Group offering $1,000 to ask ‘designated’ presidential candidates about Jan 6 prisoners

A group dedicated to empowering disenfranchised voters is offering $1,000 to anyone who asks a “designated” presidential candidate about the Jan. 6th prisoners.

The group, Looking Ahead America, announced the prize challenge, known as the J6 Question Project, in a video published last Wednesday.

Watch courtesy the group’s executive director, Matt Braynard:

“I’m Matt Braynard, executive director of Look Ahead America, and I want to pay you $1,000. Here’s how you can get it. Be the first to submit video to us exclusively of you asking one of our designated presidential candidates the J6 Question,” he said in the video.

What is the J6 Question?

This: “I’m a volunteer for Look Ahead America, and I want to know what you’re going to do for the Jan. 6th political prisoners, especially those who have not been charged with any violent acts.”

However, there are some rules to follow.

“You and the candidate must appear on camera together, and they must hear you clearly. No shouting questions from across the room. And please, do not do anything illegal in pursuit of this question,” according to Braynard.

Also, the question challenge only applies to designated presidential candidates.

“The candidates we’ve designated are Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asa Hutchinson, Mike Pence, Chris Christy, Doug Burgum, and Cornell West,” Braynard explained.

“You can submit these videos exclusively to us at I encourage you to ask this question of all candidates for federal office: House and Senate, incumbents and challengers, Republican, Democrat, third party, or no party. But we’re only going to pay the bounty on questions asked of these designated presidential candidates. If more of them get into the race, we may expand that risk,” he added.

And so the immediate goal is for Americans to ask EVERY political candidate the J6 Question. It’s just that Look Ahead America is only paying for questions to presidential candidates.

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Braynard said that the overarching goal is to inform the public.

“Thanks to the help of our volunteers, we will publicize and share these answers so that voters can make an informed decision about where these candidates for the highest office in the land stand on the most important civil rights issue of our day,” he said.

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His group, Look Ahead American, was specifically launched to offer support to disenfranchised Americans.

“There are millions of rural and blue-collar patriotic Americans who are disaffected and disenfranchised from the nation’s corridors of power. Their fears ignored, their priorities dismissed, their values ridiculed, they’ve become cynical and pessimistic about a government that so often does not hear their voices,” the group’s mission statement reads.

“Our mission is to register, educate, and enfranchise these disaffected citizens and ensure that their voices are not just heard but heeded and that the American Dream becomes their dream again. We will also organize and guide patriotic citizens in lobbying their state legislatures and local governments on America First initiatives like fighting corporate censorship and ensuring voter integrity,” it continues.

Braynard’s latest challenge comes a few months after House Republicans launched an investigation into how the J6 prisoners were being treated behind bars.

“Members of the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to DC Mayor Muriel Bowser on Thursday demanding a catalog of complaints made by Jan. 6 detainees held at the D.C. Central Detention Facility, as well as an explanation of why their trials haven’t started yet,” the New York Post reported on Friday, March 10th.

“The letter — signed by Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and members Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Clay Higgins (R-La.) — also asked for a tour of the facility and access to the Jan. 6 defendants by March 23,” the Post added.

The trio of Republicans reportedly wrote that they were investigating reports that the J6 prisoners had been subjected to “inhumane treatment” and that the authorities were “violating detainees’ constitutional and human rights.”

“Eyewitness accounts of conditions at the DC Jail Facilities — particularly regarding the treatment of January 6 detainees — paint a picture of despair, hopelessness, and a severe abuse of justice,” the letter read.

By Melinda Davies
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