to accept a dreary reality.

Israel is amazing at special ops and has possibly the best airforce and elite forces in the world. However, when it comes to routine security, we suck. Maybe we don’t have enough manpower, maybe we just can’t handle routine. I don’t know. The point is that we can’t do passive defense.

If the enemy can reach an Israeli community within a few minutes, sooner or later he’ll do that.

We like to make fun of Arabs for being stupid, for being backward, for being primitive, but they’re none of those things. They’re not inferior, they’re just different. They have eyes and they have brains and they have courage. They just act based on different values. By thinking of ourselves as so much better we’re giving them a huge advantage. We’ve already seen the price of arrogance, twice, but it seems we’ve learned nothing. We still treat them as children throwing a tantrum instead of a fearsome enemy.

People who think the ceasefire will bring any degree of security to the north assume we’re capable of defending our borders from surprise attacks. We are not.

As long as there are enemy villages on the border, a horde of screaming barbarians can spill into any Israeli border town and slaughter dozens of people before they’re stopped. All our awesome planes and tanks and commandos and cosmic Jew magic will do jack shit. The population is poorly armed and can’t defend itself well. The government has seen to it. You don’t enjoy reading it, I don’t enjoy writing it, but we both know it’s the truth.

Tactically, the deal might be good. Politically, it might be good. It can be 4D chess leading to an attack on Iran. It can help with the Gaza war. It’s a humiliation for Hezbollah and the Islamist Republic. All these might be true.

However, as long as the enemy has people along the border, and by “people” I mean human beings, we are not safe.

Ceasefires are nothing more than a chance for the enemy to regroup, resupply and continue to plan more attacks in the future. We’ve seen this over the past two decades with Hamas. Every three of four years they attack Israel and then there’s a ceasefire that ends the hostilities. But only for a time. The greatest example of how deadly these ceasefires can be is October 7th, 2023. Hamas had planned an attack with Iran for over two years and then committed a ruthless and bloody massacre of innocent Israelis that words cannot aptly describe.

Now we find out that Israel’s own borders aren’t any better than our own, with unprotected gaps that terrorists can simply walk through and commit horrific acts of barbarism against more innocent Israelis. Kurlianchik is right that Israel must do a better job with their own borders because they face existential threats on every side.

By Melinda Davies
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