House Oversight Chair Opens Biden Whistleblower Testimony with Promise of Compelling New Evidence

The House Oversight Committee on Wednesday dropped more evidence of Biden corruption in public Congressional testimony.

Chairman Comer’s opening statement follows in full:

“The Bidens created over 20 shell companies, most of which were created when Joe Biden was Vice President. Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and related companies. Much of this money poured in while Joe Biden was Vice President.”

“Despite creating many companies after vice president took office, the Biden family used associates companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies in China, Ukraine, and Romania. After foreign companies sent money to business associates companies, the Biden’s then received incremental payments over time to various different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions were used deliberately to conceal the source of funds and total amounts. No normal business operates like this.”

“What were the Biden’s selling? Nothing but influence and access to the Biden network. This is an influence peddling scheme to enrich the Bidens. We need to know whether Joe Biden is compromised by these schemes and if our national security is threatened.”

“During our investigation, our committee became aware through whistleblower disclosures provided by Senator Chuck Grassley that the FBI had an unclassified record that details an extortion and bribery scheme involving then Vice President Biden and Burisma executive. This record was generated by a trusted confidential human source that the FBI has used for over a decade. It memorializes the sources conversations with the Burisma executive who claimed that he paid Joe Biden $5 million in exchange for certain actions.”

“The Burisma executive told the confidential human source that he didn’t pay the ‘big guy’ directly, but did he use so many bank accounts that it would take 10 years to unravel. Now that sounds an awful lot like how the Biden’s conduct business – using multiple bank accounts to hide the source and total amount of the money.”

“Today we have two brave and credible IRS whistleblowers who have risked their careers to come forward and provide important testimony. Thank you all for being here today. I know it was not an easy decision. Their testimony about the DOJ, FBI and IRS investigation of Hunter Biden confirms the committee’s findings, that there’s nothing normal about the Biden family’s business activity.”

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“The White House and Democrats would have Americans believe that our investigation is based on five years of conspiracy theories. But we have facts, and new evidence continues to be uncovered by committee revealing the First Family’s corruption. The Biden’s have put themselves first, and Americans last. We will continue to follow the money trail and provide the answers transparency and accountability that Americans demand and deserve.”

By Melinda Davies
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1 year ago

Correction: There’s nothing ‘normal’ about the Biden’s. Seems like this family has been corrupt for quite a few decades and nothing’s ever been done about it – even while VP under Obama. Or, perhaps Obama was his tutor.

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